We Never Went to the Moon

Your response to the entire show debunking most of the CT claims was simply it is government controlled propaganda. Then you turn around and say "debunk my evidence." Why is it that you do not have debunk any evidence?
Those damage-control sites put forward alternative explanations for the hoax evidence which is not debunking. If one piece of conclusive proof is found, all of those alternative explanations fall by the wayside. Please post one thing you consider to be conclusive proof that the missions were real and we can talk about whether it's really proof. I haven't seen any yet.

Look at how Collins' jacket corner bounces up and down the way it would in gravity.
(50 second mark)

The corner moves upward, stops, then moves downward. There's no identifiable force making it move back down except for gravity. What do you people think causes the corner of Collins' jacket to move back down?
Top Gun-

You're not debunking the evidence I posted. You're ignoring it. I can think of a few possibilities.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation. It therefore occurs when there is a need to accommodate new ideas, and it may be necessary for it to develop so that we become "open" to them. Neighbour (1992) makes the generation of appropriate dissonance into a major feature of tutorial (and other) teaching: he shows how to drive this kind of intellectual wedge between learners' current beliefs and "reality".

Beyond this benign if uncomfortable aspect, however, dissonance can go "over the top", leading to two interesting side-effects for learning:

if someone is called upon to learn something which contradicts what they already think they know — particularly if they are committed to that prior knowledge — they are likely to resist the new learning. Even Carl Rogers recognised this. Accommodation is more difficult than Assimilation, in Piaget's terms.
and—counter-intuitively, perhaps—if learning something has been difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are less likely to concede that the content of what has been learned is useless, pointless or valueless. To do so would be to admit that one has been "had", or "conned".

http://www.philosophicalsociety.com/Logical Fallacies.htm
invincible ignorance -- the fallacy of insisting on the legitimacy of one's position in the face of contradictory facts. Statements like "I really don't care what the experts say; no one is going to convince me that I'm wrong"; "nothing you say is going to change my mind"; "yeah, okay, whatever!" are examples of this fallacy.

9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.

Example: "Nothing you say makes any sense. Your logic is idiotic. Your facts non-existent. Better go back to the drawing board and try again."

Proper response: You are avoiding the issue with disinformation tactics. Your evade the issues with your own form of nonsense while others, perhaps more intelligent than you pretend to be, have no trouble with the material. Why do you refuse to address the issues by use of such disinformation tactics (rule 9 - play dumb)?

I usually don't get sarcastic but I can't help it here. Here's a video for you to watch.


Well that was a whole lot of hullabaloo about nothing!:D

As much as I love YouTube clips (and ask anybody in here... I do LOVE YouTube clips :D). But I'm not able to test a YouTube clip.

So I'm left basing my opinion on my personal evaluations of things that I've actually seen and how real they've seemed to me.

Along with that I take into account the likelihood or lack thereof that a staged scheme this large would over all these many years never have any defectors that would want to set the record straight or enjoy a great personal financial gain.

So I'm open to listening to your assurtions, just not buying in on the data you've provided.
So I'm open to listening to your assurtions, just not buying in on the data you've provided.
You ignored what I said in post #46. Here it is again.
Look at how Collins' jacket corner bounces up and down the way it would in gravity.
(50 second mark)

The corner moves upward, stops, then moves downward. There's no identifiable force making it move back down except for gravity. What do you people think causes the corner of Collins' jacket to move back down?
As far as I can see, this is conclusive proof of fakery. If you think the corner of Collins's jacket is moving the way it's supposed to move in zero-G, identify the force that makes it stop going up and go back down.
Scott Said:
As far as I can see, this is conclusive proof of fakery. If you think the corner of Collins's jacket is moving the way it's supposed to move in zero-G, identify the force that makes it stop going up and go back down.

Please forgive my 'Johnny Come Lately' opinion to this topic {just recently walked in the door} and I've spent some considerable time reading this topic from point 'A' to here.

But my question is for you Scott...if given the technology that we have and many a student needing to work on a thesis/masters degree; {would you allow the possibility that the extensive Youtube examples that you keep pushing} could be staged/re-taped/video enhanced/edited to make it appear that there is indeed a questionable/feasible thought that the Lunar Landing wasn't real.

A. you affirm that the Lunar Landing was fake...OK you bought into that hypothetical premise, then why would it not be equally possible to fake the videos that claim that the landing is a fraud....{would the real video please stand up}

B. Given the human factor for being a 'world class whistle blower' some lessor thinking human would have taken advantage of this 'scheme to fake the Lunar Landing' and made a 'live in infamy moment' for themselves!!! This would have to have been the greatest scam ever propagandized upon the world and Russia would have & could have bribed someone, somewhere to purge their soul...we have had lessor thinking humans selling top secrets to China & Russia for years and they eventually got busted while in the act of spying.

Sceptic, Cynical person that I am...I just question your proof as more apt to be the 'fake documentation' then the publicity/documentation that NASA has provided.
All I can tag on to the last post


The truth is out there!

What ever happened to Glasnost & Perestroika ?



Lets Roll!
We didn't go to the moon. That is fact because as everyone knows, the moon is made of Blue Cheese and if the people at NASA did their homework they wouldn't have used fake moon rocks to "bring back" and would have used a slice of some very pungeant Blue Cheese instead. Duh!
In all seriousness....

1. Any college with a science department can call NASA, get the coordinates and shine a lazer beam at the correct spot on the moon and receive the beam reflected back from a mirror that the US astronauts placed there.

