You said it is a slander. Certainly in the past numerous evangelical Christians identified themselves as fundamentalist and so did you.
You take a book you know little about. Where it comes from and who wrote it. You claim to believe it is the literal word of gawd!
A lot of people feel slandered by things.
I'm a hillbilly and have had a number of people think they are slandering or making fun of me by using the term.
It didn't annoy me because I am a hillbilly and proud of it
But I know others who would start a fire fight or cuss you out .
I guess what I am trying to point out that it's not always offensive to the personal calling you one but if your offended .
Got another one for you from decades ago .
My buddy and his girlfriend and me and mine a young black girl were in the area of the shop where I worked.
2 days after that A real red necks I worked with called me a /N lover
Now I have some black blood and a few black family member and it offended me . Thankfully some of our co worker pulled me off of him.
Now here's the odd part I have freinds and family when have introduced me as their N and it didn't offend me at all
Some times is just who said it.