The problem is that not being a professional interrogator I would doubtlessly leave out 100's of things that I've just never thought of that could be used that aren't torture... and I'm positive there are tortures that I've never even heard of.
I'm not asking for 100's, I've only asked for 3... I'll further reduce that request to just ONE (1) that is
so close to torture in your book, that
you had to really think about whether or not to allow it.
So when I say... Anything not allowed to be done to POW's in the Geneva Convention & Army Field Manual should not be allowed. That does seem a fairly informative blanket response...
this is the typical BLANKET response. How much
thought did making such a blanket statement take? Zero... Yet its on the basis of such
mindless statements that you consider yourselves to hold the moral high ground.
Does that really not seem honest & fair to you?
No it does not. You have continually mischaracterized me, my position, my requests and when I point this out to you... You ratchet up the rhetoric and go farther away from reality and the topic.
I could go back and forth... Sleep deprivation, not... Twisting someones arm to get a confession, is... putting a bug in a prisoners blacked out cell, not... waterboarding, is... I mean this could go on for the entirety of this board.
You're pretty close here... but it needn't go on for the entire thread, I'm only asking for 3. I've been very specific as to what I'm looking for and this is the most specific you've been about your scale so far...
So, without playing it safe and staying at the extreme ends of the spectrum:
What is ALMOST - but not quite - torture in your book? You need only give me
one such technique or example. That's all, not hundreds, just one example that's is as close as possible to your line of torture without going over it. I know its a tough question to answer, it makes you actually think about the topic in terms of specifics rather than feel good generalities and blanket statements.
[On a side note: You say arm twisting IS torture? Then I was "tortured" routinely in grade school and high school... My schools wrastlin team was all a bunch of torturers]
Perhaps the correct way would be if you listed various actions and I could respond down YOUR list... I'd be more than glad to do that.
I know you'd be glad to do that... after all you are a coach and standing on the sidelines is what you know best... That's all Monday morning quarterbacks like yourself have been doing is standing safely on the sidelines judging those with the guts to take the field. I'm asking you to come out on the field but you instinctively know that in doing so, those still on the sidelines will begin judging you... and that terrifies you into sticking with blanket statements, made from the safety of the sidelines.
Well that's because you're trying to build a box that I won't enter.
No, I'm not... That's how
you may operate but I've been very gracious to those who choose to participate and discuss the topic with me as requested.
I've several times now in several threads posted that the Geneva Convention and Army Field Manual rules should be the standard.
These sort of blanket statements are not what I've been asking for, that's why I have been very specific in my requests.
What you want is for me to list everything that's torture (which of course nobody knows)
Wrong... that's NOT what I have requested.
which would allow you to then pop up with something bizarre and say... See you didn't cite this, you Progressives think making someone shoot up battery acid isn't torture, you Progressive like shooting up.
I'm not playing a 'Gotcha!' game here, I have asked out of a sincere interest in the topic. So many people seem to agree that waterboarding is torture, that I wanted to hear where their "point" of torture began and see if they could provide an example or two of techniques that they consider close, but not quite, torture. If everyone who thinks Waterboarding is torture did that, this whole thread would explode with a realistic and honest discussion on the topic with actual specifics of what should, and should not, be acceptable forms of interrogation.
So far, only one person has done that; ASPCA4EVER, and for his participation I am grateful.
ASPCA, I wish Top Gun, PLC1 and the rest of the
sideliners would show the balls that you did in stepping onto the field and offering examples. You may remember that I thanked you, repeatedly, yet Top Gun thinks this is all some trap... ASPCA... I want you to think about who it was that attacked your examples... Was it me... or was it the sideliners? The sideliners are the ones who have set the trap in the middle of the field, that's why they are afraid to walk out there. I'll gladly stand here on their trap, being called an immoral supporter of torture, in hopes that more people like yourself can see just how they play this stupid game.
Not Bitting my friend, we're always 3 chess moves ahead...
Too bad we're playing poker... But seriously, you're
always playing games... I'm not here to play games of one-ups-manship, I'm not here as a cheerleader for one party or another, but you clearly are. You, Shaman, Popeye, and many others here are
always "in character" and never step out of character long enough to carry on a conversation as though you were normal everyday people.
If you really want to play games; I'll pick a ridiculous position on torture, I'll declare my position as the unquestionable moral high ground, I'll declare
you a supporter of torture and I'll make an excellent case for myself and position as well... But I'd rather be real, and I'd rather talk to honest people who aren't here to play games.