It's a good point, but we don't live in a perfect world and instead we live in a world where people do base judgement on the colour of skin.
But instead of being irrational and allowing black but not white organizations, either both need to be allowed, or both need to be banned. The more preferable option is to allow both of them, but that is as far as I agree with libsmasher.
Then you agree completely re the subject of this thread (maybe you should go back and reread it here?

) - because that's all I said.
My issue is: of what benefit would there be of forming a white group to help white "surpression" or whatever bigged up word you want to call it. There is none, and the very objection he has to black groups should rationally be the same objection he has to a whites only group and thus he should have no desire in joining one.
This is a bald-faced blowing away of the facts -
1. white males are the only ones who don't get "affirmative action"
2. "affirmative action" is a zero sum game: There only so many employees a company needs, there only so many slots open at harvard; accepting some because of their (non-white) skin color or (non-male) genitals is
LOGICALLY INSEPARABLE from racial discrimination against white males.
3. "Affirmative action" is
pervasive - it happens at
ALL universities,
ALL professional and grad schools,
HUGE numbers of scholarships, fellowships, internships; police and fire departments, union apprenticeships, various government jobs; the military; government contracts;
ALL big corporations.
And thats why I think his desire for a white group highlights an underlying insecurity with skin colour and how the world is moving on.
Right, someone who complains about massive, pervasive racial discriminastion is "insecure".
Someone who can't face the facts and debate them is