Time To Take The Keys Away

The sumbitch took million dollar vacations paid for by a rich guy. He has a YUGE PERSONAL BUS that he cruises all over with, and he paid not a dime for it, nor did he declare it on his income tax.

Clarence Thomas is NOT a Good Man, he is a corrupt lying asshole, cheating us all.
Maybe you just hate blacks, but if so how is it you think Kackles is not a "corrupt lying a-hole, cheating us all?"
The sumbitch took million dollar vacations paid for by a rich guy. He has a YUGE PERSONAL BUS that he cruises all over with, and he paid not a dime for it, nor did he declare it on his income tax.

Clarence Thomas is NOT a Good Man, he is a corrupt lying asshole, cheating us all.
Let's not get into how many leftist government officials palled around with Epstein for the 'privilege' of being pleasured by his underage trafficked sex workers.
Thomas accepts bribes. That has NOTHING to do with Epstein.
If you go ballistic over Thomas receiving minor gifts according to how leftists see it, I can only imagine the blow to your health might be caused when the info is released about the Biden family accepting tens of millions of dollars in under the table bribes and gifts from some of the worst American enemy thugs in the world .
A three week vacation to Bali and a two million dollar motorhome are not minor gifts. He also scored a house for his mother and a college education for a nephew. Thomas is CORRUPT.
I see how it is. Those SCOTUS justices who do not rubber stamp unconstitutional democrat beliefs and practices are corrupt and should be impeached. Ammiright?
No. Thomas is corrupt and he's a republican godbotherer.

There is nothing unconstitutional about it. He should be impeached.
A three week vacation to Bali and a two million dollar motorhome are not minor gifts. He also scored a house for his mother and a college education for a nephew. Thomas is CORRUPT.
You have been listening to liars and false accusers. No wonder you post no evidence to support the claims of liars and deceivers.
You have been listening to liars and false accusers. No wonder you post no evidence to support the claims of liars and deceivers.
Thomas himself has finally admitted all the bribes that he has taken, there are no false accusers, you ignorant buffoon. Thomas is corrupt and needs to be removed from the Court.
Thomas himself has finally admitted all the bribes that he has taken, there are no false accusers, you ignorant buffoon. Thomas is corrupt and needs to be removed from the Court.
Thomas is far better for America than some of the leftist radicals that have been more recently been inserted into the court by leftists.
Thomas is far better for America than some of the leftist radicals that have been more recently been inserted into the court by leftists.
"some of the leftist radicals" lol.
you never name names.
beause you are a moooron lol
You can't name any names
God you are stupid lol
I don't care to give the name of the leaker who broke federal laws in the run-up to the abortion decision or the incompetent leftist who does not know the difference between a man and a woman.