Why is biden hiring 87000 new Irs agents.

Now there’s an online stir over job postings for IRS special agents who have to carry guns as part of their work with the IRS’ Criminal Investigation division.

Though the job is really about sniffing out income and accounting irregularities to build legal cases, one of the potential duties is “conduct[ing] or participat[ing] in surveillance, armed escorts, dignitary protection, undercover operations, execution of search and arrest warrants, seizures, etc,” the job listing states.
My aunt & brother worked for the Post Office.

At some point (I wasn't living here, at the time), the Postal Inspectors jettisoned their 357 Mags for Glocks. Eventually, the Mags were auctioned-off.

So....I now know....
even Postal Inspectors are armed!!
Because, it's time to set things right, again....

December 11, 2018
your really not that smart or well informed , 87000 irs agents are not needed and will be going after everyone .
The fact is even if the amount of millionaires doubled and the irs was to audit them all it would take less then 25000 to do additional work and hes hiring 87000. we have 80000 now and what do you think they will all be doing ? LOl they will be auditing common people biden lied that no one making less then 400000 will be audited .

to bad biden voters have the iq of a edge hog and buy his constant lies
no, its not all agents,*****.
its 87000 hires over 10 years.
not all agents.
not all at once. lol.

god you're so stupid.
It's because you got cons that don't want to pay the bills.
Lol sure its all republicans lol. I know a black democrat who had 4 side hustles. He detailed cars sold stuff on e bay cut down trees and cut lawns.
He claimed unemployment and got another check for something he was not supposed to.
Hes proud of it. And hes not paying taxes on anything
i've shown they aren't hiring "87000 new irs agents", and you can't admit you were stupid and lied. lol.

shows you what kind of person you are. pathetic. lol
i've shown they aren't hiring "87000 new irs agents", and you can't admit you were stupid and lied. lol.

shows you what kind of person you are. pathetic. lol
really they are not hiring 87000 new agents ? Well Biden said he was and all news reports show he is and the funding has been secures with the new bill . But you say hes not . So biden and the democrats are lying

really they are not hiring 87000 new agents ? Well Biden said he was and all news reports show he is and the funding has been secures with the new bill . But you say hes not . So biden and the democrats are lying

show me where biden said he was hiring 87000 new irs agents.

that article doesn't quote biden, it makes up its own ASSumptions. duh. its money to hire IRS employees, not all agents, *****. and not all at once.

god you're stupid. lol
Democrats need to squeeze more money out of the common folk in order to finance their growing leftist expense accounts.

republicans love to spend too and create debt which will generate more interest to be paid from the common folk.
republicans love to spend too and create debt which will generate more interest to be paid from the common folk.
Democrats mock Republicans for trying to cut back government spending but then blame Republicans for the damage caused by excessive government spending. Go figger.