I hope Mr Obama can play chess


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
It takes brains to play this game. I dont think Mr Obama can beat me in a game of chess. Cause one mistake i could say Checkmate!
It takes brains to play this game. I dont think Mr Obama can beat me in a game of chess. Cause one mistake i could say Checkmate!

First, as an English teacher used to tell us: "Don't admit it."

So, what advantages do you believe you hold in chess? What is your rating?
Class C Im not a pro ok. I dont belive Obama is that smart to play that game. He might be smart enough to play basketball aand Golf. But her cant play chess. Good Politicans play chess like Truman,Eisenhower,JFK and Nixon. Obama claims he play chess i like to challege him.
Maybe you are right at some point but I think, Obama can still beat you if you will have a one on one chess game. Even me can do that to you.