And so you must have noticed that animals are not married and are getting along just fine. So the premise is "marriage" is totally unnecessary to a relationship. I agree. But if it is to be recognized for some legal purpose than any two adults should be treated fairly and equally. "Natural Law" is no more than whatever someone wants to believe it is or in other words... mumbo jumbo.
And exactly what is fair in recognizing a right to motherhood in homosexual men, eh? The law doesn't suffer your nonsense.
No one is saying that anyone and obviously not everyone is going to go into a gay relationship hence not be able to bear children.
Then gay relationships are not FAMILIES, nor are homosexual couples the fundamental group unit of society, within the meaning of the udhr. Hence, there is NO REASON for marrying gays.
For your argument to have any validity at all we would have to also agree that any sterile man or woman could not be in a marriage because they too do not reach your breeding philosophy. It's silly...
Why do you insist on arguing what is already debunked?
The fact is, sterility is a GROUND FOR NULLIFYING A MARRIAGE.
And yet I bring you back kicking & screaming to the fact that a mere word "marriage" does not change or alter any behavior in anyway. So if people all wanted to be gay and kill off society not giving the people a piece of paper changes nothing. Hence... it's mumbo jumbo yet again.
And yet, you get your drawers in a knot trying to argue the impossible.
Gay relationships are NOT families, NOR are they the fundamental group unit of society, NOR are they an inalienable human right.
Hence, the state is not obligated to legislate changing the marital institution to accomodate it.
Gay marriage hurts no one. It actually promotes monogamy and theoretically lessen the chance of the spread of various STD's.
Your entire argument is based on defining a particular inclination as a right. If you cannot even comply with the basic requirement of gender, how much more can one expect you to comply with the requirement of fidelity, eh?
This is much like the abortion argument. Don't want a abortion... don't have one. Don't want to be gay & get married... don't be gay & get married. The rub is when someone demands to impose their values or opinions onto others not of a like mind.
But the thing is, the law are not values nor opinions. If you cannot impose values and opinions onto others, what makes you think you can impose it on the law that governs everyone, eh?
Allowing people to find their own way is what America is all about.
I am not interested in discerning the logical value in your rhetorics. Obviously, that particular rhetoric will not stand up against rigorous scrutiny.