New species found in 2023

Evolutionary science has myriads of unsolvable problems, proving it is as far from being settled science as the east is far from the west. One major dilemma the evolutionists struggle with is what has been called "The Species Problem." Wikipedia once had a listing under the title "The Species Problem" but now the closest listed title is "The Species Concept." Changing the title did not make the problems go away.

Species concept - Wikipedia
Species concept

The problem is still identified and discussed elsewhere, however.

Species Problem | Encyclopedia MDPI
Species Problem
2.2. Nominalism

Some philosophical variants of nominalism propose that species are just names that people have assigned to groups of creatures but where the lines between species get drawn does not reflect any fundamental underlying biological cut-off point. In this view, the kinds of things that people have given names to, do not reflect any underlying reality. It then follows that species do not exist outside the mind, because species are just named abstractions. If species are not real, then it would not be sensible to talk about "the origin of a species" or the "evolution of a species". As recently at least as the 1950s, some authors adopted this view and wrote of species as not being real.[38][39]

The Bible differentiates between types of animals by designating them different "kinds." Evolutionists struggle with trying to come up with some sort of logical classifications that support evolutionist theories of the origin of species.

Species concept

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A species concept is a framework for differentiating different species. There are at least 26 recognized species concepts, and difficulty in reconciling these various definitions is collectively called the species problem.[1] A species concept that works well for sexually reproducing organisms such as birds may be useless for species that reproduce asexually, such as bacteria. The scientific study of the species problem has been called microtaxonomy.[2]

Evolutionary science has myriads of unsolvable problems, proving it is as far from being settled science as the east is far from the west.
Total nonsense, of course. The fundamental Theory of Evolution is an accepted fact. All that is left now is to hash out the details.
Total nonsense, of course. The fundamental Theory of Evolution is an accepted fact. All that is left now is to hash out the details.
Foolish evolution speculations are accepted as fact by the ignorant and deluded, but true scientists admit evolution is not proven fact but is in reality a popularly accepted theory.
Foolish evolution speculations are accepted as fact by the ignorant and deluded, but true scientists admit evolution is not proven fact but is in reality a popularly accepted theory.
Not so. Scientists accept it as fact. From 6th grade science to any university course.
Plenty of educated people who accept evolution as fact believe in god.

It seems odd to me that you are implying that your god isn't powerful enough to have performed evolution.
God can do whatever is right but he just did not create the human race through half-human/half-ape blacks in Africa.