10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong

Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

This is america!People should be able to marry whoever they want.Gay marriage should not even be something we have to on.People are so judgemental and closed minded.

I agree

my big argument is for polygamy. I think it should be legal and its not even something that anyone is fighting for. everyone is fighting for homosexual rights to marry and no one cares about polygamists who are as human as anyone and want to be able to live thier traditions.

you fight for homosexual rights, and i will fight for polygamist rights :)
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

One reason why gay marriage is unamerican

Because there is a large constitency of vicous people why follow the teachings of a nasty book with talking snakes in it who seek to impose their ludicrous views on evevryone else.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

who seek to impose their ludicrous views on evevryone else.
Finally, some self examination on your part. Look out Dawkins, there's a vicous Christian coming to a town near you, assuming that pictures of towns have made it to your cave. Now go be nice to your goat, and PLEASE avoid snakes.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

Hmm, now let me see.

You believe in talking snakes and oceans that part on demand and people coming back to life days after dying and you are accusing me of living in a cave.

Tee hee.

Why don't you make Lord of the Rings your new bible?

It is more believable
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

You believe in talking snakes and oceans that part on demand and people coming back to life days after dying and you are accusing me of living in a cave.

Prove that anything I have ever posted indicates that I believe that. Dawkins, do you know the definition of liar?
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

The lasty time you asked me too I did and then you just carried on as though nothing had happened.

But I am pleased to hear that you don't believe the bible
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

Cool. I think I'll marry my female cat, who in cat years is older than I am, and therefore will allow me to qualify for the 0ver 65 exemption on my property taxes.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

The lasty time you asked me too I did and then you just carried on as though nothing had happened.

Missed it. Please copy my post where I said I believed in talking snakes and the red sea being parted.

God didn't put the Bible together. That was Constantine, and his butt buddies. I KNOW I told you that, but I guess you chose to pretend nothing happend. You do have comprehension issues don't you? Did you have a favorite simian ancestor named "Special Ed" that you are trying to emulate?

Hint for life non ancient one: Try to learn concept and quit taking parables so literally. You must be strong and flexible or the laws of evolution may wipe you out.

Were you spanked with a Bible on the ass as a child? Hang on child, the offenders must be approaching "ancientdom" and may soon go by way of the dinosaurs.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

I agree

my big argument is for polygamy. I think it should be legal and its not even something that anyone is fighting for. everyone is fighting for homosexual rights to marry and no one cares about polygamists who are as human as anyone and want to be able to live thier traditions.

you fight for homosexual rights, and i will fight for polygamist rights :)

Good point! And I'll fight for 40 yr. old mothers who have the hots for there 18 yr. old sons and have marriage in mind. And, all you grandpas!! Don't waste time indoctrinating those granddaughters of yours,,,the skys the limit in this 'anything goes' society.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

Good point! And I'll fight for 40 yr. old mothers who have the hots for there 18 yr. old sons and have marriage in mind. And, all you grandpas!! Don't waste time indoctrinating those granddaughters of yours,,,the skys the limit in this 'anything goes' society.

Very true Rhodri,

there are many more issues out there. My sister needs health care and I can give it to her through my work if we were married.

my grandmother does not want to leave us money to be taxed, if we were married then the money is not taxed when it transfers.

anyone or anything should just be able to marry any one or anything in groups or in singles at any time in any place and for any reason.

this should make the act useless enough that no one wants to do it, I think the main point for those trying to change it.
This list is quite stupid!!


Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

6. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

Well, that was rather a silly list...

1. When people say "unnatural," they mean "contrary to the natural law," not "not occurring in nature." Plenty of things occur in nature than none of us would imagine to be good, right, or in accordance with the essence of a thing -- imagine a baby born without an arm.

2. Sexual behavior is (obviously) a behavior, i.e., subject to personal choice, unlike height. And that which is chosen is always a legitimate field for moral and philosophical inquiry.

3. We do not ask animals for their consent before we trim their excess wool or kill and eat them or test hygiene products on them. If marriage has nothing to do with procreation, what legitimate reason is there even to limit it to human beings?

4. The fact that divorce has been an absolute catastrophe for the American family suggests we ought to be careful about upsetting existing social arrangements in the interest of "fairness" or whatever the argument for "gay marriage" is.

5. That's not what people mean when they say "gay marriage" is a injurious to the institution of marriage.

6. Marriage is ontologically heterosexual because the essence of the male-female conjugal union is fertile, not because individual couples happen to be fertile.

7. I don't entirely comprehend the argument here, as it corresponds to no argument I've ever heard against gay marriage.

8. Morality is the basis from which our rights derive. To suppose you can have a "right" without having anything like an obligation or duty (a moral concept) is madness. It is simply an arbitrary value preference, in that case.

9. There are an abundance of studies demonstrating the disadvantages to which children raised in single-family homes are subjected.

10. All of these things were profoundly disruptive to the social order and we have yet to adapt to many of them. At any rate, "gay marriage" is hardly a natural and inevitable occurrence but a deliberate moral, social, and policy choice, and thus hardly comparable to industrialization or lifespan changes.

As I said, rather a silly list. It's telling that the people on this forum evidently took it seriously.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

Well, that was rather a silly list...

1. When people say "unnatural," they mean "contrary to the natural law," not "not occurring in nature." Plenty of things occur in nature than none of us would imagine to be good, right, or in accordance with the essence of a thing -- imagine a baby born without an arm.

