I have the answer to the student loan problem

Wrong. What the Dominion machines did not use in Antrim County was machine adjudication, meaning once the machines sent a ballot to adjudication the ballot was adjudicated by a poll worker, likely a Democrat, to adjudicate and the poll worker could change the intent of the voter or not, depending on the expertise and bias of the worker. Dominion machines did not automatically adjudicate ballots and that is why Democrats claimed the machine adjudication was not used in Antrim County.

This is from the report:

We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no ov transparency, and ersight, no no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not havbeen certified.
His conclusions were wrong lol
Here are more details from the Antrim County report that have never been reasonably refuted:

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's statement ember 6, 2020 that "[t]the on Nov correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape . . . ." was false. 6.

The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity. 7. The results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable. This is a result of machine and/or software error, not human error. 8.

The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020consists of 1 5,676 indiv ents, of which 1 0,667 or idual ev 68.05% of the ev ents were recorded errors. These errors resulted in ov erall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication. This high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws. 9.

These errors occurred after The Antrim County Clerk prov isioned ided a re-prov CF card with uploaded software for the Central Lake Precinct on November 6, 2020. This means the statement by Secretary Benson was false. The Dominion Voting System produced systemic errors and high error rates both prior to the update and after the update; meaning the update (or lack of update) is not the cause of errors. 2 Document ID: 0.7.6142.22598-000001 1 0. 11. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. 1 5. In Central Lake Township there were 1 ,222 ballots reversed out of 1 ,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81 .96% rejection rate. All rev are to ersed ballots sent adjudication for a decision by election personnel.

It is critical to understand that the Dominion system classifies ballots into two categories, 1 ) normal ballots and 2) adjudicated ballots. Ballots sent to adjudication can be altered by administrators, and adjudication files can be moved between different Results Tally and Reporting (RTR) terminals with no audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicates (i.e. votes) the ballot batch. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity because it prov ides no meaningful observ ation of the adjudication process or audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicated the ballots.
From the debunked report lol
A person would have to be pretty dim to claim that non-citizens did not vote in 2020. Additionally, there is evidence that thousands of illegals illegally voted in 2020 and Democrats cannot prove the numbers of illegal voters was small. Did Democrat judges also laugh out of court evidence of illegal aliens voting?
No doubt a tiny number did no one disputes that moron

Yes everyone laughed your claims out of court you lost them all
That's nothing?
An attempted coup to destroy democracy and install a dictator is nothing?
You're a patriot but disregard That as a blip in history simply because it was done by a republican. what a squalid hypocrite you are.
I hope you read the thread I started. I know you did but have no guts to object.
I'm right again.
What does an attempted coup look like in the real world?




A person would have to be pretty dim to claim that non-citizens did not vote in 2020. Additionally, there is evidence that thousands of illegals illegally voted in 2020 and Democrats cannot prove the numbers of illegal voters was small.
How about you prove it was big.
Did Democrat judges also laugh out of court evidence of illegal aliens voting?
No because it wasn't presented as evidence. That's the whole thing. You've provided nothing proveable. V
You know it was but a coveri.g for an incompetent idiot you voted for.
He is being prosecuted for it and of course the DOJ are all corrupt. Same old Shit belching from a moronic godbotherer.
"it seems". Not a reliable source but is always relied upon by a liar.
I take it you disapprove of protecting each vote using securities like photo IDs? Do Democrats not care if their votes are voided by illegitimate votes cast by Republican crooks? They must not be worried since Democrats are the ones who do not believe in voter fraud and if anyone is likely to commit voter fraud it is a Democrat heathen rather than a Republican Christian.
Read what the article you quoted.
How do you know they weren't registered?
That aside, Joe won the country and you have to get more toilet paper.
The problem is that leftist officials are unjustly registering illegals to vote in many states and many illegals who are registered to vote do vote. Finding out who voted illegally and how many hundreds or thousands voted illegally is a herculean task.
Who reported it?
The GOP auditors? Or some other right wing nutter like you.
Someone who took the time to research the facts posted the numbers while hundreds of slobs who did not take the time to study anything denied the facts as if they spent hundreds of hours of research themselves debunking the report.
Of course they supported it and fox never got fined for spreading BS about voting machines either.
You were sucked in by the lies and now reality and guilt is eating your guts out.
Dominion cannot refute the damning facts about their machines but they sure can take someone to court over discrepancies posted in tweets.
You never quoted your source.
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
You'll learn if you stay here boy.
Here is the report you disagree with but cannot refute:

Under subpoena, the DMV finally provided a list of green card holders and non citizens who had obtained driver’s licenses. When we compared this detailed information against the county voter records in Nevada, we discovered that 6,260 non citizens were registered to vote and 3,987 non-citizens HAD VOTED.

Notice that patriotic Americans had to get a court order to force Democrats to release info for investigating voter fraud. Democrats do not investigate voter fraud and they will fight like hell against anyone else seeking to look into evidence of voting fraud.
Here is the report you disagree with but cannot refute:

Under subpoena, the DMV finally provided a list of green card holders and non citizens who had obtained driver’s licenses. When we compared this detailed information against the county voter records in Nevada, we discovered that 6,260 non citizens were registered to vote and 3,987 non-citizens HAD VOTED.

Notice that patriotic Americans had to get a court order to force Democrats to release info for investigating voter fraud. Democrats do not investigate voter fraud and they will fight like hell against anyone else seeking to look into evidence of voting fraud.
If they weren't registered how did they know they were illegal? Did someone ask them before they voted?
Dominion cannot refute the damning facts about their machines but they sure can take someone to court over discrepancies posted in tweets.
What damning claims were proven to be correct?
The discrepancies post were blatant lies and proven to be so And known that at the time.
You're beaten boy.