To belittle the pride felt by a 78 year old black man, who lived through the era of Jim Crow, at the election of Obama is just really sad and rather telling.
It's more than obvious that there remains a large percentage of whites in this country that refuse to accept the election of a man of Obama's color.
Thankfully they are dying out.
Yes my friend they are in Exile aren't they...![]()
Why? Because they did just a terrible, terrible job!
There's always gonna be haters out there... although the whole beat up on Willie Mays thing is low even for Conservatives.
Best thing is... did I mention EXILE!
Anyone paying attention to politics knows that Jesse Jackson said he wanted to cut off Obama's nuts. There was no reason to provide a link. This little trolling cheer leader did not forget anything.
And yet you were sooo totally clueless about the educational back ground for our elected President, until someone had to inform you and your Poor Poor Sarah Palin...DUH
So I read and track the actual knowledge - BIO's on the political stream and you...well let's just say you seem to dwell in the muck & mire of the cesspool crowd/ideology and your information seems so over the top with that smut...but that's your prerogative, you hang out where ever the hell you want too, and your quotes will become the fodder for that ILK. But since you become quite hysterical when the words that fall out of your head onto this page gets laid at your feet & served right back up at you, then perhaps it would be best that you always supply the "quotation" or you'll become the person behind the words (closet racist indeed) LMAO manage to keep posting your lessor thinking points/habits...I don't have to anymore![]()
Conservatives in exile
that is actually trueand some of us are democrats
Was that guy beating up on the baseball player or pointing out that we look at skin color too much?
People who like obama and are happy he is president should be, but based on who he is and what he stands for not what race he is.
I think they guy was just wondering if this was based sole on race or if it were the things obama stood for that made him cry.
Hi Pan...
Do you really consider yourself a Democrat? I don't think I've ever heard you speak in favor of any Democratic position... maybe I just missed it. But I wouldn't have thought I'd have missed enough to miss that. Maybe tell me what Democratic policies you favor.
As far as Willie Mays I'm sure he was crying for both reasons. He no doubt saw the historic milestone that was being set as well as the change in the country by finally getting away from the Republicant control.
You know... there were a lot of White & Brown & Yellow & Red people crying in absolute joy too.
Democrats are destroying America. They're a pack of traitors.![]()
Well the majority by large margin voted for President Obama and voted for getting away from the lying fearmongers.
So the majority are the Obama folks in this scenario... that would actually make them the crew, and not the traitors.
The death penalty is one position that I line up more with the democrats than the republicans. Generally though, republicans do not attack me for not agreeing with the death penalty like democrats attack me for not agreeing with abortion.
Paying for rehabilitation in prison and education so when people are released they can enter society as productive people. Most conservatives consider prison as a punishment only and do your time and don’t cost me more than absolutely necessary. I think if we educate them, help them with drug problems that probably got them there to begin with, help them learn skills then they are better members of society once they get out. I break with democrats when it comes to letting pedophiles out of prison EVER! Or really serious violent criminals. Even if they can be “reformed” they lost the right to ever be in society again. And I would not want to waste money on educating or rehabilitating those types.
Giving aid to poor countries is another. I am glad we help poor countries. Not in paying for their abortions but in giving food and aide, I am glad we help. I am also glad we gave to Africa money for HIV research. (More was given under President Bush than Bill Clinton by the way, lots more)
I think welfare is an important program, though I do think there is fraud and some of the rules should be changed about it, we do need a type of welfare and food stamp program. I do think the rules need to be totally revamped so it is an emergency program and a limited program not a lifestyle.
SSI is another program I believe in, but again the program needs to be revamped. I have a niece who lives in Washington state, she is about to turn 19. She has been on SSI for over 5 years. They accepted her because she said her ankle hurts. She does not work, or go to school or do anything but party with the money that you as a tax payer give her for a non existent injury and I think that is just wrong. But there are people who got in an automobile wreck and are now paralyzed and really are in dire need.
