10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong

From wiki:

"Grounds for a marriage being voidable or void ab initio vary in different legal jurisdictions, but are typically limited to fraud, bigamy, and mental incompetence including the following:

1. Either spouse was already married to someone else at the time of the marriage in question;
2. Either spouse was too young to be married, or too young without required court or parental consent. (In some cases, such a marriage is still valid if it continues well beyond the younger spouse's reaching marriageable age.)
3. Either spouse was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the marriage;
4. Either spouse was mentally incompetent at the time of the marriage;
5. If the consent to the marriage was based on fraud or force;
6. Either spouse was physically incapable to be married (typically, chronically unable to have sexual intercourse) at the time of the marriage;
7. The marriage is prohibited by law due to the relationship between the parties. This is the "prohibited degree of consanguinity", or blood relationship between the parties. The most common legal relationship is 2nd cousins; the legality of such relationship between 1st cousins varies around the world.
8. Prisoners sentenced to a term of life imprisonment may not marry.
9. Concealment (e.g. one of the parties concealed a drug addiction, prior criminal record or having a sexually transmitted disease)

The guilty party -- the one with responsibility for having caused the defect in the marriage -- is ordinarily disentitled to request a declaration of nullity. The victimized spouse may ordinarily apply for innocent spouse relief. The fact that a marriage was a nullity ordinarily does not prevent an innocent spouse from collecting the financial benefits of marriage, such as the rights to community property, spousal support, child support, and equitable contribution to attorney fees for litigation expenses."

VOID - do you understand this word? Legally, it means there was NO MARRIAGE in the first place. Sterility is a ground for VOIDING A MARRIAGE, which means THERE IS NO MARRIAGE IF SUCH A CONDITION EXISTS.

You really need to get a clue!

LOL. Stop talking about things you don't have competence on.

Hair color is a function a particular ethnic stock. Now, if you are suggesting that a 'gay gene' occurs within a particular ethnic stock, then your analogy holds. Otherwise, you are merely demonstrating to the rest of us how entirely clueless you are.

A news report? Please!

No. The occurence of your 'gay gene' is statistically insignificant, even if one assumes they are proveable to begin with. Not all people practicing homosexuality necessarily have this alleged gene.

And even if all homosexual phenomena are based on some genetic trait, then by all means - indulge to your heart's content. Just because you particularly enjoy it doesn't mean you may call it something that it isn't.

Really! Talking to you is a tedious chore indeed!

Is it my fault that you find your general ignorance on the matter insulting?

OK, one last time:

5. If the consent to the marriage was based on fraud or force;
6. Either spouse was physically incapable to be married (typically, chronically unable to have sexual intercourse) at the time of the marriage;

Unable to have sexual intercourse is not the same as unable to conceive children.

Hair color is a function a particular ethnic stock. Now, if you are suggesting that a 'gay gene' occurs within a particular ethnic stock, then your analogy holds. Otherwise, you are merely demonstrating to the rest of us how entirely clueless you are.

Hair color is not uniformly distributed. The gay gene, if that is what causes some to be born gay, does not occur within a particular ethnic stock. The point of "normal distribution" is irrelevant and immaterial.
A news report? Please!

Silly me. It is much more logical to pull ideas out of your head, or some other body part than to read the news.

You really need to get a clue!
Really! Talking to you is a tedious chore indeed!
Is it my fault that you find your general ignorance on the matter insulting?

Check and mate. Sorry, Numi. Let's try again another time, maybe on a subject in which there is reason and logic on both sides.
A will is open to contest in all marriages. You should know better.

Of course it's open to contest - but that is not the point. The point is - the legal union of marriage strengthens the case for non-blood relations in upholding a will. Look at the Anna Nicole Smith crap - if she hadn't been married, I strongly suspect the will would have been broken.

In real life - that happens quite often in hostile family situations (which is not that uncommon when a member is gay).

Not so. It is a NECESSARY purpose such that the marriage is voidable on this ground ALONE.

Of the nine reasons listed for a case of anulment, six of them have nothing to do with reproduction. It is a purpose, maybe even a very important purpose, but to claim it is a necessary purpose means that one would have to take a critical look at all marriages where that is clearly not possible and question why they were allowed to proceed.

Irrelevant. Adoption exists to uphold the RIGHTS OF A CHILD, not the right of an individual to marry. Citing adoption to validate same-sex marriage therefore, is a clear non-sequitur.

It's not irrelevant. Adoption means that a couple can have children who otherwise might not. In addition a couple can bring children in from a previous marriage. I'm not citing it to "validate" - I'm citing it to point out that children can and do occur in same sex unions and that lack of children alone is not sufficient reason to invalidate those unions.

Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
I disagree. The state confers special rights and privledges to heterosexual individuals desiring to marry the consenting partner of their choice through the institution of marriage that it will not grant to homosexual individuals.

The state, nor its various appendages cannot confer rights that are not present in the human condition to begin with. Civil rights are those rights that you RETAIN from the state of nature (or from your absolute liberty) as a consequence of living in civil society.

Am I misusing the term "rights" then? The state DOES gives special legal privledges and perogatives to married heterosexual couples related to property and rights towards each other. In effect the state makes marriage equal to blood in the eyes of the law. Whether the state confers them or whether they are existant by other means makes no difference in practice - they are absent or weakened without the states blessing. A homosexual couple has no more "rights" then two roommates no matter how enduring or committed the relationship and regardless of whatever legal contracts may have been drawn up. In the practice - those contracts are weaker then a marriage contract when up against legitimate blood relations. Maybe the term that is more accurate would be it's a Human Rights issue, or maybe it's both.

Human Rights, according to Wikipedia:

Human rights refers to "the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled"[1] Examples of rights and freedoms which are often thought of as human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law; and social, cultural and economic rights, including the right to participate in culture, the right to work, and the right to education.

Civili Rights, according to Wikipedia:

Civil rights are distinguished from "human rights" or "natural rights". Civil rights are rights that are bestowed by nations on those within their territorial boundaries, while natural or human rights are rights that many scholars claim that individuals have by nature of being born. For example, the philosopher John Locke (1632–1704) argued that the natural rights of life, liberty and property should be converted into civil rights and protected by the sovereign state as an aspect of the social contract. Others have argued that people acquire rights as an inalienable gift from a deity (such as God) or at a time of nature before governments were formed.

So, this problem is about getting a good lawyer, not about inventing a law based on an invented right.

Not at all. Law can only work with what it has: written law and the power of pecedence. Both grant greater strength to bonds of blood and legally recognized marriage. There is no "invented right" involved.

Correct. That is why I was asking for the purpose of same-sex marriage to society. If it is about an agreement between consenting adults, then there is no need to make a law out of it. Surely, such an agreement is binding between the parties involved. If such an agreement involves another person not party to the agreement, then the state needs to intervene.

The purpose: marriage is regarded as a stabilizing institution in society. It sets legal rights for both partners that can be upheld in a court of law against outside challanges. It allows partners to care for each other in times of illness, to be regarded as a family - which means legally recognized ability to share benefits of insurance, pensions, etc. - all of which could be regarded as stabilizing as otherwise those burdens might fall on the state to assume of one partner is incapacited. That may not be as strong a purpose as given for heterosexual marriage but it is strong enough not to deny it for homosexuals.

Of course that happens in marriage and a law that legalizes same-sex marriage wouldn't change this fact.

Challanges by blood relations do happen in marriage but they have less legal strength and frequently can not overturn the will then they can if there is no legally recognized bond such as marriage or say, civil unions.

I've mentioned that before: the equal rights to pensions, health insurance, inheritance, hospital visitation rights as immediate family. Those benefits are denied to an entire segment of people without marriage or something equivelent.

Why do you argue adoption in relation to the prospective parents but NEVER about the child???

A couple 'wishing' to adopt a child DOES NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO IT.


Because WE ARE NOT ARGUING ADOPTION here. If you want to argue adoption rights - I agree with you. It's in the best interest of the child and those rights include stability which marriage is thought to confer.

Stability for whom?

Certainly NOT for the adopted child. That is a determination for the state to make and on the basis of EACH individual child in question.

Again - WE ARE NOT ARGUING ADOPTION here. You picked out that single point out of all the others.

If you want stability for the homo-sexual couple, then there are a lot of psychiatrists out there.

Non sequitor. This has nothing to do with - as one debator put it - "helping them feel good about themselves". It has everything to do with an equal degree of legal protections and rights that are provided to a heterosexual married couple whether or NOT they procreate.

Stability is in terms of society as a whole. Married couples are typically more able to invest in society, have stable incomes, are less likely to be promiscuous and/or spread sexual diseases or produce unwanted children.

The only things assumed in the marital institution are the right to motherhood, the rights of children and family relations.

Not in the eyes of the law in practice. The right to motherhood can exist without marriage as can the rights of children and family relations. Indeed, they do.


If it does not - prove it. What harm does it do?

You can recognize the limitations of conjugal union by the number of parties, the degrees of consanguinity, the age of the intending parties, the species of the intending parties, the disclosure of pre-existing personal conditions, etc. etc.

