We Never Went to the Moon

So we never went to the moon?
And Elvis is still alive and shares a penthouse suite in Las Vegas with Jerry Garcia.
And UFO's are real.
And professional wrestling is a true sport.
And Hillary did not know Bill was a womanizer until Monica.
And if you step on a crack you will break your mother's back.
And your daily horoscope must be true cuz it's in the newspaper..
We have a very beautiful organ called a brain. It's just that some of us refuse to use it rationally.

One of the lunar landing missions left a mirror aimed at the earth. If you aim a laser at this mirror it will reflect the laser back to you.
If you can measure the amount of time this takes, you will find that the Moon is moving away from Earth about 2.5 inches/year.
The geeks on Big Bang Theory devoted part of an episode to doing just this.
If we didn't land on the Moon, where did the mirror come from?

Teacher, teacher, please call on me. I know the answer. It was put there by aliens from Saturn!
This thread is one of the funniest I've read. I feel like none of the arguments are solid proof of anything. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to argue against it. I need a proof positive argument before I believe this.
You just finished commenting on one ridiculous conspiracy theory thread and then another one pops up straight after.

Some of the comments on both threads have been funny but thinking about it, reading them back and I actually think that people believe what they're writing so I guess it's not as funny anymore. Maybe more unbelievable than funny...

One of the lunar landing missions left a mirror aimed at the earth. If you aim a laser at this mirror it will reflect the laser back to you.
If you can measure the amount of time this takes, you will find that the Moon is moving away from Earth about 2.5 inches/year.
The geeks on Big Bang Theory devoted part of an episode to doing just this.
If we didn't land on the Moon, where did the mirror come from?

Teacher, teacher, please call on me. I know the answer. It was put there by aliens from Saturn!

I haven't looked here in a long time. I would have answered right away.

If the Surveyor program was real*, they had the technology to soft-land an unmanned probe on the moon back then.

What Happened on the Moon
(3:26:20 time mark)

Mirrors on the moon are not proof that there were people on the moon.

This thread probably doesn't even deserve any attention. If you want to believe that there was no moon landing go ahead. Don't let me interfere with your right to be a complete and utter ***** devoid of any semblance of intelligence.
I got banned from the Clavius forum years ago. I snuck back in yesterday and did some posting. They knew it was me right away but I was able to do some serious posting before I got banned again and they didn't delete the stuff I posted.
(reply #18)

Read that last one until post #26. Jay Windley* destroyed his credibility again. Another pro-Apollo poster agreed with him in post #37. They also maintained that the Chinese spacewalk was real and tried to obfuscate those clear anomalies (see the fourth link). Those people are a joke.

We are not a launch point to drive clucks to your site. Management.
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I got banned from the Clavius forum years ago. I snuck back in yesterday and did some posting. They knew it was me right away but I was able to do some serious posting before I got banned again and they didn't delete the stuff I posted.
(reply #18)

Read that last one until post #26. Jay Windley* destroyed his credibility again. Another pro-Apollo poster agreed with him in post #37. They also maintained that the Chinese spacewalk was real and tried to obfuscate those clear anomalies (see the fourth link). Those people are a joke.

We are not a launch point to drive clucks to your site. Management.
What are you gibbering about?
What are you gibbering about?
The links I posted got deleted. Go to the Clavius forum to see them in the "Hoax Theory" section. I posted under the username "Scott".
Well Stanley Kubric's daughter just blew the meme that he shot all that stuff to smithereens.
Of course people will believe what they want.
There's some stuff that's so clear that once people have seen it, you'll never convince them that they went to the moon.

This has never been shown to be wrong.

Apollo 15 flag waving

Jarrah White proved that the astroanut didn't brush the flag.

Initial Apollo 15 Flag Movement

This video also shows that it had already started moving before he got close enough to touch it.

The flag that moved

This video shows that the flag movement is consistent with atmosphere.

(00:50 and 1:50 time marks)

So does this one.

Physics of the Moon Flag
(18:50 time mark)

Here's some more stuff.

Moonfaker: LRO, Flag or no Flag?


This one anomaly closes the whole case by itself. They didn't go to the moon.
From everything that I have heard about the moon landing, from places other than here. Nothing that I have seen has made me believe that was real at all. Even the video of the moon landing looks fake. I mean I know for the time period that it is going to be HD but it looks like a poorly made horror movie, with all the bad graphics.
From everything that I have heard about the moon landing, from places other than here. Nothing that I have seen has made me believe that was real at all. Even the video of the moon landing looks fake. I mean I know for the time period that it is going to be HD but it looks like a poorly made horror movie, with all the bad graphics.
Two things to consider: there was no broad band communication to transmit high quality imagry, the image quality here on earth wasn't that great even when you were hard wired.
I love this argument, and more than that, I love believing it for that second or two before I start to think about the whole idea. I am not a conspiracy guy, but some of the points tha are made is pretty interesting, and the one that comes to mind is the flag waving on the moon where is no wind. Interesting, but then you get all sorts of things to discredit that, so I am back to square one, which is blind belief.
some of the points tha are made is pretty interesting, and the one that comes to mind is the flag waving on the moon where is no wind. Interesting, but then you get all sorts of things to discredit that
All the theories that supposedly discredit that have been shown to be wrong.

The movement is totally consistent with the atmosphere explanation. Try it with a piece of light cloth hanging from the ceiling. Trot by it at about a forty five degree angle. You can exactly duplicate the flag movement.