As I posted earlier
"Obama will achieve what he wants with the Zimmerman case."
If he thinks he can use martial law to hold power he has another think coming.
As I posted earlier
"Obama will achieve what he wants with the Zimmerman case."
That's exactly what I think!If he thinks he can use martial law to hold power he has another think coming.
That's exactly what I think!
so I surmised. do you really think the Pentagon will allow that ? they are pledged to defend the country from all enemies foreign OR domestic. If BO is deemed the enemy... lets just say its a short bloodless fight. along with a stunning number of other potential conflict scenarios they have and constantly revise is this one. and there is a process for determining the action.
Compliance is rarely the result of forcing ones own military to agree with dictators. Throughout history soldiers have often done what they would rather not. Compliance of the military is built into the system from day one.
Because of history the military is no longer doing it that way. Soldiers can disobey an order if they feel its illegal (and they're well trained on that point). It fits into the "Army of One" campaign a few years back. As part of becoming a professional Army, decision making is allowed right down to that lone GI. As my buddy the retired Army guy said by way of example, "do you really think a fighter pilot will strafe a bunch of civilians in a US city ?". I used to see it your way too but got educated otherwise.
No i dont think a pilot would do that. Neither do I think he would ever be asked.
What is a more likely scenario is that a soldier would be posted outside of a voting place to screen for terrorists using a rubric that was not at all racial profiling but instead just happened to result in the wrong people being detained just long enough so that they missed their chance to vote. This would be just one example among many and a slow encroachemt on rights would be ever advancing.
Do you believe that could happen here?rulers elsewhere have sent their aircraft in to do crowd control, Libya for example.
Do you believe that could happen here?
Aren't those same government employee's (their not military members but still government) going to be flying those 30,000 drones over the USA? By the way that's 10 drones per county across America!!no, as I said they (the service member) are expected to use discretion
Aren't those same government employee's (their not military members but still government) going to be flying those 30,000 drones over the USA? By the way that's 10 drones per county across America!!
COULD that be the tip of a spear? Let's hope not.
if they're being piloted by the domestic force Obama wanted (and I believe actually got some money for) thats easier to manage.