Mortal Sin

Gnostic Christian Bishop, Thanks for you information and video. You seen to have a variety of beliefs. They are not unique. The Catholic Church always had mystics mainly in the eastern section. But even in the west we have had mystics like Francis of Assisi WE have always been called to be Sons of God. Not as Jesus who was biological Son of God but to follow Him. AS our Catechism says Jesus helps me to live as a son of God.
The quotes you gave are used often . Mathew 6:22 is translated by us as "The lamp of the body is the eye. If the eye I sound.und they whole body will b full of light"
John 14 :23 and Romans 8:29is the same translation. My notes say the glorification here spoken is that of grace. So we have the power to become sons of God.

When the Church was first formed kings and queen held earthly power .So the church modelled itself as a spiritual monarchy. Later churches you mention were found in democracies. So are model on this.

The Catholic Church changed some concepts of monarchy in Vatican 11 council. The priest now faces the people and uses their language. It may move to make the priest the centre of the people as in the early church not apart at the altar. This is done in some churches.

So most of the concepts and doctrines you follow are part of the Catholic Church.
Gnostic Christian Bishop, Thanks for you information and video. You seen to have a variety of beliefs. They are not unique. The Catholic Church always had mystics mainly in the eastern section. But even in the west we have had mystics like Francis of Assisi WE have always been called to be Sons of God. Not as Jesus who was biological Son of God but to follow Him. AS our Catechism says Jesus helps me to live as a son of God.
The quotes you gave are used often . Mathew 6:22 is translated by us as "The lamp of the body is the eye. If the eye I sound.und they whole body will b full of light"
John 14 :23 and Romans 8:29is the same translation. My notes say the glorification here spoken is that of grace. So we have the power to become sons of God.

When the Church was first formed kings and queen held earthly power .So the church modelled itself as a spiritual monarchy. Later churches you mention were found in democracies. So are model on this.

The Catholic Church changed some concepts of monarchy in Vatican 11 council. The priest now faces the people and uses their language. It may move to make the priest the centre of the people as in the early church not apart at the altar. This is done in some churches.

So most of the concepts and doctrines you follow are part of the Catholic Church.

More like the Catholic church follows Gnostic Christian doctrines and concepts.

You say that Jesus was a biological son of God. God does not have a biology but if I followed your views, what this woman says at about the 19 min. mark of her talk must be the way you see Jesus. Right?

Gnostic Christian Bishop Whether Catholics follow gnostic or not is not important. These subjects had been part of Christian debate for centuries.
Perhaps the world Biological is not the correct word to describe the relationship between God the father and Jesus. But it is a different and higher relationship than that between humans and God . Yet it aims for us to become Sons of God.

Early paintings of Jesus in the middle ages show him to be feminine. Jesus as God has no colour or gender. He includes the best of all . Therefore there is no problem of seeing God as female. The male dominance in such passages of the Bible just reflex the times they were written. No one is superior.
Gnostic Christian Bishop Whether Catholics follow gnostic or not is not important.

I hope you are kidding because if early Christians would have followed our more moral thinking, they would not have decimated us and burned most f our scriptures.

Murder is important.

Yet it aims for us to become Sons of God.

Indeed. And as sons of God, we are to do as Jesus did and put ourselves above him by becoming our own judges of ourselves and mankind.

Jesus retired God and so should we if we are to follow Jesus' lead.

Most paintings of Jesus do not show an effeminate Jesus although some do. If the church wanted us to think of his as feminine, they would not be calling him the son.

If you are interested in ancient art and give it respect, check our Michelangelo's creation painting at the Vatican and note what and where he has God placed.

You will see God in the right hemisphere of the brain, which of course represents the feminine side of our natures.

The churches preaches that God is in heaven while ignoring that older and wiser traditions that they plagiarized show him in man, which is the Gnostic Christian view.

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

As you can see from that quote, if we see God's kingdom all around us and inside of us, we cannot think that the world is anything but evolving perfection. Most just don't see it and live in poverty. Let me try to make you see the world the way I do.

Here is a mind exercise. Tell me what you see when you look around. The best that can possibly be or an ugly and imperfect world?


"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

That means that we live in the best of all possible worlds, given all the conditions at hand. That is an irrefutable statement.