Why the hell can't you recognize its limitation according to GENDER, hmmm?

Using that same logic, I could likewise argue why the hell can't you recognize it's limitations according to RACE?
the legal union of marriage strengthens the case for non-blood relations in upholding a will. Look at the Anna Nicole Smith crap - if she hadn't been married, I strongly suspect the will would have been broken.

??? The will gave her nothing and her marriage, as of yet, hasnt gotten her anything. She didnt try to uphold the will, she wanted the will to be ignored.
Using that same logic, I could likewise argue why the hell can't you recognize it's limitations according to RACE?

A heterosexual couple, bumping uglies together has the potential to create their child, regardless of their race. A homosexual couple of any race doing so never will
??? The will gave her nothing and her marriage, as of yet, hasnt gotten her anything. She didnt try to uphold the will, she wanted the will to be ignored.

Oops, you're right, I had it backwards. However, the case went as far as the Supreme Court who unanimously decided in favor of her right to pursue her share of the estate in federal court. Had she not been married I doubt they would have ruled so.
OK, one last time:

Unable to have sexual intercourse is not the same as unable to conceive children.

Your desperation is becoming quite obvious.

Sex, like everything else about conjugal love, IS BOTH UNITIVE AND PRO-CREATIVE. A conjugal love that does not have either of this aspect is DEFECTIVE.

Take note that FAMILY RELATIONS arise from the marital institution through the sex act. It would be the height of dishonesty to construe that particular condition wiki mentioned as something relating to SEXUAL PLEASURE ALONE.

Hair color is not uniformly distributed. The gay gene, if that is what causes some to be born gay, does not occur within a particular ethnic stock. The point of "normal distribution" is irrelevant and immaterial.
'Uniformly distributed' and 'normally distributed' isn't the same thing, now, is it? LMAO.

Within a normally distributed population -- the ETHNIC CHINESE POPULATION -- the probability of the occurence of different hair color is a STATISTICAL FUNCTION of STANDARD DEVIATION - hence predictable.

As for the 'gay gene', it is your contention that it occurs within the HUMAN POPULATION - hence should similarly be predictable within that population.


Silly me. It is much more logical to pull ideas out of your head, or some other body part than to read the news.

True, if you consider the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as 'ideas out of my head'.

Unfortunately, it isn't. It is an affirmation by HUMANKIND on behalf of HUMANKIND.

Check and mate. Sorry, Numi. Let's try again another time, maybe on a subject in which there is reason and logic on both sides.

It is astounding that someone as ignorant as you could be so presumptous.
In real life - that happens quite often in hostile family situations (which is not that uncommon when a member is gay).

No. A will is contestable only when there is a question of mental competence or coerscion. It has nothing to do with marriage.

Of the nine reasons listed for a case of anulment, six of them have nothing to do with reproduction. It is a purpose, maybe even a very important purpose, but to claim it is a necessary purpose means that one would have to take a critical look at all marriages where that is clearly not possible and question why they were allowed to proceed.

That is exactly what it means. A single condition can nullify marriage because all conditions are NECESSARY conditions.

There is no need to re-examine each and every marriage since that would be an unforgiveable breach of privacy. In the absence of any complaint, the marriage is assumed valid. That's how it works.

It's not irrelevant. Adoption means that a couple can have children who otherwise might not.

I'm not saying its impossible. Tarzan himself was adopted by apes. The point is that family relations cannot come from the union. It is contingent on the state, the determination of which has nothing to do with homosexual unions.

In addition a couple can bring children in from a previous marriage. I'm not citing it to "validate" - I'm citing it to point out that children can and do occur in same sex unions and that lack of children alone is not sufficient reason to invalidate those unions.

They do not OCCUR within the union, rather the child was BROUGHT IN the union. Big difference.

Notice that the inheritance of a spouse obtained after marriage isn't part of the conjugal property?

Originally Posted by Coyote View Post
I disagree. The state confers special rights and privledges to heterosexual individuals desiring to marry the consenting partner of their choice through the institution of marriage that it will not grant to homosexual individuals.

Am I misusing the term "rights" then? The state DOES gives special legal privledges and perogatives to married heterosexual couples related to property and rights....

The privileges are there as a consequence of the right to motherhood, the rights of children and family relations.

These rights do not exist in a same-sex union, hence no privileges are necessary.

Human Rights, according to Wikipedia:
Civili Rights, according to Wikipedia:

Civil rights are distinguished from "human rights" or "natural rights". Civil rights are rights that are bestowed by nations on those within their territorial boundaries, .....

