What Religion are you?

What Religion are you?

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So, when God says that certain people will not enter the Kingdom of God, He was lying.

When Christ said "By their fruits you shall know them", He was lying.

When Paul wrote in James 2: 20 " But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" he was lying.

When Paul further wrote in James 2: 24 "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." (the ONLY place in scripture where "faith alone appears} he was lying.

Seems like there is a lot of lying in that "good book".
I believe that God’s love in us should create an empathy and kindness toward the needs and hurts of individuals, and a growing passion foranyone in need.( our works) the defenseless, the poor and the lonely. The marginalized, that can’t do anything for society generally be ignored by society. But our eyes should be on them, our feet running toward them.

There’s so much need out there that it’s overwhelming. Who do I help? How can I possibly help one without helping them all? To bring it home: which starving child’s mouth do I feed to the neglect of another. But instead of running away because we know we can’t possibly carry the entire weight of the world, we can stand right where we are.
We can help those we come into direct contact with. As Joel Osteen says, Those in first three rows of our lives

We have family, friends, co-workers and total strangers we pass by daily to whom we can open our hearts and wallets in some cases. A helping hand, open ears, hearts that are willing to enter into the pain of others, and eyes willing to stay open in the midst of the uncomfortable reality of some others hurt.
It’s all, part of sharing the gospel. The literal saving message of Jesus for sinners is primary, but the loving works it produces as an example of the type of love that we’ve learned from God is unavoidable. You don’t have to do these things to be saved, But it’s a sure sign you are..
I believe that God’s love in us should create an empathy and kindness toward the needs and hurts of individuals, and a growing passion foranyone in need.( our works) the defenseless, the poor and the lonely. The marginalized, that can’t do anything for society generally be ignored by society. But our eyes should be on them, our feet running toward them.

There’s so much need out there that it’s overwhelming. Who do I help? How can I possibly help one without helping them all? To bring it home: which starving child’s mouth do I feed to the neglect of another. But instead of running away because we know we can’t possibly carry the entire weight of the world, we can stand right where we are.
We can help those we come into direct contact with. As Joel Osteen says, Those in first three rows of our lives

We have family, friends, co-workers and total strangers we pass by daily to whom we can open our hearts and wallets in some cases. A helping hand, open ears, hearts that are willing to enter into the pain of others, and eyes willing to stay open in the midst of the uncomfortable reality of some others hurt.
It’s all, part of sharing the gospel. The literal saving message of Jesus for sinners is primary, but the loving works it produces as an example of the type of love that we’ve learned from God is unavoidable. You don’t have to do these things to be saved, But it’s a sure sign you are..

First off, Joel Osteen is a fraud living in a 10 million dollar mansion while others starve.

Next, you help who you can whenever you can, and wherever you can. Family first, all others second. I used to give to food banks until I discovered that they did not keep records (law forbids it in Oregon), and I saw a woman loading down a hatchback. Now I give to the individual, and hope they don't own a hatchback.
Oh, I understand Grace. Now why is it so hard for you to understand that Grace is based on faith, and faith is shown by your works?
Oh, I understand Grace. Now why is it so hard for you to understand that Grace is based on faith, and faith is shown by your works?
Ask and answered..It’s all, part of sharing the gospel. The literal saving message of Jesus for sinners is primary, but the loving works it produces as an example of the type of love that we’ve learned from God is unavoidable. You don’t have to do these things to be saved, But it’s a sure sign you are..
First off, Joel Osteen is a fraud living in a 10 million dollar mansion while others starve. Isn't that the TRUTH
We Christians like our pastors/preachers humble. And, by humble, I mean driving a domestically made mid-size sedan with high mileage.

I’m not saying I want my pastor to be poor, just that my assumption is that to be a man of the cloth means the seats in your car shouldn’t be made of leather. I’m fine if you have a luxury car, as long as it was a gift from a church member who happens to own a car dealership. Otherwise, I want to be honest. If I see you driving around in a tricked-out Mercedes-Benz, my first two thoughts are going to be:

1. I guess that pastor hates starving children in Africa.

2. I had no idea my tithe was going directly to the procurement of rims.

I want you on a donkey, not a Denali. I want you to know the moral fortitude that comes with having to push a car off the side of the road at least twice a year when it breaks down.

Me? What am I driving? Whoa, let’s get back on topic. You’re the Top Christian, not me. If God chooses to bless me with a Rolls Royce, should I refuse that? Would Abraham or Solomon have scoffed at God’s gifts? Think of the great witnessing I can do simply by driving down the highway with spinning rims. Think of the lives that will be touched and transformed when I pull up to a red light and make an automotive declaration, a vehicular proclamation if you will, to the goodness and graciousness of God.

But pastors? You better keep it low key.
There is no faking it with the spiritual Christian either. Of course, there are very few spiritual Christians around today.
typical my faith is the only one, and somehow I also happen to be one of the rare ones who truly understand it, and they are all wrong...Must be nice to think your so special ..your not but I am sure it feels nice. Must feel nice to think your better then everyone. Gets rid of pesky things like questioning things.
How would you know what the worse traits are in humans if not for God? BTW, scripture actually says there is neither male, nor female, in the Kingdom of God.

