I do not like abortion either but I would settle at this point for the “until they are viable” option right now. I would be so happy to see the late term abortions gone all together. . . So really we agree again
When people stop demonizing & yelling at each other and just work on finding the best workable conclusion often bridges can be built. I respect you on this issue because you are a woman. Whether I agree with you or not I at least know you take your position honestly. That's important.
I hope they improve birth control so much at some point that abortion is not even an issue.
I am a Taurus, I was born strong mindedSeriously though, since you have seen the effects this can have on a kid through out their whole life I would hope you agree these people should be separated from society for both a punishment and a safety measure for kids who would/could be abused in the future..
I think they are as low as it gets. And the only way I'm even a bit comfortable with them ever being out is if they are low level offenders in the first place that must maintain both counseling and intense supervision & monitoring. For the higher level offenders no doubt they should be kept isolated from society.
Oh that is a sad story about Bob. I agree with you about having something important to you, something good. I only meant that when it comes to food and shoes I don’t mind us giving to other countries. Their poor are a different sort of poor than we have here.
Yeh I never understood the old... the Black guy has a Cadillac but lives in the ghetto thing until I met Bogart Bob. Then it hit me. If you know you can never afford to move out of the project, then having a big car gives you something to feel good about. It's the Bob thing just on a grander scale.
And you are absolutely right... there are severely poor overseas that we really should help. I'm against giving other governments money not actual stuff to the poor.
What were you before you changed to democrat? I voted for Mickey Mouse in his first election and someone third party (don’t even remember who now) in his second election. I was a liberal back then but never really liked him and loathed Hillary. I like him much better now and stomach her. I was shocked when I found myself voting for her in these last primary’s. I have no good reason to not like them but I kind of just don’t and didn’t even when I was a liberal.
Well let's see. It started like it usually starts most of my family was Republican so I voted Republican just because of that. Then the Nixon Watergate thing happened and I followed that pretty close. First time I got really into politics... and I switched to Independent. Then I was an Independent through Ford, Carter & Reagan but the Iran-Contra arms for hostages deal under Reagan started me teetering and then the economy was a wreck under Bush one. Was kinda interested in Ross Perot but in the end voted for Clinton. And then switched to registered Democrat by the middle of Clinton's first term. By this time just about everybody in my family except for a few Catholics on my Mom's side and my younger brother had switched to Democrat as well.
I agree with all that you say but I feel wrong to say I think its wrong for people to have to pay for abortion and welfare when they do not agree with it, then say but you have to pay for my favorite program NASA![]()
I understand that feeling. You'd like it if everything could get paid for but more voluntarily.
HAHA funny joke. But seriously even with what ever is left of the KKK and Aryan nations and stuff like that. All their crimes together don’t add up to 1/4of crime in general I bet. Equal protection under the law...
You got the joke!!! I was hoping for a blonde moment!

I'm sure that's correct about the numbers... in fact I'd bet it's even much lower than that. I just wish people wouldn't target by race or weakness. Hey if a Black gang robs or mugs a White guy that to should be a hate crime as well because it's an organized attack targeted at a particular type of person. If they're going to have it it should be all inclusive.
I like that we can disagree and still be civil to each other.
Ditto my friend.