You are obviously a very confused and desperate person.
Ad hominem... Logical fallacies and emotional appeals are not part of a rational argument.
I state the fact the the Geneva Convention & the Army's Military field Manual have no problem defining torture ...
From the GC:
For the purposes of this Convention, torture shall be understood to be any act intentionally
performed whereby physical or mental pain or suffering is inflicted on a person for purposes
of criminal investigation, as a means of intimidation, as personal punishment, as a
preventive measure, as a penalty, or for any other purpose. Torture shall also be understood
to be the use of methods upon a person intended to obliterate the personality of the victim or
to diminish his physical or mental capacities, even if they do not cause physical pain or
mental anguish.
The concept of torture shall not include physical or mental pain or suffering that is inherent
in or solely the consequence of lawful measures, provided that they do not include the
performance of the acts or use of the methods referred to in this article.
As I've been saying, its a concept, not a definition. Where in the MANY army field manuals can I find torture "defined"?
and you say but I have to give an example of "ALMOST" torture...
Because you go from one extreme to the other... you cite that which is obviously NOT torture then jump to things that obviously ARE torture while insisting that there is a clear "point" at which interrogation becomes torture. Its not unreasonable to ask for an interrogation tactic that is closer to that "point" than the extreme examples you offer.
which was a queer request in the first place.
It's not very politically correct of you to use such an adjective.
But I still get out the coloring book and gave specific examples of what is "ALMOST" torture and you cry... too vague.
Here's a refresher:
1) Bending someones arm behind their back so much that it makes them uncomfortable & restrained but not in such excruciating pain that they would confess to being the Queen of England.
I didn't complain this was too vague, I asked a reasonable question regarding that proposed tactic:
how would you objectively measure "excruciating" pain?
2) Putting electrical cables on someones genitals
I didn't find this suggestion too vague, I found such a practice to be torture no matter what the voltage.
3) Putting a dogs choker chain on a prisoner
Again, I didn't claim this was vague, I asked; how does this qualify as an interrogation technique?
Hint: ALMOST means vague.
Once again showing how definitionally challenged you are:
Almost: very nearly; all but:
almost every house; almost the entire symphony; to pay almost nothing for a car; almost twice as many books.
1. not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises.
2. indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings: a vague premonition of disaster.
3. not clear or distinct to the sight or any other sense; perceptible or recognizable only in an indefinite way: vague shapes in the dark; vague murmurs behind a door.
4. not definitely established, determined, confirmed, or known; uncertain: a vague rumor; The date of his birth is vague.
5. (of persons) not clear or definite in thought, understanding, or expression: vague about his motives; a vague person.
6. (of the eyes, expression, etc.) showing lack of clear perception or understanding: a vague stare.
Almost and Vague do not mean the same thing.
By your standards NOTHING is torture because the person doesn't die until he's dead! But that's what you want. The power to go right up to the killing line on defenseless, restrained, military prisoners.
More fallacious statements meant to mischaracterize my position. Please, control your emotional outbursts and at least attempt to approach this discussion with some modicum of rationality.
See there you go again. Asking for the stupid "ALMOST" answer and then complaining about the "ALMOST" answer.
You are not providing almost, you are providing either the vague or the extreme.
Weak buddy... very very weak.
Most of what you say is..
The reality is THIS IS... THIS ISN'T not well what would you say is iffy.
Jumper cables on genitals... You say it isn't, I say it is. Show me where the jumper cable on genitals treatment and/or the dog leash treatment is outlined in the Geneva Convention, or Army field manual, as an approved interrogation technique.
That's exactly why there are specific can and can't does spelled put in the Geneva Convention & the Army's Military Field Manual... to avoid misinterpretations of "ALMOST".
one from each...
Just ONE specific interrogation technique that is "spelled out" in each.
Here are the links if you're too lazy:
Intellegence Interrogation Process
Geneva Conventions
But since I boarded your crazy train I guess I'll ride. Yes... the repeated attempted drowning of a person to coerce a confession or information is beyond humiliating someone and making them uncomfortable.
But jumper cables on genitals and dog collars are not?
You have no standing to talk about anyone else.
But you do?
You stated that under the Geneva Convention POW's were held until the end of the conflict
They are, with few exceptions already identified.
(of course you left out prisoner swaps but I digress).
Because I had already discussed prisoner swaps... Also, do you honestly think Al Quaeda will stop killing captured American soldiers, that AQ will suddenly begin recognizing and upholding the GC protocols? Do you think Obama would negotiate the release of terrorists for captured US soldiers?
And you used that point to show that we should hold prisoners without trial and I said that would be forever because this so called "war on terror" isn't something that is ever completely gone. There will always be some crazy terrorist SOMEWHERE!
...Just as there will always be poverty and drugs, which was why I pointed out both of those failed "wars" as well... We can't "win" those "wars" because we are fighting the symptoms, not the disease. Terrorism is an effect, not the cause. We need to fight the cause, Bush didn't do it, Obama is not doing it.
And I went on to say even if we did just stockpile them forever the Geneva Convention (which YOU referenced) doesn't allow them to be tortured... which is what we did when we waterboarded.
3 people out of 30-50 thousands were waterboarded... You're the one who wants them to have dog collars on their necks and jumper cables on their genitals... I couldn't find those techniques in the GC or the AFM.
First... the Supreme Court found some things to be wrong in our system of handling detainees.
The SCOTUS ruling was on GITMO detainees, they found, 5-4, that GITMO detainees deserved constitutional rights... As I said, if that's how we are going to fight this "war", then pack it up and bring them home. Hopefully the next 9/11 will hit
only people who agreed with that court ruling.
Secondly... I don't care in what court they are tried as long as there is evidence presented and a defense provided and an impartial judge.
POW's do not get this... yet you continue to insist they be given POW status.
Third... It appears Bush was holding them forever as well so that's not the answer... That the evil and cumbersome Geneva Convention was going to do it.
Fallacy of narrow sample. GITMO detainees were being held indefinitely, all 250-500 of them... The typical detainee held elsewhere was cycled through and released in 50-70 days thanks to the military tribunals.
My Uncle Orville was a Captain in the Infantry Division attached to Patton's Armor Division.
Your uncle was a patriot... Too bad he didn't pass on some of his "blood n guts" to you.
Not only do I know more than you...
You know emotional arguments, fallacies and talking points...
I'm glad we won more than you.
Do you hear yourself? Is this what you consider an intellectual argument?
The difference between us Gen is simple. You believe we ourselves must become terrorists to defeat terrorists.... and I do not.
Right... because we can't simply disagree on policy... I have to be a bad person with evil in his heart and hatred for his fellow man...
All you've offered there is another emotional argument, predicated on an ad hominem attack and an appeal to ridicule.
We're gonna to have to leave it there...
Y'all come back now... Y'hear?