Apparently water boarding is a very bad thing to do to people who wish to blow up our cities and kill our citizens but there are some liberals out there who want to see it just for the fun of it and are willing to pay to see it done, as long as it’s done to Americans they hate.
Keith Olbermann is one of those sick twisted freaks who seem to think the enemy of our country is Americans who don’t think like them. So he is willing to give to charity 1000 dollars for every minute that he gets to watch Sean Hannity get water boarded.
I hope Sean does it if for no other reason than Olbermann would have to actually give something to our troops.
Its so strange to me that there are Americans who want to see other Americans water boarded and are willing to pay to see it but how dare we do it to some terrorist who wants to blow up one of our cities. Every day I discover the left is more sick and more twisted than I thought the day before.
You've obviously and not surprisingly completely missed the point here.
When you have Radical Far Right Wing Nut Jobs like Sean Hannity praising torture. Basically saying anything America does no matter how dishonorable or violent to get information (good or bad) out of a detainee in our custody is fair game regardless of our own Military's rules or International Law just because our side is the one doing it... that would be the sick & twisted person.
Keith Olbermann is simply calling a Lunatic fearmongers bluff saying...
OK Sean if it's not so bad you go through it and then tell us about it first hand. But Sean Hannity is just another blowhard coward Right Wing talker.
He has neither the guts nor the strength of character to back up anything he says... that's the truth.