White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

Leftist savages brutalized Palin for being so popular among God-fearing Americans.
Nah for being who she is, shallow and obnoxious... exactly what Republicans love
Ability to govern doesn't matter to them, as the current house speaker fiasco proves
There is no comparison between Palin and Democrats. Palin is intelligent and articulate. Kamala cannot win a primary vote in her own state and our recent affirmative action SCOTUS appointee cannot even define what a woman is.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the only Republican woman ever to be nominated for vice president, was defeated in her political comeback bid to represent the state in the U.S. House of Representatives, NBC News projected Wednesday

So intelligent and articulate that she list to a democrat in heavy red alaska lol

Once people saw the real Sarah, even Republicans hated her lol
Palin is intelligent? Lol

I was wowed by her selection by Sen. John McCain as his running mate. I thought she gave a great introductory speech at the GOP convention. After that, my opinion of her went straight downhill--in a nose dive.

Her interviews with ABC's Charles Gibson and CBS's Katie Couric were downright embarrassing. Her knowledge of American political history and international issues was disgraceful.

Is she spunky? Is she ambitious? Is she attractive? Can she sometimes deliver a powerful speech? Yes to all. Is she dumb? Well, let's put it this way: She's clearly no intellect.
I have no respect for bigoted rubes who falsely claim leftist idiots like Biden are geniuses and conservatives (especially Christians) are fools or dummies.
Sarah changes the debate. She brings a lot of bling and chrome, but virtually nothing of substance. She doesn't know a lot about politics, it's more important to the American public that she looks like she does than what she has to say. We're not holding her accountable the way we hold male politicians accountable. She's unable to articulate much about her policy on oil or name a Supreme Court decision she disagrees with besides Roe. vs. Wade.

lefties continue to call conservatives fools but are the leftists correct? Little seems to be more important in the minds of modern radical leftists than global warming alarmism. Obviously, tens of millions of Americans don't give a flip about global warming if fearing global warming is going to rob us of our cars, our power, our stoves, our wealth, and our freedom.
Nah for being who she is, shallow and obnoxious... exactly what Republicans love
Ability to govern doesn't matter to them, as the current house speaker fiasco proves
Unsaved brutes make up stupid reasons to justify their hatred of Sarah Palin, but the savages hate Sarah because she is a Christian. The other excuses are just smoke screens. Jesus explained the hatred toward Christians lying resident in the hearts and minds of degenerate rebels against God.

  1. Luke 21:17
    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
  2. John 7:7
    The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
  3. John 15:18
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

lefties continue to call conservatives fools but are the leftists correct? Little seems to be more important in the minds of modern radical leftists than global warming alarmism. Obviously, tens of millions of Americans don't give a flip about global warming if fearing global warming is going to rob us of our cars, our power, our stoves, our wealth, and our freedom.
You can't stop obsessing about stoves lol
No one is going to rob you of your stove
But feel free to guard it!

You say the dumbest things lol
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the only Republican woman ever to be nominated for vice president, was defeated in her political comeback bid to represent the state in the U.S. House of Representatives, NBC News projected Wednesday

So intelligent and articulate that she list to a democrat in heavy red alaska lol

Once people saw the real Sarah, even Republicans hated her lol
Never underestimate the power of out-of-state fraudulent voters and in state election crooks with bloated voter registries and corrupted voting machines.
Unsaved brutes make up stupid reasons to justify their hatred of Sarah Palin, but the savages hate Sarah because she is a Christian. The other excuses are just smoke screens. Jesus explained the hatred toward Christians lying resident in the hearts and minds of degenerate rebels against God.

  1. Luke 21:17
    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
  2. John 7:7
    The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
  3. John 15:18
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

Nah she lost in deep red alaska because she is shallow and obnoxious and proved she doesn't understand politics
Nothing to do with her religion
You fake Christians love to be fake victims lol
You can't stop obsessing about stoves lol
No one is going to rob you of your stove
But feel free to guard it!

You say the dumbest things lol
I don't have a gas stove, but I feel sorry for the poor black grandma who will be forced to buy new more costly and less efficient appliances and spend much more on food and transportation because political leaders have been deluded into believing we must spend everyone's wealth to combat the mythical ghost of global warming.
Nah she lost in deep red alaska because she is shallow and obnoxious and proved she doesn't understand politics
Nothing to do with her religion
You fake Christians love to be fake victims lol
There is a great divide in modern America between traditional conservative American views and values and the values of God-rejecting leftist barbarians who love atheistic socialism enslavement over God Bless American freedom.
There is a great divide in modern America between traditional conservative American views and values and the values of God-rejecting leftist barbarians who love atheistic socialism enslavement over God Bless American freedom.
More right wing word salad vague blather lol