From the second treatise of civil government by john locke

"If man in the state of nature be so free, if he be absolute lord of his own person and possessions, equal to the greatest, and subject to nobody, why will he part with this freedom, why will he give up his empire and subject himself to the dominion and control of any other power?...Though in the state of nature he hath such a right, yet the enjoyment of it is very uncertain and constantly exposed to the invasion of others; for all being kings as much as he, every man his equal, and the greater part no strict observers of equity and justice, the enjoyment of the property he has in this state is very unsafe, very unsecure. This makes him willing to quit a condition which, however free, is full of fears and continual dangers; and it is not without reason that he seeks out and is willing to join in society with others who are already united, or have a mind to unite, for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties and estates, which I call by the general name "property".

The great and chief end, therefore, of men's uniting into commonwealth and putting themselves under government is the PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY...."

The great political theories volume 1, chp 12 pp 380-381

Not at all. Law can only work with what it has: written law and the power of pecedence. Both grant greater strength to bonds of blood and legally recognized marriage. There is no "invented right" involved.

I'm sorry but the power of government merely arises from the consent of its citizens. All agreements, including marriage, therefore, arise from consent. An EXPLICIT CONSENT manifested in any legal undertaking is what's required, NOT marriage.

The purpose: marriage is regarded as a stabilizing institution in society.

No. The natural family stabilizes society since it is the fundamental group unit of society. Any attempt to undermine the natural family merely serves to disrupt the social order.

It sets legal rights for both partners that can be upheld in a court of law against outside challanges.

Any consent that is freely given can be upheld in a court of law.

It allows partners to care for each other in times of illness, to be regarded as a family - which means legally recognized ability to share benefits of insurance, pensions, etc. -

Consent given to another over one's personal affairs may be as limited or encompassing as the intending parties wish it to be. Again, no marriage required, as long as they are your own personal affairs.

all of which could be regarded as stabilizing as otherwise those burdens might fall on the state to assume of one partner is incapacited.

In the presence of a valid agreement, no burden of assumption need fall on the state.

That may not be as strong a purpose as given for heterosexual marriage but it is strong enough not to deny it for homosexuals.

And so, any undertaking performed by any homosexual couple can be as binding as they wish it to be. Even marital rights are already being limited through pre-nuptial agreements. There is no reason why such a thing cannot be done in this case.

Challanges by blood relations do happen in marriage but they have less legal strength and frequently can not overturn the will then they can if there is no legally recognized bond such as marriage or say, civil unions.

Overturning a will happens on the grounds of mental incompetence or coersion - REGARDLESS OF MARRIAGE.

I've mentioned that before: the equal rights to pensions, health insurance, inheritance, hospital visitation rights as immediate family. Those benefits are denied to an entire segment of people without marriage or something equivelent.

But thse are privileges that follow from the right to motherhood, the rights of a child and family relations - ALL OF WHICH ARE NOT PRESENT IN HOMOSEXUAL UNIONS!

Because WE ARE NOT ARGUING ADOPTION here. If you want to argue adoption rights - I agree with you. It's in the best interest of the child and those rights include stability which marriage is thought to confer.

Again - WE ARE NOT ARGUING ADOPTION here. You picked out that single point out of all the others.

A couple who needs the financial perks of marriage isn't really a financially stable environment, now, is it? Conversely, a couple wishing to adopt should necessarily demonstrate financial stability, which makes the perks irrelevant.

So, which is it?

Non sequitor. This has nothing to do with - as one debator put it - "helping them feel good about themselves". It has everything to do with an equal degree of legal protections and rights that are provided to a heterosexual married couple whether or NOT they procreate.

And such a legal protection can come from ANY legal undertaking, NOT NECESSARILY MARRIAGE. Marriage is special since it involves the right to motherhood, the rights of a child and family relations.

Stability is in terms of society as a whole. Married couples are typically more able to invest in society, have stable incomes, are less likely to be promiscuous and/or spread sexual diseases or produce unwanted children.

Are you talking of consumption patterns? Surely a family of three would spend less than three homosexuals combined. A family of three would earn less than three homosexuals combined. And fidelity has nothing to do with the legal aspects of marriage.

Not in the eyes of the law in practice. The right to motherhood can exist without marriage as can the rights of children and family relations. Indeed, they do.

Of course not. The 'perks' of marriage come from these rights.

If it does not - prove it. What harm does it do?

You do not see medical harm in the homosexual practice itself?

Or you find it coincidental that aids vector within the homosexual lifestyle?

Or you think that undermining the purpose of the marital institution is particularly good for society?

