Tax the Rich!


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
Somewhere Nice
June 2, 2011
Americans Divided on Taxing the Rich to Redistribute Wealth
Public is split over enacting heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth
by Lydia Saad
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans break into two roughly evenly matched camps on the question of whether the government should enact heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth in the U.S. Forty-seven percent believe the government should redistribute wealth in this way, while 49% disagree, similar to views Gallup found four years ago.

71% of Dems are Marxists!!! We must call them what they really are.

The Liberal elite have done a good job of brainwashing millions. Why are they unable to think for themselves? Why do they always accept the lies promoted by the Left?
The tax the rich mantra of democrats is a call for state-sponsored theft. It's based on the envy of losers. Besides being that, it's counterproductive for the people who demand it: the same people who are smart enough to accumulate it are the same ones who use their money to create jobs for the losers. The basic notion of leftwingers in calling for "redistribution" seems to be that there is a fixed amount of wealth, that somehow through some misfunctioning of the economy some ended up with more than others, and that government should therefore "redistribute" it. By implementing such a scheme, they lower the incentive of the most productive to create more wealth for everyone. To the degree that they "redistribute" (the extreme variant is socialism) they drag everyone down.

The worse aspect of leftwing economics isn't that it is immoral and panders to the worst attitudes in people, it's that it's just plain stupid.
I agree! I like to see a new Rich tax. Called Entertainers tax. It means, Movie Stars,comedians,pro athletes, Network News achormen and reporters all pay 15% entertainers tax. Entertainers tax is added on your federal Income tax bracket. So right now rich only pays 35% add 15% more means half your money goes to the IRS. And move to a State with no state income tax or youll be soaked!
Gipper nailed it perfectly. How do I know that? Because the resident leftists are dazed and confused.

The rich are already paying the vast majority of income taxes in this country. The top 50% of wage earners pay over 96% of the income taxes.

How much more do you leftists want? We all get that you promote and nurture class warfare, and you believe in making as many people as possible dependent on government handouts to survive.

It's a vicious and immoral way to control the population. Suck the life and hope and incentive out of those people who are looking for a hand UP, by giving these people a handOUT instead.
I agree! I like to see a new Rich tax. Called Entertainers tax. It means, Movie Stars,comedians,pro athletes, Network News achormen and reporters all pay 15% entertainers tax. Entertainers tax is added on your federal Income tax bracket. So right now rich only pays 35% add 15% more means half your money goes to the IRS. And move to a State with no state income tax or youll be soaked!

Steve...the "rich" do not pay 35%. They pay more. Look at it this way.

At current rates, the "rich" only have to pay 35% right? Wrong.

They pay:
35% - federal income tax
8% (roughly, with variations) - Social Security/Medicare tax
5% (I am being generous) - State tax

Of course there are loads of other taxes, property taxes etc that eat into it even more.

Imagine a couple who makes $250,000 a year. They are the "rich", apparently.

That couple is going to pay 48% (being generous again) in taxes, leaving them with roughly $125,000 before any bills are accounted for.

Excluding all property taxes etc, that leaves a couple (in reality a family of four probably) with basically $10,000 a month to cover everything...the mortgage, car note, food, clothes, kid schools, etc.

Let us face it, $125,000 does not go very far, and certainly does not make a person "rich."
Notice how there is not ANY incentive to be successful and make over $250,000 a year?

The more successful a person is, the more the unsuccessful leftists want to take from that person.
The wealthy in our society are denigrated by the Left every day and the President is an expert at it. The Left has worked for decades to punish the productive, while making the poor who suck on the government teat, virtuous.

But, this is the game plan followed by all socialists since Karl Marx polluted the world. They hope that once they have broken the populations desire to succeed we will accept Communism. Much of the population is ready now.

The economy continues to flounder due to the ignorance of those in charge. BO actually thinks government jobs makes the world go round. Anyone with a functioning brain, who studied the Great Depression, knows this won't work. He was taught this by socialist/Marxist professors and all his mentors. So, his continued class warfare polices will continue to hurt ALL Americans.
None of that is based in reality. Simply repeating it like a bedtime story doesn't make it true.

The fact is that an unfettered free market, Bush tax cuts, and unfunded wars got us to this point. Not Keynesian policies. My statements are based on observed reality. Please follow my lead.
None of that is based in reality. Simply repeating it like a bedtime story doesn't make it true.

The fact is that an unfettered free market, Bush tax cuts, and unfunded wars got us to this point. Not Keynesian policies. My statements are based on observed reality. Please follow my lead.

"Observed reality". That's a new one. YOUR "reality" is the only "reality". Click your heels together and maybe you'll get back to Kansas, Dorothy.

Follow your lead over the cliff? No thanks. You just keep doing what you're doing. Keep believing in Obama and your paper money. You'll be in the soup line and the homeless shelter in no time.