Originally Posted by Libsmasher
First, you are focussing on the secondary thing I mentioned - the lib media defamation of the white male identity. The primary thing is anti-white male discrimination - did you forget that? As to the media defamation - an organization such as I envision could eg do studies to document scientifically what is obvious to anyone who looks at the media often enough - that it has a relentless campaign to defame white males. Then petitions could be presented to the FCC. Those would seek that the studied networks/local stations broadcast licenses not be renewed, insofar as they have not carried out their mandate to operate in the public interest - the systematic defamation of one gender/racial group not being in the public interest.
So you are suggesting limiting the freedom of speech of your countrys media stations, by telling them to pump out pro-white propaganda?
Don't like the sound of that.
Ooooooooo - serious debate index just dropped to 3% -- sure you're not Top Gun in disguise??
Not to mention that the petition would be turned down, thus making your organization a giant wet blanket.
I don't get the "wet blanket" business - and if the FCC DOES turn it down, they are setting a precedent - racism on the licensed airwaves is OK by the FCC.
Originally Posted by Libsmasher
First, I DIDN'T say the defensive techniques would be like the offending techniques. Eg, I don't want to acquire a broadcast license and defame another group.
So you don't want to speak out yourself, you just want to silence others?
The FCC already "silences" plenty - pornography, dirty words. The airwaves are held to higher standards than ordinary speech. The purveyors of anti-white male racist speech would be free to take their garbage out to the street and the gutter - where it belongs.
Isn't this completley in contradiciton to the idea of allowing white groups to exist? While I agree that white groups should be allowed in the same way black groups are even though I wouldn't join one, the angle you are tackling it at is logically flawed.
Are you SURE you're not Top Gun? You sound like you stopped listening to me about three posts back. I didn't advocate forming a "white group".
Originally Posted by Libsmasher
Secondly, reducing the offense against white males to a "black magazine" is missing the point entirely, and also scoping it wayyyyyyyyy down.
No, its a practical example that would actually happen on a small scale.
No, it's a comment that evades the serious issues by bringing up the most trivial example. A white male who works hard all through high school and all through an undergraduate degree and earns the grades and makes the test scores and then gets the door to law school slammed in his face because he's white is a much better example.
Originally Posted by Libsmasher
In regard to the media defamation, that is done by WHITE people who control the media. WHY they do it is partly a puzzle. Advertisers are inured to the tiresome ploy of showing a stupid prson and contrasting that with a smart person - the stupid persone will 95% of the time be guess who - the only group it is still PC to ridicule. Also "women's networks" like Lifetime and Oxygen, run by feminists, do it because its part of their strategy to bring down the "patriarchy: - their code word for white males.
If white people own the media, what chance do you have of your petitions to the FCC making any difference?
Don't understand your question at all. The whites who run corporations have become the lap kitties of the left. Among many other things they do, is pander to the supposed anti-white male resentment of minorities with racist portrayals. If the licensed airways are being used to peddle racism, it doesn't matter at all what color the peddlers are.
Originally Posted by Libsmasher
But once again - the media stuff is secondary - the main thing is anti-white male discrimination by employers, universities, etc.
Oh, and please give examples of white discrimination YOU personally have faced. And its easy to lie on the internet, I hope you wont do that just for the sake of argument.
I won't lie, but I don't give a sh__ whether you believe it or not. And let's face it - no matter what I say, you'll find some bogus way to just discount them. But I'll play the game, although the level of your debate seems to be losing any seriousness. Two from grad school:
1. When I was a second year astronomy grad student, one day I was walking in the physics building, and saw a flyer up on the grad student bulletin board. The flyer offered National Science Foundation internships with NSF scientists in several science fields for the coming summer. (Let me point out that this would be a MONUMENTAL opportunity for a grad student.) It included a living stipend ANNNNNNNNND round-trip airfare. I thought "Geez, what's not to like - this is is GREAT! Where do I sign up!!!" That's when I noticed in small (embarassed?) print at the very bottom of the flyer the words "Minority and Female Students Only".
2. In my department, university fellowships were very rare - about one per entering class. Also research fellowships were rare because the faculty at that time weren't particularly interested in adding money for that to their grant applications. So nearly everyone worked as a TA - a teaching associate. They said it should take 20 hours of your week, but it took 30 hours easily. A grad student in the physical sciences is VERY busy. Then one day I read in the student newspaper about the university hosting a group of recent graduates from "historically black colleges". There was nothing about the students being otherwise any kind of select or accomplished group. They were going to offer all that would accept it up to 100 grad school university fellowships. In case you don't know - a fellowship includes a stipend and fee and tuition waiver in return for - nothing. Just being your sweet little (black) self. Meanwhile, the rest of us (white) folk are plodding along minus 30 hours a week, before we can get to our studies.
I can give MANY examples.