My own conclusion is that all modern organized religions are apostate, therefore I have organized my own.
The fundamental creation principle is that of the philosophical "First Cause" which is the foundational a-priori axiom. In other words, we know there is a God or Gods because we ourselves exist, and we know we did not create ourselves and that we cannot create much of anything besides big fiery explosions with nuclear bombs.
The First Cause axiom is reinforced a-posteriori by the closely related corollaries of "Prime Mover", "Artistic Artificer", and "Purposeful Designer". In other words, besides our own existence which points directly towards a Creator God, there are other signs of this God or these Gods: (1) the movement of the stars, planets, comets, and the Moon; (2) the beautiful symmetry with which all things have been created; and (3) the apparent purposefulness and progress of life on Earth.
The Empiricist values of perception with vision, hearing, and touch affirm the existence of all things around us and in the distant space of the Universe. The Hubble space telescope has shown us billions of galaxies just like our own Milky Way Galaxy. This suggests that a multitude of Gods are at work creating, governing, and regulating the whole Universe.
We ourselves are born tabula rasa and become a mixture of knowledge gained externally and internally. At some point we each discover that like Emmanuel Kant it is wrong to exploit others for our own mere gratifications. Instead we must respect all others as valuable like ourselves. This includes the other animals and plants and the whole Earth as well.
As for the many supposed prophets who have brought messages from the Gods of the various Religions, their messages no longer matter because their organized religions have all been thoroughly corrupted by humans since then.
So everyone is on their own to reach out to our God and keep His/Her/Its laws of living.
Everyone bears the responsibility of learning these laws on their own and following them.
Here is a summary of what I have learned:
1 - Be reverent regarding the God or Gods when you speak of them.
2 - Do not ridicule others for their own beliefs but strive to be tolerant of all.
3 - Do not kill anyone except in self defense or for defense of your nation.
4 - Do not kill other animals except for food and then only humanely and as needed sparingly.
5 - Help others as much as you can and share your surplus with them as much as possible.
6 - Help to clean up the Earth and leave it a better place than you found it.
7 - Be productive in society and do your share of all the necessary work.
8 - Be pleasant and kind towards all others including people, animals, and plants.
9 - As Hesiod the ancient Greek said, strive for moderation not excesses in all thing.
10 - Make sure your diet and the diets of others around you is balanced among protein, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and herbal drinks including coffee and tea in moderation.
11 - Help to eradicate starvation in the world.
12 - Help to eradicate disease in the world.
13 - Help to eradicate war in the world.
14 - Help to conserve precious clean pure water.
15 - Help to preserve clean fresh air.