Using that same logic, I could likewise argue why the hell can't you recognize it's limitations according to RACE?

Because there isn't any logical limitation according to race. Such a limitation assumes superiority/inferiority among races -- an assertion that has no logical nor scientific basis.
Marriage does not provide these rights - they exist as a necessary part of the human condition.

Everything I said is based on the universal declaration of human rights and the rights of children. The operation of these rights can also be seen in marital laws and the whole marital institution.

Marriage is a neccessary part of the human condition??? Since when? I'm pretty sure we could all live wholesome lives without it.

Just because marriage is currently a part of the law doesn't mean it always has to be and that the law is always correct.
We seem to be evolving towards a sexuality that more closely resembles that of bonobo chimps than humans. I dont think government has any business in hastening that process.
We seem to be evolving towards a sexuality that more closely resembles that of bonobo chimps than humans. I dont think government has any business in hastening that process.

We share 99% of the same genetic material with bonobo chimps. Indeed..research suggests that after the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees diverged into two distinct lineages, inter-lineage sex was still sufficiently common that it produced fertile hybrids for around 1.2 million years after the initial split. In addition it is considered possible that humans and chimps could interbreed despite the difference of one chromosome (such interbreedings with fertile results have occurred in other species albeit rare).

Bonobo chimps differ radically from other chimp species in that they do not conduct war, have very little intraspecies fighting and are very promiscuous, using sex to diffuse tensions and solidify friendships.

Now...when you think about it....is that such a bad thing?
Your statement is also a fallacy. Only a very small segment of the population is truely homosexual - as opposed to bisexual. Government recognition of such unions is not going to change biology. Period.
A couple who needs the financial perks of marriage isn't really a financially stable environment, now, is it? Conversely, a couple wishing to adopt should necessarily demonstrate financial stability, which makes the perks irrelevant.

So, which is it?

The reality of life in this country, in this day and age is that it frequently takes two or more incomes to provide financial stability. That fact that it does does not mean that the environment "really a financially stable environment" - it just means that the requirements for stability are a little more strenuous. Or are you saying in general poor people shouldn't adopt? :confused:

You do not see medical harm in the homosexual practice itself?

Or you find it coincidental that aids vector within the homosexual lifestyle?

Or you think that undermining the purpose of the marital institution is particularly good for society?

There is a difference between the "gay life style" and being homosexual. One is a choice of a particular life style associated with a particular group of gays and - more then that - associated with the era of "free love", swingers, and casual sex that spanned both homosexual and heterosexual cultures. Today - STD's and AIDS are affecting both homosexual and heterosexual people with and with two points in common: unprotected high risk sex (shock - it's not limited to homos!) and IV drug use.

Now you seem to be implying that all homosexuals are members of that lifestyle. If that logic were followed, all heterosexuals must be as well. But guess what - they aren't. And neither are all or even most homosexuals. That lifestyle is diminishing in the advent of disease for both homo and hetero. As people mature they are more interested in long term commitments and fidelity - the kind of commitments enshrined in marriage.

So...which is it: homosexuality? (which then begs the question about why heteros get it) or a lifestyle? And there is one thing that potentially changes that kind of lifestyle for the better: marriage.

By the way - as a point of interest, AIDS did not even originate in the homosexual population. It originated in Africa, from a chimpanzee virus that jumped to humans. It affected heterosexuals and homosexuals. It spread faster among homosexuals because of the type of sex which allows easier entry for the virus.

Also: how does gay marriage or a civil union undermine marriage? So far, you have only given reasons not to have it based on no demonstratable public good. What verifiable harm would it do?

Because there isn't any logical limitation according to race. Such a limitation assumes superiority/inferiority among races -- an assertion that has no logical nor scientific basis.

Agreed. But I see no logical limitation to same sex unions. So you don't call them marriage. Call them something else such as other societies have done. Judaic scripture, for instance, indicates that same-sex marriages were recognized in ancient Egypt. Of course, it's no secret that the ancient Greeks and Romans recognized homosexual marriage, not to mention imperial China and some Native American tribes and a host of other peoples living around the world. Many of those unions had different aspects to them then what we define today as marriage but they all had one thing in common: a legal recognition of same sex partners in some sort of enduring bond. It didn't damage traditional marriage, or society. The fact that it existed and endured in a variety of human cultures says something about it.
Marriage is a neccessary part of the human condition??? Since when? I'm pretty sure we could all live wholesome lives without it.

Just because marriage is currently a part of the law doesn't mean it always has to be and that the law is always correct.

The RIGHTS that marriage is based on is a necessary part of the human condition.

Sorry if that wasn't quite clear.