2. Also, there were radio transmissions from the astronauts on the moon that were sent that can, and were, intercepted by countries all over the earth. Many of those were not our friends and would have gladly exposed the scam if indeed it was one.
We didn't go to the moon. That is fact because as everyone knows, the moon is made of Blue Cheese and if the people at NASA did their homework they wouldn't have used fake moon rocks to "bring back" and would have used a slice of some very pungent Blue Cheese instead. Duh!

No, No, No...it's made of 'SWISS CHEESE' that's why there are those deep holes that you can see with a excellent set of high powered binoculars...JEEZE LOUISE...get your cheese's correct!!! LOL
I haven't looked here for a long time.

A. you affirm that the Lunar Landing was fake...OK you bought into that hypothetical premise, then why would it not be equally possible to fake the videos that claim that the landing is a fraud....{would the real video please stand up}
The videos I posted are tapes of the officially released ones.

B. Given the human factor for being a 'world class whistle blower' some lessor thinking human would have taken advantage of this 'scheme to fake the Lunar Landing' and made a 'live in infamy moment' for themselves!!!
The press is owned and if someone were to come forward, the press wouldn't report it. Here's some stuff about the US press.

http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Herman /Propaganda_System_One.html

This would have to have been the greatest scam ever propagandized upon the world and Russia would have & could have bribed someone, somewhere to purge their soul...we have had lessor thinking humans selling top secrets to China & Russia for years and they eventually got busted while in the act of spying.
You're basing your opinion on what we were told about the cold war. What was really happening might have been very different. Here's some stuff for you to watch and read.

Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one.

The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing. Theorist Ralph Rene responds that shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR. He views this as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence. (The Soviet Union in fact had its own Moon program).

Have you read Chomsky's analysis of the cold war?
On the domestic front, the Cold War helped the Soviet Union entrench its military-bureaucratic ruling class in power, and it gave the US a way to compel its population to subsidise high-tech industry. It isn't easy to sell all that to the domestic populations. The technique used was the old stand-by-fear of a great enemy.

Also, it would be downright dangerous for someone to come forward. Look what happened to these guys.

1. Any college with a science department can call NASA, get the coordinates and shine a lazer beam at the correct spot on the moon and receive the beam reflected back from a mirror that the US astronauts placed there.
If the Surveyor program was real, they had the technology to send unmanned craft to the moon back then.

An unmanned robotic craft with adjustable reflectors attached to its sides could have landed on the moon.

2. Also, there were radio transmissions from the astronauts on the moon that were sent that can, and were, intercepted by countries all over the earth. Many of those were not our friends and would have gladly exposed the scam if indeed it was one.
Again, if the Surveyor program was real, they had the technology to send an unmanned craft that had transmitters that could have returned a signal sent from earth.

Nothing that has plausible alternative explanations is conclusive proof and everything you've put forward has plausible alternative explanations.
Scott Said: I haven't looked here for a long time.

I stated: A. you affirm that the Lunar Landing was fake...OK you bought into that hypothetical premise, then why would it not be equally possible to fake the videos that claim that the landing is a fraud....{would the real video please stand up}

Scott said: The videos I posted are tapes of the officially released ones.

I stated: B. Given the human factor for being a 'world class whistle blower' some lessor thinking human would have taken advantage of this 'scheme to fake the Lunar Landing' and made a 'live in infamy moment' for themselves!!!

Scott Said: The press is owned and if someone were to come forward, the press wouldn't report it. Here's some stuff about the US press.
No, No, can't buy that premise...not at all. Not with all of the media, newspapers, yellow page rags, news reporters that are just vying for the opportunity to uncover some: subterfuge/secret government cover-up, something anything that would make them a 'star reporter' winning accolades and making money from this scoop!!! OMG...compare this idea to what has been finite/microscope about 'Area 51', the JFK assassination, DEEP THROAT - Nixon - Watergate scandal...and you think that if anyone from NASA was involved in this 'SCAM' that they wouldn't have come forward by now to make some large amount of money from their 'PROOF'...:confused: Human nature being what it is...that is all highly unlikely that they {all of the people involved in that cover up} would collectively keep their mouths shut! Nope, I can't just say that you've got a basis for your thoughts on this...there are still many lessor thinking humans that don't believe that the 'HOLOCOST' was real either ;)
The video evidence proves the hoax. There are plausible scenarios that would explain the fact that we didn't read that the Soviets weren't crying fake and that we don't read the words of whistle-blowers. The fact that we don't read about the Soviets or whistle-blowers doesn't make the video evidence go away.

There is circumstantial evidence of a hoax too such as the behavior of the astronauts.

There's the fact that Jay Windley is a liar.

This is who Jay Windley is.

Look at the way Jay Windley lamely avoided answering this direct question put to him.
(reply #3)

The above isn't proof of a hoax in and of itself but it's circumstantial evidence of a hoax.

The only solid thing we have is the video evidence as circumstantial evidence can be found to support both sides. I've never seen the video and photo evidence debunked. There have been a few mistakes made by hoax believers and they have been pointed out but evidence such as the flag waving when nobody touches it pretty much closes the whole case.
The Mythbusters series has been shown to be a fraud. This video explains it.
(2:00 time mark)

The flag comes to a stop exactly the way it would in air as the Mythbusters experiment shows. Mythbusters didn't show the whole flag footage because it showed they were wrong. They were being willfully deceptive.

We know the flag didn't come to a stop because the astronaut moved the pole as the support rod is attached to the pole and is shows the motion of the pole. The pole and support rod are not moving in a way that would make the flag stop moving. The tip of the flag stops moving in the same manner that it would in air. This is one more piece of irrefutable proof that the moon missions were faked in a studio.

This is the Mythbusters video in question.