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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2012
So, is Obama leaking top security secrets in Israel too?

Obama 'Using Israeli Paper to Foil Iran Strike'

Makor Rishon: IDF identifies U.S. "preventive action" against Israeli attack in collusion with Israeli pundits.

The United States is colluding with a top Israeli newspaper to stymie Israel's efforts to strike Iran's nuclear weapons program, and the IDF knows it, according to a leading nationalist pundit.
Writing in Friday's edition of Makor Rishon, one of the Israel's veteran journalists, Amnon Lord, paints a picture of intense U.S. meddling in internal Israeli political and security-oriented processes in an effort to prevent a successful Israeli strike on the weapon program meant to make it extinct.
Our little dictator wants to rule the world. its the chicago wsy.

He pays lip service to Israel, about how they have the right to defend themselves, then stabs them in the back. He is transparent, but not in the way he thinks he is. Anyone with half a brain can see right through him.
All we have to do is enforce sharia law here and offer our women's labium and clitorises to their Prophet. I think Obama's wife and Nancy Pelosi should be the first to willingly be circumcised.
He pays lip service to Israel, about how they have the right to defend themselves, then stabs them in the back. He is transparent, but not in the way he thinks he is. Anyone with half a brain can see right through him.
He is more like Mussolini with his corporate fascism. We should show respect and call him Il Duce.. El Dumbo with ears.
Our little dictator wants to rule the world. its the chicago wsy.
If the liberals really believe in appeasing the Prophet then their women should run out right now and get their circumcisions. That right get your labium and clitorises cut off so you will not enjoy when we rape you. Oh by the way most muslim men prefer anal so you may still enjoy that. It is ok to sodomize your dead Ambassador when it is done in the Prophets name. No it is not gay. It is not necrophilic. It is why we did our jelqing exercises. There is nothing wrong with the prophet having a 6 year old wife. Their is nothing wrong with a man teaching his 5 year old son to stretch his penis.
Drunkenprophet. I do not believe in appeasement. The law should be used angainst botyh the film maker and the violent protestors. In Australia seven arrests have been made. I am sure the Libyan government will also enforce the law. There is no evidence of sodomizing of the dead Ambassador. The other claims in the film are untrue.
Drunkenprophet. I do not believe in appeasement. The law should be used angainst botyh the film maker and the violent protestors. In Australia seven arrests have been made. I am sure the Libyan government will also enforce the law. There is no evidence of sodomizing of the dead Ambassador. The other claims in the film are untrue.

There are hundreds of films on youtube that don't hold Islam is esteem. We happen to live in a free country with freedom of speech, which includes the stupid. The Islamists don't need this film as an excuse to kill westerners.
Drunkenprophet. I do not believe in appeasement. The law should be used angainst botyh the film maker and the violent protestors. In Australia seven arrests have been made. I am sure the Libyan government will also enforce the law. There is no evidence of sodomizing of the dead Ambassador. The other claims in the film are untrue.

freedom of speech is a guaranteed right in America. there is no law to pistol whip the film maker with. sorry.
I Think Israel will attack Iran . 2 weeks before election day and then gas will be $8 a Gallon and voters will elect Mitt Romney.
Steveox , I hope you are wrong . I think Obama can avoid another war for 49 days. What happen after that is anyone guess.