Well-Known Member
Okay, firstly, you are flat out wrong. the "worst case scenario" as you put it falls into 10%-14% (and this includes statistics concerning people who use condoms irregularly, eg. not every time and/or incorrectly when they do) this is still less than your 15%. Educating people on the correct use of condoms not only reduces this but also reduces the chance of HIV transmission.
' Estimated pregnancy rates during perfect use of condoms, that is for those who report using the method exactly as it should be used (correctly) and at every act of intercourse (consistently), is 3 percent at 12 months.
The most frequently cited condom effectiveness rate is for typical use, which includes perfect and imperfect use (i.e. not used at every act of intercourse, or used incorrectly). The pregnancy rate during typical use can be much higher (10-14%) than for perfect use, but this is due primarily to inconsistent and incorrect use, not to condom failure. Condom failure – the device breaking or slipping off completely during intercourse – is uncommon.' [4] --- so wouldnt this make the case for education involving condoms? I think so.
As for beads, 'With correct and consistent use each month and reliance on another form of contraceptive, the failure rate of these methods is 2 to 5 percent. With typical use, the failure rate is much higher, about 12 to 22 percent' [3]
so we are right back where we started.
The best rate for beads is about 95% and the best rate for condoms is about 97%. The worst or typical rate for beads is about 12% and the worst or typical rate we will now use will be from your stats stated as 10% - 14%.
The best and worst rates are about the same.
Yet, a poor African cannot afford the average 50 cents per act (which you stated was 123 times per year) costing a couple over $60 each and every year while the beads if they bought them would cost less than a few dollars for many years. And I suppose if she lost them she could just make a new set out of clay.
So you say that if people know how to use condoms that they will get a better rate of effectiveness. Well then they can skip using the beads and use the family planning technique which is just as effective as a condoms at over 97%. I would add that family planning is au natural and feels a whole lot better too. Family planning has the added benefit of allowing women to be in touch with their cycles and to notice if there is a medical issue so she can seek treatment and allows a woman to become pregnant more easily when she wants to. It does not stop the transmission of disease. I have nothing against condoms and think that if a person wants to avoid disease they should either avoid sex or use condoms knowing that it is not 100% effective in stopping disease.