All the programs I named cost money/taxes and are socialistic in some ways. I would though honestly rather see us give voluntary to the programs we find important than be forced via taxes. If another person does not think the programs I named are important they should not have to pay for it and instead they could pay for programs they do feel are important.
I half agree with democrats on discrimination. I am glad there are laws that say you can not discriminate when hiring or renting your house out because of someone’s race or religion or gender or what ever. I break with democrats on hate crimes, If someone throws a brick in a white male’s window they deserve the same response from the police department as a black person, homosexual or what ever. The brick does the same damage to anyone’s window including white males.
I do not consider myself a dem by the way. I did for years, most of my life really. Now I am only for voting reasons. But I am not a republican either. I consider myself conservative but most conservatives would point out that I really am not.
I am just myself and my views on things range all over the board.
So you're for the most part at least anti-death penalty. I may be more hawkish on this than you even. I'm fine with it in some types of murders where there's a confession or overwhelming evidence... not just convictable but overwhelming evidence that a person has murdered with premeditation or during another crime or against a child or law enforcement officer... that kind of thing.
So you're consistant... you just don't agree with what you see as killing.
I agree rehabilitation should be the goal if a prisoners sentence means they will at some point get out. On the pedophiles that's a sentencing issue so that's would have to be toughened up their. There have been pedophiles that have been released never to offend again so I'm not sure a blanket life imprisonment is the solution for all cases... but your point is well taken.
I may be more conservativeeek: did I just say that) here in places than you. I like the idea of foreign aid... but think we give away far too much and should take care of our own first. I'm fine with food & medical aid... that's emergency life & death humanitarian stuff. I'm fine with birth control and abortions if wanted because the population factor to resources is one of their big problems.
But a lot of the other stuff and cash payouts I usually oppose. If it's cash aid to some other country or shoring up Social Security or Medicare or Universal Heathcare here at home... I'm for keeping it here at home.
I agree. However Welfare actually was cut back pretty reasonably under Clinton. You can't collect on a child until 18 anymore... just till 3 I believe. After that if you don't get a job or enter into a qualifying jobs program you lose your check. You only get Food stamps & a Medical Card. With kids involved I tend to go along with that.
You're for the program itself but against fraud... me too.
I don't think that would ever work because say most people didn't want to have much of a military... can't just have a National Guard & Coast Guard. If we did things this way every government expense would be a costly fundraiser event. It's not practical and would actually mean less net money across the board... but I know what you're saying. You hate to see any of your money spent except exactly the way you'd think best.
I think the idea behind Hate Crimes legislation was to really target organized attacks by groups and not just because someone is attacking a minority. If the KKK organizes and attacks a Black guy then they probably should take a harder hit.
Well that's what I thought. You would seem a very moderate Conservative, if that's what you were, on many issues with a more focused problem with abortion.
It's a shame we have such a difference of opinion on the abortion issue. Without that it appears we are not that far apart on many things!![]()
I think the best way to describe me is consistently pro life or anti taking another human beings life from conception to eternity without very good cause.
Speaking as someone who was molested as a kid and spending a great deal of times in groups with others who were like me, to some degree a person who molests a child has killed at least a part of that child. People like me never or at least almost never grow up to be “normal” Even if the person never rapes or molests a child again they have in a way taken away a huge part of another persons life and in that have lost certain rights as a citizen. Not to mention most of them do repeat and its usually after a number of kids are molested that they get caught. That is too many lives damaged forever the balance is not equal IMO, I think they should be separated from society period.
I don’t agree with the money we give to places like Egypt or other countries who have money. We give them money as more of a bribe than help. But very poor countries in Africa? I am all for helping them out. There are a number countries who are in a kind of need we have never been in. When the poor in America have cell phones and stuff like that and a great number of what we call poor do are compared to places where people literally do not have food or shoes... I think giving to them first is a good thing. But I would agree building our own bridges and roads are more important than building bridges and roads in other countries.
Yes it was, but by congress with Bill Clinton kicking and screaming all the way. But now that it turned out to be a good thing, he takes a whole lot of credit for it, and obama is promising to reinstate all the old policies that we finally cleaned up. Do you agree with that?
