What was Oct 7 about

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
It had a reason. They assumed that Israel would react because of the inhuman gross things they did kidnapping burning baby's on front of parents bayoneting baby's raping women alive and dead then cutting them up.
Targeting schools etc killing 1200.
Yes they wanted this reaction hoping that other Muslim nation's would come to their aid and sour the talks between the Jews and Saudis.
That was the plan. They were wrong.
It has not worked out as the inbreed morons wanted.
Israel acted as we did on 911 to remove the threat. Only they intend t9 carry it out where we didn't.
Indeed the inbreed terrorists miscalculated
And now ***** like the liberals here that support them are crying. We'll my liberal morons any nation that was attacked and had such atrocious committed upon then would react similarly.as we did on 911 .
Yes only idiot support Palestine every where they go violence revolution and death follows that's why no one in the middle east will take them .
What's really funny about this is how Democrats have welcomed millions into America no matter race or religion yet not one Muslim nation will take any of them in. They do not want them for a reason .something liberals are to stupid to see
The October 7th Hamas attack was the result of the actions of the Netanyahu government. Hamas saw that it was losing influence compared with Al Fatah, that was actively fighting Israeli colonist (settler) aggression in the West Bank.

It was of course, an atrocity and a terrible idea.
The October 7th Hamas attack was the result of the actions of the Netanyahu government. Hamas saw that it was losing influence compared with Al Fatah, that was actively fighting Israeli colonist (settler) aggression in the West Bank.

It was of course, an atrocity and a terrible idea.
It was not his fault little lug your ateaccher.so explain how it's his fault and not the people who target schools and hospitals burned baby's alive and bayoneted them in Front of their parents and raped women alive and dead then cut them up all the time filming themselves and each other
Only person to blame for it are the people involved their leaders and those who support them
The atrocities committed by Israel are worse than anything done by Hamas. 30,000 dead, 2 million people driven from their homes, thousands of homes destroyed.
The atrocities committed by Israel are worse than anything done by Hamas. 30,000 dead, 2 million people driven from their homes, thousands of homes destroyed.
lol those are not atrocities they are a fact of war Israel war crimes are when you intentionally do things like burn babys alive in front of their parents and brothers and sisters and bayonet kids rape women dead andcalive then mutilate the bodies and take pictures of it they also had instructions to go and Target schools and hospitals.
The reason schools and hospitals and other places and gods are being targeted is because of moss uses them to hide weapons store food and command centers it's a people of Gaza would not let them do that they would not be targeted people of Hamas hide amongst the people of Gaza because they are the people of God the deaths that are taking place in Gaza are the result of a war that was started by the people of Gaza now if you start a war and start losing don't cry River to me they're f****** terrorist you can kiss their ass all you want but they're terrorist
news flash

nazi party officials blame inmates for conditions in concentration camps

comrade stalin
fighting nazis in the donbass
You do realize that Israel has killed their own people who were taken hostage that were waving white flags for help and allowed October 7th to happen right?
You do realize that Israel has killed their own people who were taken hostage that were waving white flags for help and allowed October 7th to happen right?
And you do realize the only reason they are in danger is because terriost kidnapped them and committed atrocities that were barbaric more like what the Nazis did
IDF shot them. Their own citizens who were begging for help.
O yes they lined them up and shot them Im sure. I do ot see you mention the baby's burned alive or bayoneted mor the women raped alive and dead them cut up. the kids executed in front of parents and visa versa . The schools they targeted the dope they were all high on .
The massive celebrations in gaza on 9/11 and oct 7 . They act like terrorist and need to be treated as such.
Also one should never negotiate with kidnappers they need to be killed . You can support the the people who kidnap rape and commit atrocides aginst man kind all you want its your right to but its wrong . or not its up to you .
O yes they lined them up and shot them Im sure. I do ot see you mention the baby's burned alive or bayoneted mor the women raped alive and dead them cut up. the kids executed in front of parents and visa versa . The schools they targeted the dope they were all high on .
The massive celebrations in gaza on 9/11 and oct 7 . They act like terrorist and need to be treated as such.
Also one should never negotiate with kidnappers they need to be killed . You can support the the people who kidnap rape and commit atrocides aginst man kind all you want its your right to but its wrong . or not its up to you .
No they indiscriminately are over there killing people. And they killed their own citizens and don’t care about them. All of that doesn’t change the fact that Israel‘s far right wing government allowed October 7th to happen.
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The October 7th Hamas attack was the result of the actions of the Netanyahu government. Hamas saw that it was losing influence compared with Al Fatah, that was actively fighting Israeli colonist (settler) aggression in the West Bank.

It was of course, an atrocity and a terrible idea.
Mass murdering Arabs stepped up their decades-long attacks on the innocent Jews after getting major arms support from Iran after Iran got major new cash inflows from Biden and corrupt pals.