The Bush-"Legacy"

I was confused, the title was "The Lord giveth" so I assumed obama was giving her something.

I'd say she probably deserved consideration for Secretary Of Veterans Affairs....even though she's only a woman. That seems more-appropriate that a Bush-style CEO-Chickenhawk, that's been the case (the last-eight-years), regarding Cabinet-appointments. :rolleyes:

"You got a lot o' 'splainin' to do, Lil' Dumbya!"


"President-elect Obama can make a difference on Day One in the way his administration relates to the public,” explained the Archive’s general counsel Meredith Fuchs. Secrecy got out of control in the last eight years, but a few focused directives will go a long way towards reopening the government.”

I'd say she probably deserved consideration for Secretary Of Veterans Affairs....even though she's only a woman. That seems more-appropriate that a Bush-style CEO-Chickenhawk, that's been the case (the last-eight-years), regarding Cabinet-appointments. :rolleyes:

Why are you politicizing this?
Yeah, of course.

I lobbied for Conservativetoo to not be banned even though I loathe everything he/she stands for.

I try to help people whose minds have been polluted by religion to come to the truth.

I want left of centre governments so that the poor don't get shat on so much by the rich.

I want equality so that if you are gay you can marry, if you are black you can vote.

I want stem cell research so that the sick can be made better.

I want education instead of superstition.

I want the very best for my fellow man and I want the world's resources distributed fairly.

Does that answer your question?

This is a joke...right?

1) you "lobbied" for someone on this meaningless chat site, for all of 1 minute.

2) you put down other's beliefs. (because you know best right?)

3) exactly what have you DONE to make this come about? (you do realize that typing worthless thoughts on a chat board doesn't constitute anything don't you?)

4) listing what you "want" is worthless daydreams. Actions are the only thing that counts. I could list at least 100 things for this world that I "want", it wouldn't change anything. It's WORTHLESS and a waste of time.

Are you young sweetie? Let me know and I will stop being so tough on you okay?
"As a transition team for the Obama administration begins work on a Justice Department overhaul, the key question is where to begin.

Political considerations affected every crevice of the department during the Bush years, from the summer intern hiring program to the dispensing of legal advice about detainee interrogations, according to reports by the inspector general and testimony from bipartisan former DOJ officials at congressional hearings.

"The infusion of politics into the Justice Department and an abdication of responsibility by its leaders have dealt a severe blow," Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.), the panel's ranking Republican, wrote in an opinion piece last month. "Great damage has been done to the credibility and effectiveness of the Justice Department."

Many of the OLC's memos on interrogation and warrantless eavesdropping remain secret, even though lawmakers have clamored for their release. Democrats say they expect to find fresh surprises when they open the legal vault."
"See Dick shred.

Shred, Dick, SHRED!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Newbrough, who is partially blind and suffers from memory loss and confusion, refinanced her 4-acre property two years ago in response to a letter from a mortgage sales agent. She didn't understand how her adjustable rate loan worked and over two years her loan payments spiraled from $1,600 a month to more than $4,000 a month, well beyond the reach of her annual fixed income.

“Mom always cared for other people's kids and stray animals – including wild mustangs and a thoroughbred racehorse that was going to be euthanized,” Maxwell said. “She has scratched and tried to survive since Dad died (of health complications following the 2003 Cedar fire)."

Somebody needs to remind this woman that deregulation is a good-thing!! Maybe that'll pick-up her spirits! :rolleyes:
Yeah, of course.

I lobbied for Conservativetoo to not be banned even though I loathe everything he/she stands for.

I try to help people whose minds have been polluted by religion to come to the truth.

I want left of centre governments so that the poor don't get shat on so much by the rich.

I want equality so that if you are gay you can marry, if you are black you can vote.

I want stem cell research so that the sick can be made better.

I want education instead of superstition.

I want the very best for my fellow man and I want the world's resources distributed fairly.

Does that answer your question?
Dawkinsrocks, the language chosen for most of your statements in that post assumes a superior and infallible position. I'm sorry but we're all wrong about things more often than we'd like to admit. I can't blame you for wanting Utopia but I can assure you that you won't get it. The Bolsheviks fanned the fires of revolution with the same basic rhetorical concepts and, well... look what it ultimately got them. History is replete with The Rise and Fall of The Other Side and it's just never been pretty. We have usually done best by maintaining equilibrium but the Peak Oil scenario will wipe all the previous models aside.
Bush was undoubtedly the worst president in the history of the republic, except, of course for all of the other presidents.

Farewell to George W. Bush. The. Worst. President. In. Modern. History.

Except for Nixon. That glowering paranoid freak sucker-punched the economy with his absurd price controls, secretly bombed Cambodia and led a gang of burgling henchmen who would later fill the federal prisons.

And Johnson. The most divisive event in modern American politics, it may surprise you to learn, is not the premature draping of a "Mission Accomplished" banner on an aircraft carrier or the decision to wiretap members of Al Qaeda's Friends and Family plan. It was the Vietnam War. It was a little matter of 60,000 fine Americans - many of them draftees, not volunteers - sent off to die for an irrelevant sliver of jungle on the shady pretext of a trumped-up, possibly fictitious attack in the Tonkin Gulf.

If you've read my posts at all, you won't mistake me for a Bush supporter, however: We tend to ascribe to the office of president powers that it does not have.

Our expectations for the president go way beyond any actual Constitutional power that the chief executive actually has. The expectations for the current president elect is a good example. Obama is neither going to destroy nor save the country single handedly, yet his detractors think he is going to do the latter, while his supporters expect the former. Both will be disappointed.

But, Bush does have an important legacy. His failed foreign policy in particular did have the unexpected effect of defeating McCain and electing our first black president.

Therefore, his legacy is, ironically, a step forward in race relations.
As's time to clean-up, after another Bush Admin. :rolleyes:

"US economic, military and political dominance is likely to decline over the next two decades, according to a new US intelligence report on global trends.

The National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicts China, India and Russia will increasingly challenge US influence.

It also says the dollar will no longer be the world's major currency, and food and water shortages will fuel conflict."
Yes, Bush achieved quite a lot when he inherited one of the strongest economies in the world didn't he.

Here is the Bush way off making a small fortune.

Start with a large fortune
As's time to clean-up, after another Bush Admin. :rolleyes:

BEEN there!!!

Your link is not all bad news:

But al-Qaeda could decay "sooner than people think", it adds, citing the group's growing unpopularity in the Muslim world.

"The prospect that al-Qaeda will be among the small number of groups able to transcend the generational timeline is not high, given its harsh ideology, unachievable strategic objectives and inability to become a mass movement," it says.

And, it comes with a disclaimer:

And, our correspondent adds, it is worth noting that US intelligence has been wrong before.

so it has.
The Bush Presiduncy; Same As It Ever Was.....

"As the United States writhes in a collapsing economy, analysts and observers are wondering: Who's skippering the ship?

President Bush has been noticeably absent from the machinations aimed at righting the nation's financial course. Analysts and key players differ over whether President-elect Barack Obama should get his economic team in place and take charge, or sit back and await his turn at the helm.

"Somebody has to speak up soon," said CNN senior political analyst David Gergen, explaining that he understands why Americans are growing anxious and yearning for direction and leadership."

How 'bout a show-of-hands, for duct-taping Lil' Dumbya to a pallet-full o' Jim Beam and doin' an air-drop at The Crawford Hog Farm??!!!!