Its so nice to agree
Certian things like what the Founders implimented should just be... Military is one of those. I love the NASA program but I can see why some don’t want to pay for it any more than I want to pay for abortion. Those types could be optional if we had a congress worth anything. I would say that same thing about a congress run by republicans too. Don’t take that as an insult. They all seem to be after their own best interests not ours.
I think you are right but its not working and its unfair. The KKK are all but gone. People are all equal and should get equal protection under the law.
What I find strange is this. Because I do not agree with abortion except in rare cases where the mother will die : as in a pregnancy in the Fallopian tubes or something like that... I am considered a "radical" by dems in general when I actually do agree on some stuff dems believe in... I think we discovered that you really might be more conservative than I am on a few things.
Conservatives will point out that I am not uber conservative but don't bash me or reject me becasue I am not lock step with them like dems do... and its the dems who claim to be tolerent.
I find that sort of funny.
You by the way are far more conservative than I ever thought. I remember being shocked when you approved of killing the teenager pirates. But all this.. Oh my goshIf you are not careful you might get kicked out of the D party.
Well probably not as long as you hold the abortion is ok argument. That seems to be the deciding factor with democrats.
I understand... you feel very strongly about the sanctity of life but you do see some cases where it is understandable. That's about where I am except I'm still for the woman's choice issue up until viability... don't necessarily like abortion but see its need.
I'm very, very sorry to hear that happend to you. Because not only am I the father of 2 daughters but as someone who's spent a good amount of time coaching kids from troubled homes (drugs or violence) I know the long term damage that can be done to a child. I often keep kids on my team when others said I should kick them off because I wanted to try and break through in a positive way.
The good news is you seem very strong minded now.
I agree that there is a lot of need overseas and there are some things I agree with in giving to other countries.
A lot of people don't really understand the mindset of a really poor person in America. They often appear to be much better off than they truly are. I knew a guy once years ago that was so poor he was sleeping in the back of his car, an old station wagon that hardly ever ran. People called him Bogart Bob. He had been in an accident that messed up his face and one eye so he had trouble finding steady work. But he had this hundred and some dollar Mucci cue stick... and he wasn't a great pool player. People who didn't know his whole situation used to crack on him saying things like... If he can afford that cue stick he ain't that down & out.
But I kinda got to know Bogart Bob seeing him hanging around the neighborhood. And I saw what that cue stick was all about to him. He only had one thing in this world entire that was as good as anybodies else's and that one thing, that cue stick, gave him a little pride.
It helped me understand how important having something to be proud of is for anyone no matter how poor they are.
I think Bill Clinton was very smart, a very good administrator and he was so focused on the economy. He even had a little plaque on his desk the read: It's the economy stupid. I think he made the strategic compromises he wanted to make and he was a centrist at heart. I switched to the Democratic Party when Bill Clinton ran for his second term.
It's not easy being a world leader & Super Power. It's kinda like people who say things like, who cares about that tree... and then later we discover we can make some super cancer fighting drug just from that trees tree bark. Same thing with NASA. We may need to be able to remove toxic waste from this planet or stop an asteroid or any number of things in the future. But not having an ongoing program all these years means we'd have almost nothing in regard to really understanding space.
There's still KKK, Aryan Nation... remember crazy Saxon... and all kinds for homophobic people out there that still prey on specific types of people. The message should be just don't attack anyone and you won't have to worry about hate crime charges.
I've done in-depth research and 100% of the people who've pleaded guilty to a hate crime wouldn't be in jail if they just hadn't attacked anyone. (that's an attempt at humor there)
Well in here you do sorta get type cast. I don't come in here bashing Cheney or Bush and not expect that I've picked my side. It goes with the territory. Like I've said before I look
it as a sliding scale of overall positions with moderate Republicans and Democrats in the middle and both sides sliding out from there to more Conservative and more Liberal. I consider myself center to middle left of center... but there are a few things I'm probably a little Right of center on.
And we've been able to break through and have some just honest back & forth conversations... that's not so easy for some.![]()