Capitalist Pig

I feel I must warn you Gipper.... I'm pretty awesome :P

Is there a "terms of service" or something like that anywhere that I could read? The one when I signed up basically just absolved the forum of any responsibility for anything that anybody says. Does that mean that anything goes? Will I be banned for saying that it should be US policy to shoot terrorists on the battlefield, not capture them? I just gotta be sure, because I received an "infraction" earlier today over at the "political asylum" and when they wouldn't back down from it, I left. They felt that I was inciting violence.......... against terrorists.......... *sigh*
I feel I must warn you Gipper.... I'm pretty awesome :P


Oh I am sure you are. With that screen name, we expect "much" from you.

My wife claimed I was awesome...once...:)

I aim to please.... unless of course you are a socialist, then I aim to reduce you to a furious blubbering mass of inarticulate hatred mindlessly chanting your talking points in your tear stained underwear.

Either way, should be fun.
its not often a new poster can make me think so low of them so fast.

If the only way that I could make you think highly of me is to be apologetic for my beliefs, then sorry, your just gonna have to find a way to deal with not getting that from me. No doubt your own political views are all encompassing, and not in any way disdainful of ideologies with which you do not agree. :rolleyes:
Hiya people.


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As the resident Laissez Faire Capitalist, I welcome you abord.