First of all, there IS no Creator. If you wish to live by a Jewish myth, feel free to do so, but do NOT justify the annihilation of my people with His 'divine' existence.
Why should we not dehumanize the opposition? Is said opposition not making his sole goal our utter destruction? You are to suggest their goals are in fact humanitarian in nature? Ah yes, 9-11 was humanitarian. The London bombings were humanitarian. The planned destruction of a nuclear reactor not too far from me here by Paki students, a feat had it succeeded, would have wiped out half of Canada's largest city, is an humanitarian gesture? Your logic is strange. There is nothing 'human' about your logic, but being a pussy is one you follow. Wars are NOT won by being a pussy.
The Blacks were never out to destroy us completely. Blacks in Africa never committed terrorist atrocities against our people. They never, ever uttered the words 'we will kill ALL of you', not even as slaves in America. The Muslims, on the other hand, HAVE uttered such statements. They have done so EVEN IN OUR OWN HOMELANDS. You are aware of imams in Western nations stating that they will 'conquer' the West? Yet, even as they utter such threats, they are PROTECTED by Western police forces, under the guise of protecting their rights to utter such words. I, as a fascist, would have had such individuals forcibly removed by armed paratroopers, with the warning if they ever return again, they forfeit their lives. Their families, and ALL sympathisers would go with him. No price is too high to pay for the protection, the defense of my people.
When in history did a slave EVER have 'human rights equal to our own'? They were slaves. These libtards are unbelievable.
The Muslims in our countries want our freedoms etc.? Really? Then why the clarion call for Sharia Law? Why are they murdering so many of their own who follow Western customs, thereby participating in such freedoms? A father in my city killed his 14 year old daughter because she refused to wear a hajib. His defense? It was an 'honour killing'. In fact, after our police took him in custody, Muslim groups were DEMANDING he be freed, for THEM to deal with via Sharia Law, which CLEARLY states what he did was correct according to Islamic custom. We would thus be forced to tolerate murder in or Western society, **** I would never allow. I would have HIM killed first, before he kills an innocent child. The rapine, murder etc. of WHITE women in Europe are at record levels. When one such WHITE blue-eyed blonde female in Sweden was gang-raped, as is the custom of Muslims in that country, by a group of Muslims, an imam claimed it was their RIGHT to do such things, as the woman 'offended' them by dressing in a manner befitting Western customs. They claimed she revealed too much of her flesh etc., and the penalty for such was death. Ah yes, this is an example of your beloved Muslims enjoying their new 'freedoms' here in the West, the freedoms that allow them to destroy us wholesale, all in the name of their religious freedom. I would ask that you take a woman to Saudi Arabia, and ask her to wear her shorts there. She would be dead within a minute, GUARANTEED. These Saudis are the same assholes that threaten Canadian military women with death for wearing khaki shorts, standard military wear in desert climates. Our government of course took the Saudis to task, as they should, then asked her to not dress in such a manner OFF BASE. The Saudis wanted her to remain covered even on our own base. We of course told the Saudis to '**** off', and rightfully so. They seem to conveniently forget that the ONLY THING that stood between us and the Iraqis was our military.
You mention they want a chance to earn a living, yet so many of those Muslims we find to be earning a good living are SENDING THEIR MONEY ABROAD, to organisations, those same organisations that harbour strong anti-West sentiments. Our own CSIS can verify this, and they have demanded our government do something about it.
Your claims about the Taliban and Al-Queda are ridiculous. They are supported by a large portion of Islam. How else do they manage to survive? Where do they obtain monetary aid? The money for their military hardware has to come from somewhere, and since neither has any economy to speak of, then where is it coming from? The sky? No, they are getting the money from Muslims all over the world. Those 'moderate' Muslims are taking over the West the smart way, by populating our countries with more of their own kind as they know the weakness of democracy, in numbers. It is why we must become fascist in order to deal with these psychotic assholes.
How do you suppose they win if we become as savage as they? Tell that to the victorious Allies, who bombed the **** out of civilian centers. If not for the destruction of cities like Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden etc., the war might have been lost. The Nazis bombed the **** out of London, I know for my family was there. We returned the favour by destroying their own cities. We won by adopting that very 'savagery' you are clearly whining like a little ***** here. If we had adopted your pinko ways, we would have lost.