We're In The Best Of Hands

That 60% are not qualified to assess that. The problem is that's how dickheads in USA judge a persons ability to be POTUS. They never consider his 40 years experience and the good job he's done in his term.
It's the same for idiots like you who approve of Trump but don't consider his disgusting crimes. In your case, you purely want anyone but Biden and democrats. Fuck the country and the introduction of a fascism state, just get rid of democrats. Sound familiar???
That 60% are not qualified to assess that. The problem is that's how dickheads in USA judge a persons ability to be POTUS. They never consider his 40 years experience and the good job he's done in his term.
It's the same for idiots like you who approve of Trump but don't consider his disgusting crimes. In your case, you purely want anyone but Biden and democrats. Fuck the country and the introduction of a fascism state, just get rid of democrats. Sound familiar???
I do feel sorry for your washed up guy in some respects but I am glad his time has finally come to move over and let someone else take a crack at it.