Wouldn't it be weird if we found out Osama Bin Laden (brother of Dubya's business partner Salem Bin Laden and son of longtime Bush family friends, the Bin Ladens) was a ruse, an excuse that took on a life of its own. The excuse? To portray The Middle East as a threat that needed to be invaded for "democracy" and "freedom" (translation: insert de facto US control over oil reserves there)
Our control must be why we "allowed" China to sign the first major oil deal with Iraq since the invasion right?
What if you found out Bin Laden "couldn't" be found because it is US policy not to find him? ie: that was the initial agreement for his accepting the "fall guy" position? What if he has a haircut and a nose job and is living in a penthouse in Manhattan on US payroll? Like a weird-looking immigrant would stand out in a city famous for immigrants?
What if the aliens did it?

Of course the logic is astounding. We fabricate 9/11 in order to invade the Middle East for control of their oil, and with all of our control Iraq inks the first major oil deal after the invasion with China. We sure pulled that plan off didn't we?
With satellite imagery today, the CIA could find a pimple on a gnat's ass from outer space. And we're supposed to believe that this man Osama, tall, gangly and very odd looking, somehow cannot be found? Even after he televises stuff? (How convenient to keep the ruse going, eh?).
What if?
We can "what if" forever, but none of it is grounded in fact. You give to much cred to the CIA imagery as well. I know in the movies they can pull stuff like that off, but it is hardly reality.
Even if the CIA happened to have a satellite that caught him "out and about" someone would still have to analyze the imagery and give an accurate assessment on what is really there. Most imagery never gets looked at, and even when it does, interpretations of what is there often differs.
Further, the CIA is not able to monitor every part of the world at once and get imagery on it. It is not possible. I would also like to ask you how if he is living in a cave in the mountains a satellite will penetrate the mountain to see the hide out inside, and further then identify the people?