We Never Went to the Moon

I do believe it is a possibility the first landing was faked only to beat the communists- but the rest of them? No thanks.
We (the U.S) landed on the Moon in 1969. Get over it. Denying that simple fact disregards the BILLIONS of hours of human effort that was required to make that landing happen. The only people who profit from believing the landing was faked are the guys selling books about it.

If Hubble was turned towards the Moon, it's optics would be fried. It's designed for deep space observations.

We have a ton of reflective markers and other crap up there, so do the Russians. We'll go back and stand the Flag up once the price of Helium3 makes it a profitable enterprise.

We went, a bunch of times, until people lost interest. They seem interested now though.
Well, on the one hand, the Moon does have an atmosphere. A very, thin one, full of sodium and other nasty gases from the stanky interior of the Moon, but it's there.

On the other hand, the video focus adjust seems to lag a bit. Commander Scott looked a little out of focus close up, it's possible he brushed the flag, perhaps with his hand.

Helium3 is going to replace lithium in the batteries of hybrid cars. Thats why it's valuable. The Moon's full of it. The 2001 Lunar Prospector mission wasn't faked either. We, as well as other Nations have both Manned and robotic missions planned right around the corner.

The real Space Conspiracy is the Yuri Gargarin one.
I know its a conspiracy, because when ever people have to much time on there hands, and the Internet full of people who can post what ever they want as fact...and act like a "expert" there will be a conspiracy....

Its just that most are dumb wrong and have 10000 more holes then the "conspiracy" they try to put holes in.

Some other great ones
Bin Laden works for the US Government
It was a Missile that hit the Pentagon
Israel was behind the attack on 911
Bush was....
The UN was
Saddam was....
Oklahoma City bombing was really a Giant laser test by the US government
Oklahoma city was a test of using earthquakes as a weapon
Oklahoma City was really a Islamic attack
Oklahoma City was planned by Iraq
The Waco fire was planned by the US government
The Waco fire was a accident but covered up by the government
Fort Knox has no gold
Pearl harbor was known about by the US
the Lusitania sent into German water to get sunk to draw us into WWI
Flight 800 was shot down ....
Madrid Bombings where by Intel services
London Bombings by the Intel services
The Following where all assassinated by Intel Services of one nation or another ( ok most the US lol) JFK ( ok possible on that one But Cuba not the US) MLK, X, Lincoln, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Diana, JFK JR, Bob Marley, Tupac, Curt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon,
the 2004 Tsunami
They have the cure for aids
Elvis works for the CIA
and of course...Paul Mccartney died and was replaced by a look alike

All Claim proof, with "experts" who testify to them....
SO I guess everyone important who died...was killed by Intel services, and no bomb has ever gone off from a terrorist ...it was the Intel Services.
Sorry for the delay; I hadn't checked here for a long time.

Well, on the one hand, the Moon does have an atmosphere. A very, thin one, full of sodium and other nasty gases from the stanky interior of the Moon, but it's there.
There isn't enough atmosphere to cause the flag to move from somebody walking by it.

On the other hand, the video focus adjust seems to lag a bit. Commander Scott looked a little out of focus close up, it's possible he brushed the flag, perhaps with his hand.
If you look at the beginning of the video when the astronaut is standing right next to the flag, you'll see the size of his arm is much smaller that it is when he walks by the flag and makes it move. He's quite a bit further away.

We, as well as other Nations have both Manned and robotic missions planned right around the corner.
We'll have to wait and see what happens. Did you see what I posted about space radiation in post #11?

If it turns out that space radiation was the reason they had to fake it, what we've been reading about a "Return" to the moon is just part of the damage control; they will probably find an excuse to cancel the program before they actually go.
I'd like to hear an analysis from some pro-Apollo people of why the flag moved when the astronaut walked by it at the 2 minute 35 second mark in this clip.


There's an analysis of it here at the 3 minute 5 second mark.
This would be the Apollo 15 mission.
I can say this, I also watched them hit a few golf balls on that mission. If they could knock those balls out of the park in those space suits and they were not on the moon - I'd like to know where there were if not a low gravity environment.
hahaha. every time i hear about this idea i just laugh. its SO funny to imagine people running around screaming " aghhh! its all a conspiracy! the governments been lieing! we never landed on the moon! auggh omg omg omg!! CONSPIRACY!" lol. you dont honesly believe this do you?
I can understand the intensity of the feelings about this, HOWEVER
PLEASE try to understand, the Bush regime is in the process of screwing AMERICA
big time and we all need to devote our energies to defeating the two headed monster.
One head has the appearance of an elephant and the other the appearance of a donkey.
AMERICA must defeat this monster!
I can understand the intensity of the feelings about this, HOWEVER
PLEASE try to understand, the Bush regime is in the process of screwing AMERICA
big time and we all need to devote our energies to defeating the two headed monster.
One head has the appearance of an elephant and the other the appearance of a donkey.
AMERICA must defeat this monster!
One reason Bush can get away with so much is that there are so many people who think the government has good intentions and doesn't lie. If we can wake up the people who still think the government never lies on a large scale, it will be a lot harder for Bush to carry out his plans. If people see how they were lied to about Apollo, they might take all the other theories seriously too.

I'm dealing with the other issues too. Here's a thread I started on another forum.

I've started that same thread on several forums.

I got banned for starting this thread.


I feel like I'm doing my part.
Please forgive me for not joining in, I don't want to debate if we went to the moon or not, and just my bit on the subject, this serves only as at distraction and a waste of energy to debate if we went to the moon, when in fact we have VERY important questions to ask ...
like WHY did the Commander in Chief sit on his ass in a photo-op after being informed that AMERICA was under attack?

But thats just my bit here....
Please forgive me for not joining in, I don't want to debate if we went to the moon or not, and just my bit on the subject, this serves only as at distraction and a waste of energy to debate if we went to the moon, when in fact we have VERY important questions to ask ...
like WHY did the Commander in Chief sit on his ass in a photo-op after being informed that AMERICA was under attack?
One reason I want to show people that Apollo was a hoax is to wake them up to the fact that the US government is capable of telling gigantic lies so they will be more open to the idea that 9/11 was an inside job.

Here's some stuff I send to people in order to convince them that 9/11 was an inside job.

(Be sure to watch "Painful Deceptions")


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