Why does Israel do what it does?

Do you mistakenly assume I am new?
When was the last time Hezbollah or Hamas launched an attack that killed Israeli civilians simply because of their close proximity to a weapons plant?!!

They would much rather slaughter civies then hit an Isreali weapons plant anyhow.


Well if we are talking about their Rocket attacks, then all of them.

The fact that you think they take joy in killing innocent civilians shows how much you dont know about the region. Its like me saying that the Israelis purposely aim for the Pal Civies. Thats Baloney. its colateral damage.

Seriously, find out where the Israeli weapons plants are, and where the majority of the Rocket attacks take place.

I dont know if that info is on the net. It may be though.
Well if we are talking about their Rocket attacks, then all of them.

The fact that you think they take joy in killing innocent civilians shows how much you dont know about the region. Its like me saying that the Israelis purposely aim for the Pal Civies. Thats Baloney. its colateral damage.

Seriously, find out where the Israeli weapons plants are, and where the majority of the Rocket attacks take place.

I dont know if that info is on the net. It may be though.
Where did I say it was a matter of joy? It is a matter of instilling raw, paralyzing fear. When bomb strapped pawns blow themselves up in a bus or a night club or a grocery store, explain to me how they became so disoriented that they completely missed the weapons plant?!

Please do tell when you find a link on the net that verifies your assertion. Also, FYI - I always take into account the source of the material.

And Palestine had to fight for their land hundreds of years ago, and have inhabited it ever since. Then America comes along, and tells them they have to give it back because they used to live there and that its part of the Jewish religion, but not theirs. You've reacted in the same way as a Palestinian getting his land taken away.

100s of years ago "Palestine" didnt exist and the area was ruled by the Ottomans. MARK
Jews have had to fight for their land, no one has given it to them. And if somebody had given it, why dont you condemn the Palestinians and the Arab nations for trying to take it from them? MARK

Jews had to fight for the land???? No, they didn't. It was given to them via UN mandate. I have condemned the Palestinians for initiating violence, but that doesn't mean the Jews were right to go in and take the land in the way that they did.

Did you even read the first few posts I made in this thread?
Jews had to fight for the land???? No, they didn't. It was given to them via UN mandate. I have condemned the Palestinians for initiating violence, but that doesn't mean the Jews were right to go in and take the land in the way that they did.

"take"???? Just a second ago you argued that it was "given".
And the UN never mandated that the land be given to Israel. The British mandate was about to expire, and Israel simply made the declaration of their new nation. The UN merely recognized them after the fact. MARK
"take"???? Just a second ago you argued that it was "given".
And the UN never mandated that the land be given to Israel. The British mandate was about to expire, and Israel simply made the declaration of their new nation. The UN merely recognized them after the fact. MARK

And the Arab MAJORITY voted against it.
Arabs didnt vote and most of them left. MARK

"On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly, in its 128th plenary session, by a two-thirds vote (33 to 13 with Britain and nine others abstaining) passed Resolution 181 partitioning Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jewish community of Palestine jubilantly accepted partition despite the small size and strategic vulnerability of the proposed state. Not only were the West Bank and Gaza Strip not included, but also Jerusalem, most of the Galilee in the North and parts of the Negev desert in the South were excluded.

After the vote was announced, the six Arab delegations of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen stormed out threatening war"

From: http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_independence_un_role.php

The Arab countries - the only representatives of the Arabs in the matter - voted against it - and they represented the majority population in the region.

The will of the majority had to be thwarted in order for the state of Israel to be created. I'm not saying that EXCUSES the violence on the part of the Arabs, but it does EXPLAIN why it happened.
"On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly, in its 128th plenary session, by a two-thirds vote (33 to 13 with Britain and nine others abstaining) passed Resolution 181 partitioning Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab.

Ill just use wikipedia because its easy.


Resolution 181, a plan to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict in the British Mandate of Palestine...
The plan would have partitioned the territory of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states,....
The failure of the British government and the United Nations to implement this plan,....
rejection of the plan by the Arabs resulted in the War for Independence, also known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War....

Its a "plan", proposals, reccomendations. "Would have partitioned" the land if the Palestinians had accepted it. It gave the Jews nothing. From the resolution itself.

Recommends to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future Government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out below;

"Reccomends" "the Plan of Partition". I believe the UN has a "plan" to stop the slaughter in the Sudan. Its a piece of paper with words that have little meaning. MARK

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