P1030888.webp Gnostic Christian Bishop, Some of the Gnostic writings were well known in the first few centuries of the Christian era. They were quoted by many early Church Fathers.
The church in the 4th century decided they would not be in the cannon of the Bible, They were not condemned . So it is not surprising some of their ideas were in the early Church writings.
The concept of being sons of God was always part of church teaching. The idea that God can be within you is common in the Bible. No where is the location of heaven given.
What sort of world we live in is up to you, For most it is a wonderful world.
Painting of Christ s a women was common in the Middle ages. This is because according to Greek philosopher the best in humans is in a woman.
Attached is a painting of Jesus as a women
Gnostic Christian Bishop, Some of the Gnostic writings were well known in the first few centuries of the Christian era. They were quoted by many early Church Fathers.

True. Before Gnostic Christians were branded as heretics.

The church in the 4th century decided they would not be in the cannon of the Bible, They were not condemned . So it is not surprising some of their ideas were in the early Church writings.

If not condemned then they would not have burned most of them while murdering us. Christianity I agree, plagiarised some of our superior writings, as they did with most of what the bible ended up being. It is a consolidation of many older traditions.

The concept of being sons of God was always part of church teaching. The idea that God can be within you is common in the Bible. No where is the location of heaven given.

Heaven was always above and separate from the earth and having been raised Catholic, I can tell you that the notion of us being sons of God was never spoken about. We were to idolize God just like all Christians are taught to do and not idolize any God as Jesus taught. The Lord prayer refutes what you put.

What sort of world we live in is up to you,

In one sense, yes, but in reality no.

If this is the sort of world you have created, if it is really up to you, then smarten up.

Painting of Christ s a women was common in the Middle ages. This is because according to Greek philosopher the best in humans is in a woman.

I do not agree although, in terms of leadership, women of today may make better leaders than men.

Art wise, I recognize that Jesus went from clean shaven and effeminate, and even female depiction, and evolved over time to the rugged and manly bearded man that most recognize today.

I am just now posting a new O.P. that refutes the Greek notion you speak of, while I recognize that most of the old Gods were though of as androgynous. That was before Christians became idol worshipers.

Please opine on it.

Gnostic Christian Bishop. It is true that over time Jesus went from Clean Shaven and effeminate Michangelo stated painting Jesus in more realistic terms as a male
Gnostic wrings were not burnt in great number otherwise you could find them now. The Catholic Church borrow some ideas from them
Gnostic Christian Bishop. It is true that over time Jesus went from Clean Shaven and effeminate Michangelo stated painting Jesus in more realistic terms as a male
Gnostic wrings were not burnt in great number otherwise you could find them now. The Catholic Church borrow some ideas from them

Perhaps most of them, if my view that we were first called Chrestians is true.

Did you mean the reverse of this statement? It would make sense if you did.

"Gnostic wrings were not burnt in great number otherwise you could find them now."

Gnostic Christian Bishop it is true the Gnostic texts were lost and have since been recovered. So the reverse is true but this collection of Gnostic writings do not contain all the gnostic texts. I am having trouble seeing some of your videos in my country.
Gnostic Christian Bishop it is true the Gnostic texts were lost and have since been recovered. So the reverse is true but this collection of Gnostic writings do not contain all the gnostic texts. I am having trouble seeing some of your videos in my country.

Thanks for this.

Perhaps if you search by title you will have a better chance to view that link.
Try ---- Excavating The Empty Tomb - Part 15D

Gnostic Christian Video. I have seen your video Excavating the Empty Tomb. It does not convince me that was a conspiracy to supress the truth. In any case most of the evidence you rely on comes from the Catholic Church.
Gnostic Christian Video. I have seen your video Excavating the Empty Tomb. It does not convince me that was a conspiracy to supress the truth. In any case most of the evidence you rely on comes from the Catholic Church.

Records altered by the Church, yes.

Their lies are there for all to see.

Gnostic Bishop I do not deny that some books were changed when the translations were made. Also that there were several sects of followers of Christ. But this does not mean there was a conspiracy to promote one sect over another.
Gnostic Christian Bishop I have seen your video "the Jesus Myth" While it traces the history of the Roman Catholic Church ,it doses not show how the Gnostic Religion is the true religion. The Catholic Church existed for200 year and although it made some mistakes it is the only continuous presentation of what we call Christianity . The gnostic writing recently re discover do not show a continuing revelation. THEY CAN ONLY BE EXAMINE IN RELATION TO CATHOLIC WRITINGS. If Jesus was a myth this dose not explain the numerous eye witness accounts. Or why this religion gain so many followers in the first 300 years despite being persecuted.