You do not live in the states? I had assumed that you were a citizen...Is it correct that you are not?
My sister is a naturalized american. My brother is a naturalized canadian.
I chose to live in the country of my birth.
You do not live in the states? I had assumed that you were a citizen...Is it correct that you are not?
Not according to Colon Greenwood (of the U.K.) who has written several books on the subject. Furthermore, he states that a person armed with a handgun is less likely to use it in the commission of a robbery than if armed with a non-gun weapon like a baseball bat where they are more likely to use it to injure their victim to enforce compliance. Note that Colon Greenwood is not a member of the NRA.
1. Household guns are not being used as deterrence, especially to non-gun-related homicide.
2. People inclined to homicide using guns do not simply shift to a more convenient weapon.
# In the 31 states that now have "concealed right to carry" laws, murders were down, on average, by 8.5 percent.
# Rapes were down 5 percent and serious assaults by 7 percent.
# In cities with populations of more than 250,000, murder rates dropped after the passage of such laws by an average of 13.5 percent.
...these stats are unimportant to you?![]()
# In the 31 states that now have "concealed right to carry" laws, murders were down, on average, by 8.5 percent.
# Rapes were down 5 percent and serious assaults by 7 percent.
# In cities with populations of more than 250,000, murder rates dropped after the passage of such laws by an average of 13.5 percent.
...these stats are unimportant to you?![]()
My sister is a naturalized american. My brother is a naturalized canadian.
I chose to live in the country of my birth.
Does anyone else have a problem with an alien citizen voicing his opinion on purely internal American Constitutional issues? Are other cultures so different from ours that, that would not be considered a breech of good manners?
My upbringing prohibits me from commenting on another countries internal issues unless they affect me (despite what my government may be doing). I may ask questions, but personal opinions on their issues would go far beyond the bounds of good manners.
Therefore, I will not have any further communication with him on these threads for issues in which he is not vested. The interpretation of the American Constitution is none of his business, just as the Constitution in his country is none of mine.
Therefore, how do you propose that can be accomplished? A buy back program...most proposed in the past only offered about $100 per gun. I have about $20,000 invested in my forty-eight guns.
I asked if the stats concerning concealed carry we're unimportant to you.
Your info is in regards to gun ownership in general.
My feelings are that your stats are meaningless.
Why? because you will never get rid of all the guns and if you can't get rid of all the guns, I want one too.... If you are in fact advocating banning guns, are you?
Does anyone else have a problem with an alien citizen voicing his opinion on purely internal American Constitutional issues? Are other cultures so different from ours that, that would not be considered a breech of good manners?
My upbringing prohibits me from commenting on another countries internal issues unless they affect me (despite what my government may be doing). I may ask questions, but personal opinions on their issues would go far beyond the bounds of good manners.
Therefore, I will not have any further communication with him on these threads
for issues in which he is not vested.
The interpretation of the American Constitution is none of his business, just as the Constitution in his country is none of mine.
It is important. It demonstrates to what extent the gun lobby is willing to warp facts and logic.
Your info pertains to privately owned guns -- which is what I am talking about.
It tells so much about your intellectual integrity if you feel that facts and logic are meaningless? If facts and logic are meaningless, then what the hell is, hmmm?
Of course I can't. The government can.
You underestimate the power of facts and logic on rational human beings.
The suggestion of the poster who says we should turn them in for the good of society infers that we are to volunteer to assume the financial loss inasmuch as he does not suggest that the government buy them back... good luck with that one.Dang, that's quite a collection! My uncle doesn't have that many (I think about eight), but one of them is worth about $60,000 (that's not a typo). The combined value of the rest is probably about $3000 or so (with his Springfield Sledgehammer accouting for much of that). My wife and I each have two...other than my Smith, none are worth much.
It is possible because he says that it is possible...who are we to suggest that it is not possible. Notice that he never volunteers as to what bastion of democracy he is from.I'm not disputing any facts, people abuse the use of guns without question. The government can rid the U.S. of guns? Now there's a naive bit of thinking, I suppose with the same success they've had in the battle against drugs and prostitution. Not wanting or owning a firearm is another example of simple-minded thinking demonstrated by you, I suppose you don't need smoke alarms either.
I'm not disputing any facts, people abuse the use of guns without question. The government can rid the U.S. of guns? Now there's a naive bit of thinking, I suppose with the same success they've had in the battle against drugs and prostitution.
Not wanting or owning a firearm is another example of simple-minded thinking demonstrated by you, I suppose you don't need smoke alarms either.