2. Sexual behavior is (obviously) a behavior, i.e., subject to personal choice, unlike height. And that which is chosen is always a legitimate field for moral and philosophical inquiry.

3. We do not ask animals for their consent before we trim their excess wool or kill and eat them or test hygiene products on them. If marriage has nothing to do with procreation, what legitimate reason is there even to limit it to human beings?

4. The fact that divorce has been an absolute catastrophe for the American family suggests we ought to be careful about upsetting existing social arrangements in the interest of "fairness" or whatever the argument for "gay marriage" is.

5. That's not what people mean when they say "gay marriage" is a injurious to the institution of marriage.

6. Marriage is ontologically heterosexual because the essence of the male-female conjugal union is fertile, not because individual couples happen to be fertile.

7. I don't entirely comprehend the argument here, as it corresponds to no argument I've ever heard against gay marriage.

8. Morality is the basis from which our rights derive. To suppose you can have a "right" without having anything like an obligation or duty (a moral concept) is madness. It is simply an arbitrary value preference, in that case.

9. There are an abundance of studies demonstrating the disadvantages to which children raised in single-family homes are subjected.

10. All of these things were profoundly disruptive to the social order and we have yet to adapt to many of them. At any rate, "gay marriage" is hardly a natural and inevitable occurrence but a deliberate moral, social, and policy choice, and thus hardly comparable to industrialization or lifespan changes.

As I said, rather a silly list. It's telling that the people on this forum evidently took it seriously.

1) gay = armless baby... Ok got it. :rolleyes:

2) No not obviously you wanker. Why on earth would someone choose to be gay with all of the bigotry and hate crimes directed toward them? There is not benefit thus no reason to choose it.

3) Why on earth would an animal need a legal contract? I don't believe they need to file joint tax returns or visit their loved one in a hospital. Your strawman is absurd.

4) Really? How does this even follow logically? What do the divorce rates of heterosexual marriages have to do homosexual marriage?

5) You missed his point entirely.

6) Yet another excuse for bigotry.

7) Actually quite common when they are talking about gay couples adopting. The religious nuts are afraid they might "gayify" them.

8) Actually no morality and rights have nothing to do with each other. You have the right to free speech but free speech can be used in a way that is immoral.

9) Really? Single family? Best move in with the neighbors.

10) You missed the point again.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

1) gay = armless baby... Ok got it.

Both are naturally-occurring defects that are contrary to human nature.

2) No not obviously you wanker. Why on earth would someone choose to be gay with all of the bigotry and hate crimes directed toward them? There is not benefit thus no reason to choose it.

It is not a question of whether or not one chooses to "be" gay. Sexuality is a question of behavior, not ontology. One may not have control over one's impulses but one does have control over one's behavior.

3) Why on earth would an animal need a legal contract? I don't believe they need to file joint tax returns or visit their loved one in a hospital. Your strawman is absurd.

The argument from the OP is that the idea of people marrying animals is absurd because animals cannot sign contracts. If you agree that such reasoning is absurd, you would do well to take it up with the OP.

I am asserting that the argument is absurd because the coupling of a human being and an animal would be contrary to natural law. To argue that it bestiality is wrong because animals can't sign contracts is, in fact, very flimsy reasoning intended to hide the fact that bestiality is the logical conclusion of an understanding of "marriage" unmoored from teleological considerations about human nature.

4) Really? How does this even follow logically? What do the divorce rates of heterosexual marriages have to do homosexual marriage?

The argument from the OP, again, was that marriage has changed to accommodate divorce, and that marriage can and should therefore also change to accommodate homosexuality.

My argument is that divorce has had catastrophic results for the integrity of the family.

Therefore, we should exercise caution about upsetting the marital institution further, given our poor experiences with doing so in the past.

5) You missed his point entirely.

Kindly clarify, then.

6) Yet another excuse for bigotry.

(a) That is an assertion, not an argument.

(b) I will thank you for not making insinuations about my character in the future. My position proceeds from a carefully-reasoned reading of classical and scholastic philosophy. As a fledgling Catholic, I do, wish, and think no one any harm.

(c) You clearly are not familiar the classical essentialist/scholasticist basis for morality. A good place to begin rectifying your ignorance might be the first half of Edward Feser's "Classical Natural Law Theory, Property Rights, and Taxation," which is available for download in HTML format here. For a fuller treatment, Feser's "The Last Superstition" is also quite good, and written for a modern educated lay audience.

7) Actually quite common when they are talking about gay couples adopting. The religious nuts are afraid they might "gayify" them.

I am not familiar with the argument. To my mind, the chief consideration in adoption law is the well-being of the child. There is nothing like a "right" to adoption, much less one to which one is entitled by virtue of legal marriage.

8) Actually no morality and rights have nothing to do with each other. You have the right to free speech but free speech can be used in a way that is immoral.

Free speech is a civil right, not a natural one.

Actually it would perhaps be more appropriate to say that free speech as understood in the West today is a civil right, rather than a natural one. One is entitled to some reasonable degree of free speech merely by virtue of human nature.

But as I'm sure most leftists would agree, you never have a moral right to speak ill of anyone, including hate speech or incitements to violence.

9) Really? Single family? Best move in with the neighbors.

My apologies; I clearly meant single-parent homes.

10) You missed the point again.

That is an assertion, not an argument. If I missed the point, please clarify it for me.