Rush first got my attention in '91, when he was talking about the first Iraq war. That's when Saddam invaded Kuwait and started murdering newborn babies in their incubators. He also educated me on all the ends and outs of Washington and who all the players were and how they played the game. Rush had been a DJ and a sports commentator. He made his shows interesting and yes, entertaining by mocking the left.
He was the first successful talk radio show host and many others have since successfully followed him. Conservatives had never had a media outlet that spoke to them. The left takes for granted their monopoly on the media because they have always had it. Now that conservatives have found a few outlets to express their views, the left has made it their ambition to not allow their message to get out or by spinning it to mean something it's not.
I also learned a long time ago, when I first had internet access, that all the print and television outlets told half truths, hid and lied about what was really going on in our own country. I used to read World and U.S. political articles in foreign newspapers, and then tried to find the same stories in our papers and on our news channels. I was shocked when I realized just how much had not been reported here in this country and how manipulated the news was. I wondered too, about how many decades this had been going on.