Another War!

george washington and thomas jefferson would LOOOOOVE to go to war for israel.

i think thats why we started the revolutionary war.
george washington and thomas jefferson would LOOOOOVE to go to war for israel.

i think thats why we started the revolutionary war.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would never have imagined the world we live in today.

Some of the founders ideas (such as the Bill of Rights) are good things, however the idea that we can live in a global economy and world such as we do and not have alliances overseas is ridiculous.
Iran has the right to a peaceful nuclear energy program under the NPT. However, multiple facilities that have come to light recently have no purpose outside of a military program, which would be banned under the NPT, and other UNSC Resolutions.

Additionally, there are numerous UNSC Resolutions that express call for the halt of uranium enrichment, so even enrichment for a peaceful program would be in violation of international law at this point.

One bomb will of course hardly "kill everyone."

However, a nuclear Iran will set off a wave of proliferation throughout the Middle East, resulting in much more fissile material in the region that some rouge group might get their hands on. Additionally, to be frank, I would be more concerned about a Saudi nuclear weapon than an Iranian nuclear weapon, and rest assured, once Iran goes nuclear, Saudi Arabia will not be far behind.

Then why has the US not pushed Israel? Most seem pretty sure Israel has its own nukes..? Why not send in the UN to check them out ? or maybe we don't want to know what we know....
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would never have imagined the world we live in today.

Some of the founders ideas (such as the Bill of Rights) are good things, however the idea that we can live in a global economy and world such as we do and not have alliances overseas is ridiculous.

Washinton would have said, thats the middle easts issue and walked away.

Jefferson would play sides,

funny how often the founding Fathers get linked to some broad based if they all shared the same ideas....always
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would never have imagined the world we live in today.

Some of the founders ideas (such as the Bill of Rights) are good things, however the idea that we can live in a global economy and world such as we do and not have alliances overseas is ridiculous.

are you a freemason? you are refering to internationalism..
Well dear pockets you finally got something right. The radical left does hate Israel. I hope you are not an anti-Semite too.

I am all for helping Israel, but I think they can defend themselves just fine. They have proved that several times now.

more right wing bull that if you don;t like Israel is has anything do do with Jews.
Then why has the US not pushed Israel? Most seem pretty sure Israel has its own nukes..? Why not send in the UN to check them out ? or maybe we don't want to know what we know....

Israel is not a signatory of the NPT, nor are there any UNSC Resolutions calling for any halt to enrichment.
Iran is a very unstable nation. Much of the population want the Mullahs out. We could have in the good old days, covertly ousted their government. But, after years of liberalism which has destroyed the CIA, it will be more difficult.

However, I think it can still be accomplished without invading them. Secondly, there is no way America invades Iran.

No matter who is president.
Much of the population want the Mullahs out. the majority of the country are loyal to the tenets of Islam and the theocratic basis of the country the issues at the moment are the Middle Classes that are begining to question the style and method of the Supreme Leader and his President. The recent demonstrations in Qom saw for the first time the "common" people join with the Middle Classes questioning Khamenei's leadership style which does not in itself mean to much but should cause Khamenei to stop and think about his agenda, but he won't.....

However, I think it can still be accomplished without invading them. Secondly, there is no way America invades Iran.

No matter who is president.

You mean regime change?
I just do not see how we can truly prevent an Iranian nuclear program short of full invasion.

Agreed because you cannot get rid of those with the knowledge......

They suggested that the nuclear sites of Iran should be bombed. One of the political figures of the world said that Iran's knowledge cannot be bombed. I do not want to mention his name here. Of course everybody knows him, and his statement was broadcast in the world. He was right. For all his lies, he was right this time. Even if they bomb Natanz and Isfahan's Uranium Conversion Facility, how do they want to bomb our knowledge? As you see, knowledge brings about immunity and power. Take care not to let them cause disruptions in your universities, classrooms, research centers, and research projects. Whenever you see someone causing disruptions, you should be suspicious of him or her. They have targeted your power and your future.

Supreme Leader’s Speech to Elites
28/10/2009 the majority of the country are loyal to the tenets of Islam and the theocratic basis of the country the issues at the moment are the Middle Classes that are begining to question the style and method of the Supreme Leader and his President. The recent demonstrations in Qom saw for the first time the "common" people join with the Middle Classes questioning Khamenei's leadership style which does not in itself mean to much but should cause Khamenei to stop and think about his agenda, but he won't.....

You mean regime change?

Okay Scotty, please define the word "much?" It does not mean majority now does it?

And, yes regime change works.
In itself its not going to bring down Khamenei or his President as they wield supreme authority backed up of course through either the revolutionary Guard or the Basij!

Regime change will be interesting but will not come through threatening Iran or its leadership I think one needs to be a bit more nuanced in that endevour
I think a cold war between Israel and Iran is already a fact today. The bickering and arguing between the two countries has been going on for years. Iran has already several times declared war on Israel by supplying terrorist groups with weapons and money to attack Israel. And not to mention the attacks Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has continued to point against Israel. If the Israeli government decided to go to an official war with Iran, I'd understand them. The Iranian president has declared that he wishes Israel wiped off the map, this is an indirect declaration of war, and nothing else. He knows how to provoke, and we all know that Israel will not be passive and do nothing. Israelis know that if they're supposed to survive in the Middle East, being passive is the last solution to their problems. Which I am sure the population of Sderot and Ashkelon will testify.
I think a cold war between Israel and Iran is already a fact today. The bickering and arguing between the two countries has been going on for years. Iran has already several times declared war on Israel by supplying terrorist groups with weapons and money to attack Israel. And not to mention the attacks Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has continued to point against Israel. If the Israeli government decided to go to an official war with Iran, I'd understand them. The Iranian president has declared that he wishes Israel wiped off the map, this is an indirect declaration of war, and nothing else. He knows how to provoke, and we all know that Israel will not be passive and do nothing. Israelis know that if they're supposed to survive in the Middle East, being passive is the last solution to their problems. Which I am sure the population of Sderot and Ashkelon will testify.

Israel will attack Iran. They have no choice. It is now just a matter of when. And, will BO support them, stay neutral, or try to prevent them?

Many ME nations would like to see Israel attack Iran. They do not want those kooks in Tehran blackmailing them.

If something is not done soon, much of the ME will go nuclear and the consequences of that are anyone's guess.