Worse than Nixon


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state

The Dow closed down another 679 points today, closing at 8,579, it’s lowest point in over five years. With a return of negative 19%, President Bush has now surpassed Richard Nixon for the honor claiming the worst performing market this side of Herbert Hoover.

By comparison, the Dow first broke the 8,500 mark way back in June of 1998, under President Clinton....those we're the days. Hopefully President Obama will do much the same for the economy as President Clinton.

The Dow closed down another 679 points today, closing at 8,579, it’s lowest point in over five years. With a return of negative 19%, President Bush has now surpassed Richard Nixon for the honor claiming the worst performing market this side of Herbert Hoover.

By comparison, the Dow first broke the 8,500 mark way back in June of 1998, under President Clinton....those we're the days. Hopefully President Obama will do much the same for the economy as President Clinton.

Maybe there will be another tech boom that the next President will be lucky enough to preside over, and then try to take credit for it.
Maybe there will be another tech boom that the next President will be lucky enough to preside over, and then try to take credit for it.

Pretty sure his graph is a fabrication anyway... notice there was no link or supporting information (other than Popeye's own assertions), like who created the graph and where the numbers came from... The graph is also posted on photobucket, not a site where the information can be verified.

The market is still well above where it was when Bush took office, its not LOWER now than when he arrived - as depicted in the graph... Hence, the graph is bogus.
The topics discussed in the debate are often the most controversial issues of the time, and arguably elections have been nearly decided by these debates between Nixon and Kennedy. Nothing about George Bush struck him as secretive, dangerous, or slightest bit Nixon when Bush first ambled onto the national political scene.
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I heard it was holding up better than expected on hope that Obama would win. Guess it depends on who you believe.

You will never get any major movement in the market, especially not over an 8 day period on the basis of "hope."

Granted there is no proof on Obamanation's claim or your claim of course, it is all speculative.
Tech Boom??!!! That's so '90s. :rolleyes:

Obama will be strengthening our NATIONAL $ECURITY!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

By doing what? Printing more money to spend like crazy? Good luck with inflation with that plan. :rolleyes:

Further, getting off oil is only a small part of our national security.

You make it sound like the GOP is against alternative fuels, which is just wrong. The details of the plan differ from party to party, but the end result is alternative fuels.

I also must ask the question. If the USA used not a drop of oil, do you think that we would suddenly stop being concerned about proliferation? North Korea is basically a failed state with no oil, and yet we still worry about proliferation. It stands to reason we would still be having problems with Iran. Oil is not the only issue when determining the overall grand strategy of the United States.

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