Well-Known Member
It's sad just how far back this president has set our country regarding race.
I was never a racist. Honestly, I seriously just saw a man and his character. Where I grew up it was a box of crayons. All colors.
We were kids. We never thought that way. We rode bicycles in the woods and ate marshmellows caught fogs, etc.
I can't really say that now. Almost every black person I know is slobbering all over Obama who is a total failure and an America hater.
I served this nation. I took an Oath. And the constition is looked at like a door mat now. Blatent constitutional violations with no response because everyone is afraid the minorities will riot. Like the OJ Simson deal. We let a know killer go because of fear.
I no longer see a man. I see a black man. I instantly think an Obama supporter, a racsist, someone out to get his from whitey.
It saddens me deeply. I never felt this way before. I don't like the thoughts that instantly jump in my head. America is a different place now.
I carry a gun everywhere I go now. And my town is a safe little town in Texas. I don't like the way our country is going. Not one bit.
So if you have become a person who thinks discriminator thoughts for some very good reasons what does that say about discrimination in general?