Originally Posted by Chip
There is no evidence of any kind, sentient or intuitive, that has ever existed to support the claim that our spirit can live without the mass and energy of which it is composed.
Denial of the reality of one's mortality is invalid when projected upon God.
God is material too, just like we are.
So I repeat my question: will God ever die?
And "die" means cease to exist in the physical, and, thus, in the spiritual too.
Other than you saying so, there is no evidence to suggest that spirit is made up of energy.
Whenever we talk to another person we are empirically aware of the energy or their spirit.
We are also aware of the mass of their spirit, as it
always eminates from their physical presence
and nowhere else.
That is
compelling evidence that a person's spirit is connected with
both their mass and their energy and is thus
material in origin.
What there is simply
no evidence of
any kind is that one's spirit can ever exist outside of one's mass and energy.
There is an abundance of evidence to suggest that spirit is immortal.
There is
no real evidence of
any kind that one's spirit continues to live after one dies or that one's spirit has lived before one's material being.
evidence of a
here and now reality must be observed
in the here and now.
Just because someone wrote something in a book is simply
not evidence.
And paranoid schizophrenic babblings are also
not evidence, be they spoken in the here and now or documented from the past.
It is not scientific evidence but it is evidence none the less - the Bible.
The Bible is
not evidence.
Again, the phenomenon of which we speak, if it holds true in the here and now, must be
observable in the here and now.
And, as I said, documented cases of paranoid schizophrenia are simply
not evidence.
You may believe it or not, but at least read it, assuming you have not, or you will not be in much of a position to discount or accept what it says.
Again, religion and religious text is irrelevant in this discussion, first because it isn't evidence and second because the defining religion tenets are fantasy, not reality.
Long before you defined "die" for us the Bible has been using it in a much broader way:
"Death is never defined by lexicographers as extinction, annihilation, non-existence or unconsciousness
Death in the Bible is always pictured as a separation between two things."
Again you reference The Bible.
Thus your reference is meaningless and irrelevant.
Please stick to the subject ... and simply answer from your heart ... and if you reference religion, you're answering from your mind, not your heart.
Thank you.