Mr. Carpenter
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I am a citizen of the US. Born and raised here. Got an "A" in Poli-Sci too...
That's a nice diversion though. But we're talking about the unsavory relationship that starts at Osama Bin Laden, to his brother Salem, business partner with Dubya, and Dubya & McCain belonging to the same ilk, the same party lines.
It's unsettling..especially as a US citizen..
That's really odd then, especially considering your choice of verbiage in your earlier post:
Bush and McCain belong to the same political party in the USA. And the election (of US political parties) is the topic at hand.
Were you under the impressing that we were even remotely discussing an upcoming election in some other country in which the sitting Presidents name was Bush, and the candidate from his party to succeed him was named McCain?

MODS! Please run Sihouettes IP and let us know where he/she/it is from!
The only thing "unsettling" is the fact that you seem to be VERY confused about which country you're in, which election we're discussing, the nationality of those involved, and your inane propensity for attempting to draw some correlary between an investment made by single individual (who never had ANY hostile intentions towards America), who happened to be the half brother of the a$$hole who attacked us, even though they weren't even RAISED together, and the sitting President, based on that single investment in a company that the President owned in 1977, and ESPECIALLY given the fact that the current DNC candidate for that position personally hangs out with, accepts contributions from, and in fact got his start in politics in the home of someone who really DID repeatedly attack America, and not only isn't repentant about it, but who GLOATS about the fact that he got away with it!
In the rational world, your condition is what is commonly referred to as INSANITY.
Oh, and one last thing, if you got an "A" in Polysci, I'd seriously consider SUING the school, because you obviously don't know JACK.