Pretty much, yes. There was no political advantage in allowing an embassy to be attacked, was there?Are you sure that was "just" because of incompetentcy?
Pretty much, yes. There was no political advantage in allowing an embassy to be attacked, was there?Are you sure that was "just" because of incompetentcy?
Pretty much, yes. There was no political advantage in allowing an embassy to be attacked, was there?
A Libyan intelligence document has been produced that directly implicates Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Mursi in the attacks on American installations in Benghazi on 9/11/12. Those who attempt to discredit this document run into trouble when it is coupled with real-time video we uncovered on 9/13/12. In that video, gunmen at the scene of the attack can be heard declaring..... "Don't shoot us, we were sent by Mursi".
If help had not been denied i might not find it so grossly intolerable.
Are you sure that was "just" because of incompetentcy?
It never had to be this bad.. of course he didn't benefit from it. but not for lack of trying.. HE TRIEDDid Reagan plan to have our marines killed in Lebanon? Bush Planed for Sept 11?
Odd how you never gave a shit about any of the other ones.
All Conspiracies!
Keep trolling and pretending its about those killed, its about mindless hate for Obama.
How stupid do you have to be to think that this attack in any way benefited Obama? How low has the right realy gone? I think in your fight against Evolution as a theory you are all devolving.
No cash ....It never had to be this bad.. of course he didn't benefit from it. but not for lack of trying.. HE TRIED
Of course the attack was political. I meant that there was no political advantage for the Obama administration, either for the attack or for the cover up afterwards.No Political advantage?
So a plot to kidnap Stevens in exchange for the blind Sheik by the President of Egypt wasn't political? That sure wouldn't have gone down well 6 weeks before the election. Not after the Obama WH supported the Muslim Brotherhood coming to power.
No cash ....
What these charts and spin from the useful idiot website "motherjones" doesn't say is that none of these events in the past were covered up.
None of these attacks resulted in the death of an American Ambassador with the exception of Carter. But even that one was not covered up. No other President in history has come out and deliberately lied to the American people blamed an attack like this on American Freedoms and Liberties.Tex..I understand.. the point I was trying to make was, He did try to spin this to his advantage..
That is exactly what Obama did by concocting the lie about the anti-islam video.
Benghazi is nothing like any of the attacks in the past for these very reasons despite what all the useful idiots think.
Of course he did .....Tex..I understand.. the point I was trying to make was, He did try to spin this to his advantage.
The political advantage for the cover-up was to save Obama's ass from being impeached. This cover up goes way beyond incompetency.Of course the attack was political. I meant that there was no political advantage for the Obama administration, either for the attack or for the cover up afterwards.
Help was not available. Military has said so many times, try listening for once.
dumb ass ignorant non military hacks crying about we could have sent do fucking what bomb the compound and kill evryone in it?
Enjoy your deaths, I hope they served your political goals well.
Yes ...listen to who ? I avoid listening to the administration as they lie constantly.