Why dont they just drop the Euro and go back to their original currencies?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Like Germans should go back to the Marks,,Spain back to the Peso,, Euro is making things worse for the world. They problem with the euro is because Europeans arent really united. If they wanted to unite europe they should have one leader rule europe instead a european union. You see differant countries have differant policys and differant ways of spending. Its got to work on the same rules and same policy or its not going to work. So my Suggestion is go back to their original curancy and the economy might improve. And use oil prices on American dollar or the British Pound and youll see the economy improve.
It would be great for the Germans, since they seem to be the only responsible adults in the whole of europe, but the European countries run by irresponsible children (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) would begin inflating their currency to cope with their massive, and still growing, debt problems. Greece would look like Zimbabwe, having to print 100 Trillion dollar bills because their currency is worthless.

Greece is a mess. People there have been having a run on the banks and stocking up on necessities in anticipation of tomorrow's election. Some people are even working without pay. The bailouts have done nothing to change their situation...just kicking the can down the road is all it's accomplished, like we will have here if we don't change our ways, and soon.
Greece needs to be part of Russia. Invade them just like the Soviets used to do. Like Poland was part of Russia at one time and all those Ukraine countries were part of Russia.
Like Germans should go back to the Marks,,Spain back to the Peso,, Euro is making things worse for the world. They problem with the euro is because Europeans arent really united. If they wanted to unite europe they should have one leader rule europe instead a european union. You see differant countries have differant policys and differant ways of spending. Its got to work on the same rules and same policy or its not going to work. So my Suggestion is go back to their original curancy and the economy might improve. And use oil prices on American dollar or the British Pound and youll see the economy improve.
It is possible after the election, Greece might be forced to go back to its original currency the drachmar. However this will not mean it will pay its debts. The new currency will be of a lower value. I do not think this would be good for the high value countries like Germany and France. They would suffer great loses in reverting back to their original currency. Also the main purpose of the EU was to stop the constant wars in Europe involving Germany and France. It has deliver 60 years of peace and a breakup of the EU could cause more wars
It is possible after the election, Greece might be forced to go back to its original currency the drachmar. However this will not mean it will pay its debts. The new currency will be of a lower value. I do not think this would be good for the high value countries like Germany and France. They would suffer great loses in reverting back to their original currency. Also the main purpose of the EU was to stop the constant wars in Europe involving Germany and France. It has deliver 60 years of peace and a breakup of the EU could cause more wars

SO LEARN TO DEFEND YOURSELF!!! France cant fight back its been proven ever since WWII America bails them out. French used to fight very well during those middle ages. Now the Modern day war they cant fight back defend their country. I say TOUGH!! If the French gets occupied then were not gonna bail them out,,Ether live with the Germans or fight them,,Just like we Americans fought the brits off our own land.
It is possible after the election, Greece might be forced to go back to its original currency the drachmar. However this will not mean it will pay its debts. The new currency will be of a lower value. I do not think this would be good for the high value countries like Germany and France. They would suffer great loses in reverting back to their original currency. Also the main purpose of the EU was to stop the constant wars in Europe involving Germany and France. It has deliver 60 years of peace and a breakup of the EU could cause more wars

It was exclusively an economic decision. the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts much like the US benefits being a union of the states.
The euro is only about 10-15 years old. Wasn't the reason it was set up for more stable exchange rates between the countries.

That's like California and New York both using the dollar. It would be hard if we had to use a different currency in every state. I still don't understand the problem with the euro. If California goes bankrupt, why should that affect the economy of New York? Sounds like a management problem, and not a common currency problem.
The euro is only about 10-15 years old. Wasn't the reason it was set up for more stable exchange rates between the countries.

That's like California and New York both using the dollar. It would be hard if we had to use a different currency in every state. I still don't understand the problem with the euro. If California goes bankrupt, why should that affect the economy of New York? Sounds like a management problem, and not a common currency problem.

well the EZ is not exactly the EU, EU is older as stated and intended to make trade easier. its mild success emboldened them to shoot for the common currency and formulas for maintaining it we'll call the EZ. a single presence europe eases trade withing the states and even more internationally. of course they've said from the start that is can never last given the shenanigans all countries like to play. that prophesy seems to be coming true.

a management problem is essentially the case. the central authority hasn't the power to manage the players and the players are loth to surrender that. the corrupt won't easily give up their stock in trade.

I'm guessing they'll try jettisoning a few states (Greece of course) but when Italy is the next one to go that probably kills the eurozone. I think thats going to happen in under a year. possibly much sooner.
Pro-bailout party wins Greek election

The pro-bailout New Democracy party came in first Sunday in Greece's national election, and its leader has proposed forming a pro-euro coalition government.

"The Greek people voted today to stay on the European course and remain in the euro zone... there will be no more adventures, Greece's place in Europe will not be put in doubt," New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras said.
If Obama uses our tax dollars to bail them out,,Mitt Romney will make a negitive commerical ad on Obamas bailout history and then it will hurt his re-election chances.
That's silly question. Nothing wrong with Euro. Problem is Greece's nerver ending budget deficit and it's incompetent governors. The system is working in the rest of Europe with minor problems.
The Euro is a big problem. Ever heard the old saying if it aint broke you dont fix it. So why did they switch to the euro in first place? There was nothing wrong with the old original currency. Its the U.S Dollar that needs fixing. The US Dollar was very strong when Reagan was in office. It was weak when Jimmy Carter was in office and Reagan fixed it.