What A PERFECT Ending For Donald Trump's Political Career!!!!

De Santis has refused to extradite Trump from Florida. Nothing odd there except he doesnt have the authority. That aside, Trump is going voluntarily.
This is the nutter that is the main contender to the other nutter. You can't make this stuff up.
Maybe he saw his shadow....
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He's watching no doubt. The temptation is too great in his most dire time of need. Maybe the barrage of anti Trump facts has overwhelmed him resulting in a hospital stay.

I heard on a feed that De Santis is talking to his handlers about pulling out rather than face Trump.
If so, and Trump wins, I puts TAT in a very awkward position.
April 5, 2023
"Trump fought against cameras in the courtroom. No mug shot was released. But his campaign began selling T-shirts with mock images of a mug shot for $47."

"Just days after the Jan. 6 riot, House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy told a fellow Republican lawmaker that he would recommend to then-Presidunce Donald Trump that he resign, according to audio of a call obtained by MSNBC and aired Thursday night.

In the Jan. 10 call, McCarthy can be heard telling Rep.
Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., that he planned to tell the president he should step down following the violent attack on the Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters.

McCarthy, R-Calif., also indicated
he thought impeachment would succeed in the House and possibly the Senate.

“The only discussion I would have with him is that I think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation you should resign,” McCarthy said in
audio that aired on "The Rachel Maddow Show."
Sadly, too many of McCarthy's thoughts were irrational, unethical, immoral, or otherwise wrong.
Sadly, too many of McCarthy's thoughts were irrational, unethical, immoral, or otherwise wrong.
Trump demonstrated by attempting to thwart the will of the voters that he was unfit for president. He should have been impeached, removed tried, convicted and imprisoned!
Trump demonstrated by attempting to thwart the will of the voters that he was unfit for president. He should have been impeached, removed tried, convicted and imprisoned!
How did Trump thwart the will of voters, by offending the small minority of crooks who committed massive 2020 election fraud by impeding their efforts to sail to illegitimate victory on clouds of mass deception ease?
SEVEN MILLON MORE people voted for Biden than for Diaper Don. He is a rapist, a thief and a conman.
Yes, if you count the millions of unverifiable ballots that mysteriously showed up in the middle of the night without required handling records, of which 99% of the ballots were for Biden and less than 1% for Trump. Since Trump was still leading when polls closed on election night these late ballots became absolutely essential for Biden's win.