1. What is governments role in society?
The federal government is broken down into 3 branches, Judicial, Legislative and Executive.
Their job is to make and enforce federal laws as needed. An example would be, When the founders were first framing our Nation we did not need the FDA but we do now.
There should be some laws in place to protect the nation and its citizens. Other than this the federal governments jobs is to protect and maintain our borders, main roads and ports with our military. We also need a space program to keep up with other country’s and the federal government is who we look to for this.
The only money people should be taxed for are the things above (and what ever obvious thing I missed) The people should pay taxes for the salary of the Federal government employees like the President and his cabinet staff, military personal exc.
If this is how the federal government worked, we would all be paying far less taxes to them. I am ok with the federal government promoting equality in the way that we have no slavery and we can not say this bathroom for whites only or not letting people have signs like Mexicans and dogs keep off the grass. But I do think they go to far, fed and state when they make special rights for some over others. Example. If someone throws a brick in the window of the guy next door he is out of luck, he is a white guy and would have to go tomorrow to file a complaint with the police department. I am Native American and all I have to say is I am a minority and they will come to my house for me to file my compliant. Equal protection under the law should apply to the white guy who lives next to me.
I suppose the SS office and IRS but I would like to see both abolished personally. I think we should tax on what we spend, not on what we earn. If we tax on what we spend even the hookers and drug dealers pay taxes and it gives you the incentive to work and save instead of spend.
I suppose the federal government has to control/back banks, it sucks and I don’t like it but I don’t know of any other way to make sure the peoples money is secure.
And the federal government has no rights to sign us up for world wide climate change crap that will make our people give to other countries and reduce our peoples ability to do business.
States/cities should be responsible for state police, city police, fire departments courts and things like that.
Hospitals, DMV and schools could be run by the private sector with restrictions and guidelines from the State/Federal level of government.
States have states rights, each state can be as socialist as they want to or not.
I think all congressmen, senators should be paid by the state and only by the state. If you want your senator to have a raise, your state can give it to them but we should not be taxing everyone in the country to pay the salary for a senator from another state.
If states want to pay for schools then let them. Let them tax the people, if they think the schools need more money tax the people some more. If states want a free lunch and free breakfast program then let them tax the citizens of that state.
States should be responsible for their own foster parent programs and department of human services instead of relying on the federal government.
People have the ability to move to another state if their state becomes a socialist nightmare, we don’t have the ability to leave our country.
Also, the people will have an easier time keeping an over taxing state in check than they would an over taxing federal government.
If a state wants a state wide health care then let the states tax for it, if they want food stamps and welfare then let them tax for it. If people are willing to put up with it they will stay in that state, if not they will move.
There will be extra money to tax the people if the Feds only take what they need for the main purpose of our government. If it works out great then every state will want to do it. People can at least move from state to state if their state goes socialist crazy.
2. What is the individuals role in society?
Its up to me and you and everyone to do the rest. If we want trash service start a business, if we want mail we should do it via private industry. Even the city building code planner could be run by a private business under State/Federal guidelines.
Necessity is the mother of invention and we need the government out of our way so that we can stop relying on the tit of the fed/states and actually need for things and then find ways to make business/jobs to give us the things we need.
ok blast away
I am sure I have missed more than a few important things but this is what I came up with