Amazing robots


Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
This video by Boston Dynamics show their newest version of Atlas, a robot with amazing balancing capabilities:

In the middle of the video a thought occured: what when the robot turned to the man and slaps his face?

And when will the time come these robots might overtake us in complexity and abilities? In a few decades or less?
If a humanoid robot can be made into an attractive woman, :love: then it will sell like the Model T. Of course, such a situation would cause massive social problems. I'm wondering how far it will be until such a thing becomes reality.
If a humanoid robot can be made into an attractive woman, :love: then it will sell like the Model T. Of course, such a situation would cause massive social problems. I'm wondering how far it will be until such a thing becomes reality.
They're already available.
This video by Boston Dynamics show their newest version of Atlas, a robot with amazing balancing capabilities:

In the middle of the video a thought occured: what when the robot turned to the man and slaps his face?

And when will the time come these robots might overtake us in complexity and abilities? In a few decades or less?

At this point, robots are not even as smart as cockroaches....the most powerful computer array on earth can simulate the activity of a mouse brain for a couple of seconds...computers becoming conscious may happen in a century...more likely two centuries or more away.....getting that kind of power into a package the size of a robot is even further out in the future. The problem is power consumption...your brain uses the equivalent of 20 or 30 watts of electricity.....the computer that simulates a mouse brain for a few seconds uses hundreds of thousands watts of electricity and requires tens of thousands of pounds of air conditioning....unless a radical change happens in the computer industry, a machine that could just simulate the human brain, not even thinking about a machine that achieves consciousness would require the output of a mid sized nuclear reactor for power and almost as much power again for cooling.
I was watching a video of a robot dog playing with an actual dog outdoor in c a park. Different terrains etc. While there was a guy remitting it, it was managing the locomotion part and for much longer than a few seconds. I'll agree that the AI part has some way to go but they are making progress much faster than solar power.
Get a few dogs and your cleaning rate will escalate.

Yeah..I have a couple of dogs and a Roomba robot vacuum...every couple of days it picks up enough dog hair to make a new dog. Still have to run the regular vacuum once a week but the daily touch ups keeps the carpet looking great....and does a pretty good job on the wood floors also.
At this point, robots are not even as smart as cockroaches....the most powerful computer array on earth can simulate the activity of a mouse brain for a couple of seconds...

I'm sure my Python instructor (computer language) would like to hear that. :rolleyes: He goes on and on about algorithms and what not, and the marvelous future of computers. However, computers have accomplished a lot of things. For instance, who could have imagined the internet back in the 1980s?
I'm sure my Python instructor (computer language) would like to hear that. :rolleyes: He goes on and on about algorithms and what not, and the marvelous future of computers. However, computers have accomplished a lot of things. For instance, who could have imagined the internet back in the 1980s?

I didn't say that computers are incapable...I said that they are not intelligent. There is a difference between computational power and intelligence. Computers are able to compute vast amounts of data, but they are incapable of understanding even the most basic elements of their surroundings. A cockroach can assess its surroundings, find food, find a mate, navigate, and perceive a threat and plan its escape, and act in a split second....a computer, even the most advanced computer array on earth would be left in the dust in the intelligence department by a cockroach. Computers require vast amounts of code, provided by a human, to perform even basic tasks and you can't write enough code at this point for a computer to have even a rudimentary "understanding" of its surroundings....they may be able to identify basic shapes but can't begin to understand how those shapes relate to its environment.
This video by Boston Dynamics show their newest version of Atlas, a robot with amazing balancing capabilities:

In the middle of the video a thought occured: what when the robot turned to the man and slaps his face?

And when will the time come these robots might overtake us in complexity and abilities? In a few decades or less?
There is a huge gap between making a machine that can walk around on two legs like a human, and making one that can think like one.

Modern day computers aren't even close to those created by nature. Consider the grain of sand sized one that is the brain of a salmon. This allows the salmon to swim to the ocean, elude predators, find food, eventually return to the same river where it was hatched from an egg, and reproduce. What computer made by man could do all of that?

And the gap between fish and human is even greater.

Maybe in a million years of evolution, machines will have actual intelligence. Now, they're just machines.
I'm wondering if brain size should factored in our compassion for animals, or is that wrong. For instance, some people would be cruel to a bird, but not to a dog. Also, it is true that people are more compassion toward so called "beautiful animals", but that seems unethical.
I'm wondering if brain size should factored in our compassion for animals, or is that wrong. For instance, some people would be cruel to a bird, but not to a dog. Also, it is true that people are more compassion toward so called "beautiful animals", but that seems unethical.
I think it would be wrong. These creatures can still feel the abuse of another and still experience emotion regardless of intelligence or brain size.
Intellegent robots pose too many ethical problems, as technically a machine has no feelings or humanity. We have enough problems with racism and sexism as it is, without bringing robots into the picture. For instance, in computer class we watched a film of some jerk bullying a robot. The professor said, "Don't be alarmed. It's just a machine." However, the professor did note the man got a lot of hate mail.