The ‘New Gestapo’? Maine Gov. Blasts Massive Expansion of IRS Agents


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:

This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?

This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.
Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government.

Whats next? Putting the Republican supporters in concentration camps and gas them?
well the authority of Congress to tax is plain and simply put in the Constitution. the check or balance of that authority is the voting public's ability to vote out their representatives who vote for taxes they don't approve of.

now, Congress did attempt to conceal this new tax with come other name and some were foolish enough to not notice. many figured it out in time for the 2010 congressional elections and perhaps more will use the opportunity of the 2012 elections to further show their displeasure.

with any luck they will pay a td better attention to what these candidtes say before they pull that lever moving "forward"....
That's why they call it--"The People's House of Representatives".
All money bills MUST start there--and no where else.
De-Fund anything democrats try to ram down your throat.

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:

This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?

This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.
Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government.

Whats next? Putting the Republican supporters in concentration camps and gas them?

Once, Winston Churchill said, in December of 1941, when Hitler unilaterally declared war on the United States--"Hitler has just committed suicide".

Obama is committing political suicide now--and it is breath-taking to watch this village idiot thrash around like a shark just pulled from the sea, as he gasps his last breaths to try and survive.

He will not and the landslide that is forming now against him will set new records for public revulsion of a sitting president.

It will also--I am happy to report--spell the abrupt and total end of the democrat party--as it stands today--and perhaps a new one that supports our Nation, history and Constitution will emerge.

And--Debbie Wasserman Schultz can return to Taco Bell where she worked before joining the Obama Communist Movement.
She seems SEIU--all the way.

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is making news for allegedly referring to the IRS as the “new Gestapo” Saturday, after blasting the president’s overhaul of our health care system.
He reportedly said:

This tax will add to the $500 billion in tax increases that are already in Obamacare. Now that Congress can use the taxation power of the federal government to compel behavior or lack thereof, what’s next? More taxes if we don’t drive Toyota Priuses or if we eat too much junk food or maybe even pea soup?

This decision has made America less free. ‘We The People’ have been told there is no choice. You must buy health insurance or pay the new Gestapo – the I.R.S.
Even more disheartening is that reviving the American dream just became nearly impossible to do. We are now a nation in which supports dependency rather than independence. Instead of encouraging self-reliance we are encouraging people to rely on the government.

Whats next? Putting the Republican supporters in concentration camps and gas them?
It's always amusing....watching the 1%ers' / High-Roller$' whiny-lil'-bitches perform!!!
Republicans have no clue how government is supposed to work.
Republicand get elected and prove government doesn't work, by obstructing and defunding proper governing.
Republicans have no clue how the economy works.
Republicans have no clue how taxes work for public services for the people.
Republican think excessive tax cuts is somehow good. Never mind it costs the rest of us more money.
Republicans idea of freedom is freedom for them, but not for the rest of us.
Republicans have control of the House and their first order of business, after 15 attempts to elect a Speaker, was to defund the congressional corruption committee (I wonder why?) and to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop. Never mind Hunter was never in the government.
Republicans have no clue how government is supposed to work.
Republicand get elected and prove government doesn't work, by obstructing and defunding proper governing.
Republicans have no clue how the economy works.
Republicans have no clue how taxes work for public services for the people.
Republican think excessive tax cuts is somehow good. Never mind it costs the rest of us more money.
Republicans idea of freedom is freedom for them, but not for the rest of us.
Republicans have control of the House and their first order of business, after 15 attempts to elect a Speaker, was to defund the congressional corruption committee (I wonder why?) and to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop. Never mind Hunter was never in the government.
Proof Republicans are incompetent: Their first bill in the GOP House will be to "vote to increase the deficit $114 BILLION by letting tax cheats dodge paying what they owe.
The rest of us will have ot pick up the slack , AGAIN!.