Anyway, I am not going to get into a long discussion trying to teach one with as much hate as you have for the beliefs of others. When the End of Times, or of ones personal life, comes we will all then know the truth.

you can't figure them out without a 4000 year old book telling you? How exactly do you think the majority of the world who does not share your faith manage to get threw life?
Actually, both of these comments are false. One cannot deny the existence of God, or a God, in one breath, and then claim that the existence of God is currently unknowable in the next. The first expresses a definitive belief, the second expresses a doubt in the first.

As to the agnostic theist, God is present in both ideologies so there is no conflict save for one seeking proof that God exists while th eother is certain about His existence.

1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.

Agnostic atheism is a philosophical position that encompasses both atheism and agnosticism.

Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity and agnostic because they claim that the existence of a deity is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact.

The agnostic atheist may be contrasted with the agnostic theist, who believes that one or more deities exist but claims that the existence or nonexistence of such is unknown or cannot be known
pretty basic , from wiki.
You said, actually I know quite a bit. Atheist often times know more about Christianity then many Christians. I rarely agree with you. The question is WHY ..
why do I know quite a bit? or why do atheist often know more then many Christians?

In a Nation where the majority are professed Christians and Atheists make a pretty small number...As an atheist I can't count how many times I have been asked to defend my belief or had people try to convert me. This requires knowing about why you don't believe, but also what they believe. Saying your Faith is wrong, and knowing nothing about it, makes a pretty weak argument. My Wife, who is Christian with a minor in Biblical studies, went to church that was against our marriage. We went to talk to them about doing pre Marital counseling, and we agreed I would not lie about being an Atheist...the head guy asked to give me some info and come back and see if he could convert me ( something that for some seems to be like winning bonus points) needless to say I came back after reading it, and being me I looked more into the history what he was talking about, I looked into science and talked about studies on the area by religious groups in terms of Geology, Anthropology, Carbon Dating...things that did not line up with what was said to be a literal history...he had no idea what I was talking about. I even had to give him help into what I had read regarding what he could have used as a defense...using science, but then showed the counter to that...I questioned things that where left out of the book he gave me, like why this city was destroyed, and every man woman and child killed by so called men of God , yet no justification was given...best he has was well God said so....The whole time he tried to steer the direction to what he wanted to say.. avoiding questions and basically not knowing what I was talking about...because while I looked at the information from a science point of view, I also tried to look at it from a biblical one as well....Lets just say my wife was less then impressed with him. Knowing what your talking about when you know people are going to try to convert you or attack you for being an atheist has advantages. Also I actually find Religion and its history interesting. I enjoying reading about the Actual Jesus, from a historical point of view vs the Biblical. I enjoy reading about how translations and views changed over time.

Being an atheist means on a pretty regular basic being told things you believe to no be true , but being asked to abide by rules and laws based on them anyway. And having random strangers try to convert you. I have never gone up to anyone of faith and said here let me show you why you are wrong. Its always in defense. My old Roommate was holding bible study at our apartment, I was watching of course just doing what ever, and someone asked me if I wanted to join, I told them no and I was atheist , and the next hour and a half became about asking me questions and why...I was fine just going back to my room and watching tv. I don't enjoy debating religion with people I don't know well.. because the default position of atheist is saying, most of what you belive so strongly and dedicate your life to...is wrong. People tend to not enjoy that or get hurt by that. Some can handle a good debate and enjoy it..some it hurts them.
I enjoying reading about the Actual Jesus, from a historical point of view vs the Biblical. I enjoy reading about how translations and views changed over time.
Hi Pocket, just for the record I have absolutely no faith whatsoever, however, I do have a passion for ancient (Roman) history and (probably like you?) I find it fascinating how within all the myriad of divergent christianities, sects and cults that existed during the 500 hundred odd years of Roman rule that the "Christian" Orthodox religion was crafted, created, politicised and finally imposed by Roman legislation. The history of Christianity/ies is much more interesting and far more absorbing than anything that can be gleaned from a purely biblical perspective.
Hi Pocket, just for the record I have absolutely no faith whatsoever, however, I do have a passion for ancient (Roman) history and (probably like you?) I find it fascinating how within all the myriad of divergent christianities, sects and cults that existed during the 500 hundred odd years of Roman rule that the "Christian" Orthodox religion was crafted, created, politicised and finally imposed by Roman legislation. The history of Christianity/ies is much more interesting and far more absorbing than anything that can be gleaned from a purely biblical perspective.

You said: "Christian Orthodox religion was crafted, created, politicised and finally imposed by Roman legislation."

Catholicism is not Orthodox Christianity. The RCC is another cult practicing in the name of Christ. At the time the RCC was established by edict in Constantinople you had Patriarchs, and Bishops, (e.g. Eastern/Western schism) in numerous countries that rejected the concept of a "Pope", or "Bishop of Bishops".
Pretty broad brush you have there Walter.

But it is true. When you have something like only 13% of the people being able to tell you who the vice president is, etc., how would you expect them to know the Bible? Hell, your own knowledge of scripture does not extend past John 3: 16, and even then you don't understand that.