Why Cleveland & Houston should never got the NFL back because of Paul Taglubue


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Lets face it Roger Goodell would never approve Cleveland and Houston get another teams thats a fact. He would let them sue us we know how American justice system works. You see when you sue and even you do win its called appeals that means no exchange takes plus you get another trial over again and it can take years to settle. The only reason Paul Taglubue allowed Cleveland and Houston get another teams is because he felt sorry for them. Pete Rozzele never felt sorry when Colts left Baltimore. That's why I like Mr Goodell Hes given Baltimore fans joy and something to cheer for. When Ravens do crap you think Mr Goodell will interfere? No way he would because he remember the piss poor job the NFL did when Irsay took the colts away from Baltimore and Taglubue put biased refs to screw the Ravens for over 10 years when Modell moved the Browns to Baltimore.
But NFL has too many teams. Theyre are number of teams who want to move. Like if the NFL didn't expand Cleveland would got the Bills, Houston gets the Vikings and L.A gets the Rams back.
But NFL has too many teams. Theyre are number of teams who want to move. Like if the NFL didn't expand Cleveland would got the Bills, Houston gets the Vikings and L.A gets the Rams back.
Theyre all making money so dont think the is justification for being too many. Any team that believes they could make more elsewhere is stupid not to analtse their options
Why Didn't Baltimore get a team first? Again Paul Taglubue didn't want Baltimore have the Jags. Baltimore had to steal the Browns from Cleveland just like Indy stole my Colts and not once Pete Rozzele felt sorry but he rather fight that big dog Al Davis who moved the Raiders to Los Angeles.
Why Didn't Baltimore get a team first? Again Paul Taglubue didn't want Baltimore have the Jags. Baltimore had to steal the Browns from Cleveland just like Indy stole my Colts and not once Pete Rozzele felt sorry but he rather fight that big dog Al Davis who moved the Raiders to Los Angeles.
because Washington was sick of the competition. I thought everyone knew that.
That's why my Ravens are getting all the breaks now. Goodell knows what Pete Rozele & Taglubue did in the past. If Tagubue was still the commish right now Ravens would been screwed today and they wouldn't gone in that superbowl.