White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"a program to combat racism

So Biden showed his antagonism towards black women by picking a black woman for vp? You say the dumbest things lol

You don't understand politics at all duh
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"a program to combat racism

So Biden showed his antagonism towards black women by picking a black woman for vp? You say the dumbest things lol

You don't understand politics at all duh
No, if anything Biden was mollycoddling the anti-white male racist mobs in his base by choosing a black woman with few qualifications other than her sex and race.
A US VP should have least be able to get 5% of the vote in a party primary election, but Kamala failed to achieve that because Americans are not as stupid as some leftists like to imagine.
Why is that a qualification? How is that related to the vp duties?
You idiots are political morons lol
Vps are picked to help the pres candidate win, either by being popular in a large swing state, or balancing out qualities

Why do you idiots think Pence was chosen? To make religious conservatives feel better since Trump was neither religious nor conservative
Do3s that make them anti religious and anti conservative by your so called logic that picking a black woman is racist and sexist? Lol

You idiots say the dumbest things
You idiots are political morons lol
Vps are picked to help the pres candidate win, either by being popular in a large swing state, or balancing out qualities

Why do you idiots think Pence was chosen? To make religious conservatives feel better since Trump was neither religious nor conservative
Do3s that make them anti religious and anti conservative by your so called logic that picking a black woman is racist and sexist? Lol

You idiots say the dumbest things
VP candidates are often chosen by the president and party to boost vote totals. Biden chose Kamala because he hoped that would boost support from those who vote on the basis of race and sex. Kennedy chose Johnson to pick up votes from the South and when Kennedy determined to dump Johnson for the 2nd term Johnson had him murdered.
She is a poor speaker and has embarrassed herself and her party by proving that fact.
Yet Trump can lie his head off, a proven sexual assaulter and treasonous fraud yet he is supported by you?
Is that what you call qualifications?
Little wonder the country is rooted when godbothering nutters like you are allowed to vote.
Yet Trump can lie his head off, a proven sexual assaulter and treasonous fraud yet he is supported by you?
Is that what you call qualifications?
Little wonder the country is rooted when godbothering nutters like you are allowed to vote.
Leftist enemies of civilization continue to falsely accuse Trump of lying at every turn.
