Will AMERICA survive Obama ???

Yeah that's it, that's the ticket, you're not the absolute worst spelling & grammar guy in here... you're just setting "traps"... LOL!!!:D

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln

If I were from Ohio , I would remain silent!! Even the big lake in ohio is called "ERIE" !!! lol,lol ---
Yeah....we wouldn't want to argue with their insight.....



Nice picture!! Is that your mother????
....And, it's very-likely, "conservative"-economics will take-care of everyone-else.... (especially those who're heavily-inve$ted in the body-bag indu$try.)​
Captains make between 51 and 198 dollars per hour. Depdning on experience and types of planes.

So, where's the problem? If that were some CEO you would be saying.. too much. too much.

What do you think will happen to the doctors when this health care passses. Especially those who accept medicare. Do you think we will have capable doctors? I don't
If I were from Ohio , I would remain silent!! Even the big lake in ohio is called "ERIE" !!! lol,lol ---

You'd do yourself well to spend less time worrying about where everybody lives and more time wondering why you can't get your own writing turrets under control.:D

Millions of illegals and unemployable squatters on American soil signed up for free healthcare, paid for by the tens of thousands of working Americans now paying the IRS 4 or 5 times more for the Obamacare-tax as they once paid for their own healthcare in the private market.
Jim-Bakker[1].webpMillions of illegals and unemployable squatters on American soil signed up for free healthcare, paid for by the tens of thousands of working Americans now paying the IRS 4 or 5 times more for the Obamacare-tax as they once paid for their own healthcare in the private market.

No examples / proof???
Yeah....it's all bullshit.
True Americans refer to the FASCIST award as a 'PIECE PRIZE" , due to fact it rewards those fascist who destroy our Constitution, shred it to PIECES even as they swear on a HOLY BIBLE to 'DEFEND and PROTECT" the very Constitution and Nation they seek to DESTROY! Now just what is funny about that? Do not bother to answer , I suspect the truth is not in you!
I note that ALL the world fascist , socialist , communist , despots ,radical liberals and other enemies of freedom all praise obama and this worthless award celebrating those who bring misery and starvation to billions of people world wide! Now , get off your floor, you just recieved the first basic instruction in receiving an education which you appear to so sorely need . Ignorance will no longer be used as your defense! No need to thank me , I have helped others just like you for years! COMPASSION is my reason!
You have no clue as to fascism. It people such as you who have never taken a course of 102 Poli Sci.
You don't believe millions of illegals are covered by Obamacare? That is your loss. Millions of illegals have registered for Obamacare coverage just like so many illegals have illegally registered to vote with help from Democrats and leftists.
YAWN, you tire me. Do you ever post anything that has facts or evidence to prove your comments?
You don't believe millions of illegals are covered by Obamacare? That is your loss. Millions of illegals have registered for Obamacare coverage just like so many illegals have illegally registered to vote with help from Democrats and leftists.
you can prove that?
your loss. lol